How much Turmeric should you take for Health Benefits?

How much Turmeric should you take for Health Benefits

Your everyday habits can bring in the most positive changes in your life. Starting from a healthy wake-up routine, exercise, and not to forget – food habits, everything plays a crucial role. Food habits are among the most important when it comes to maintaining good health. Turmeric is one of the kings of remedial spices. … Read more

Can a Diabetics Eat Dalia (Bulgur)? 4 Delicious Recipes


There are plenty of foods that diabetics should and should not eat in their daily diabetic lifestyle. Knowing which diets and foods suit your health and which don’t is very important. Among the several food items which are recommendable for diabetics, are you wondering: Is Dalia one among them? Can a diabetic patient eat Dalia? … Read more

Is Besan Good for Diabetics? 15 Diabetes-Friendly Besan Recipes

Is Besan Good for Diabetics

Besan, also known as – gram flour, is made from grounded chickpeas. It is a popular Kitchen ingredient and very often included in dishes. But is this flour healthy for people with diabetes? Chickpeas are very low in Glycemic Index (GI); it is just 6. The flour made from these that is – Besan is … Read more

15 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for PCOS

Ayurveda home remedies PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or PCOS is a common disorder found in women of reproductive age characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle. Here are 15 powerful herbal remedies based on Ayurveda, which can be used in form of either diet or as a part of drinks. 1. Cinnamon Various easy remedies are available using Cinnamon. … Read more