Chat with Doctors – Free Service from Beat Diabetes Team

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As most people with Diabetes are having a tough time visiting hospitals, we, the Doctors at Beat Diabetes, understand that you require our expert help at this hour.
Even though the consultation with a specialist Doctor ranges from $5 to $150 in different countries, we are giving it completely free of cost, for a lifetime.

Ask us anything regarding Diabetes- your sugar levels, foods to eat, about adjusting medications, how to get better control, and so on.

We will answer your queries within a few hours. Kindly do not spam it with any personal chats or non-medical conversations.


Why are we doing this for Free?

We are two medical doctors- husband and wife, specialized in Diabetes and Public Health. We took a resolution four years back, to share our expertise free of cost, to everyone who cannot afford medical consultations.

We started serving in a developing country where the majority of people cannot afford quality medical treatment. Soon we realized that we could extend our help to the whole world by going online and creating a diabetes app.


As we were using our personal savings for this initiative, we could not afford a developer. We learned to code and developed this app by ourselves and launched it in 2016, April 07 (World Health Day).

So far, we were able to help over 100,000 patients with Diabetes from 140 countries, in the last 4 years! 😊

Our small efforts have received global recognition as this app was chosen as one among the  ‘Diabetes app of the Year‘ by Healthline, during the last two years in a row.

Best apps 2019


You can download our free app, by clicking the play store button below




You can become a part of this initiative too!

We struggle a lot to meet the monthly running costs of these services, as we are not supported by any grants or external funding.

Still, we strongly believe in this motto of free medical care and have decided not to charge anyone for this new online consultation service- ‘Chat with Doctors.’

If you appreciate our efforts and believe in our motto, you can help us by supporting this initiative with a monthly pledge, depending on your financial capacity.

  • In return for your generous help, we will respond to your queries in Whatsapp/Telegram, with the highest priority.
  • You will also get exclusive access to all the ebooks we release every week on Diabetes, curated from the best sources.

Let’s make the world a better place by helping our fellow humans who need medical support for managing their Diabetes.


If you support our initiative, it will be a great act of kindness from your side, and it can save the life of another person, who is having Diabetes.
Support Beat Diabetes

Let’s Beat Diabetes Together! Thank you