About Beat Diabetes

Last Updated on August 1, 2020 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Beat Diabetes is an android app created by a team of doctors, under Dr Sharon Baisil MD to help everyone with Diabetes. It was chosen as ‘App of the Year’ on two consecutive years by Healthline and has over 1,00,000 downloads.

While struggling to find a reliable aid for your diabetes management process, have you ever wondered that the smartphone in your hand can help you a long way. Yes, your smartphones too have got the potential to gear you up. Thanks to the advancing technology. Getting abreast of the information has become greatly comfortable.

Best Diabetes Diet

Would you like to continue your journey with the help of some really good mobile apps, particularly built for diabetes? It’s time to unleash the power residing in your Android phones and utilize digital services at their best.

About the Team behind Beat Diabetes

A team of doctors, who are specialized in endocrinology and public health, have created this website and the accompanying android app.

The team is led by Dr Sharon Baisil MD who has been featured by MIT as a doctor who treats non-communicable diseases through innovative means.

The author of the articles, Dr Sharon Baisil MD has published multiple research articles in international journals and is creating the contents on this site by incorporating evidence-based medicine from top journals

The concept of Beat diabetes was originated after the World Health Day 2016, following the call of WHO to adopt Diabetes control measures worldwide

Why you should have a diabetes app

We have entered the era where digital services have highly influenced us in walks of life. The food we order, the clothes we buy, and the tickets we book for traveling, the songs we listen to, software applications play an apparent role in almost everything we do today.

So why not we try to make an effort to uplift our health through the skilfully handcrafted application. An astounding app, that comes with an ability to promise a prosperous healthy lifestyle for people with diabetes.

Many of you might be already using health apps. Try to figure out if this one makes a difference. Many of you might be thinking at this moment, does keeping an app for diabetes really makes any difference?. We don’t deny the fact that people can find all the information on the internet through numerous blog posts.

But, at the same time, you also cannot deny that mobile apps are more handy and user-friendly than websites. Then what’s the purpose? Howsoever, there is a purpose, a rigid purpose. On the internet, blog posts have overwhelming numbers. The information is too much scattered and spilled.

Whereas, the Android app we are talking about, converges everything together into a single platform, making it much easier and handy. This further saves you precious time and effort. As everyone nowadays is so busy with their hectic schedules. Anyone hardly stops to smell the roses, right?

Why choose Beat Diabetes app

person holding space gray iPhone X

Beat Diabetes, an app created by the team of dedicated doctors, experts, and specialists of the field. Their vision is to create awareness among diabetic folks about proper preventive measures for excellent diabetic care.

Now again, you will be stuck with a thought that there are countless health apps on play store, then why should you opt for the Beat Diabetes app. We have a compelling answer to this obvious question of yours. We have a phenomenal range of services to offer you.

It’s a natural behavior of every human being. Before going for anything, we look for its pros and cons. Not to sound exaggerating, but Beat Diabetes doesn’t have any cons yet. Although, all the feedbacks and suggestions are blissfully accepted by us.

From long-form articles to short simple tips and tricks, the app is enfolded with everything you need to build up an excellent diabetic management plan. A plan, or in more general, a roadmap that will successfully revive your health for sure.

With more than 1,000,000 downloads, Beat Diabetes emerges as the best app designed specifically for diabetic folks. This trustworthy app already earned testimonials from a vast majority of people grabbing a rating of 4.8 as on Google play store. Rest you will come to know yourself after you install one on your device.

What else to know about this top-rated app

From describing the insights of the disease to strategies for easy diabetic care, the app imbibes all what individual suffering from diabetes exactly needs. Sometimes, people don’t even know what all they need to know. This might be sounding tricky now.

To comprehend in an easy way, we mean that, sometimes a diabetic person may not know what actually benefits him/her and whatnot. Without spending much of your efforts, the app publishes freshly updated articles to get you abreast of the latest information.

The Android application covers all-round aspects – food, treatment, tests, tips, experts advise, exercise and much more. You will automatically come to know about anything and everything related to diabetes – whether good or bad, everything is explained in the best way. Here are the features which will make you realize the significance of this wonderful app in your day to day life.

Clean user interface

We all love the app which is easy to use. The simplified user interface is designed keeping in mind the comforts of our audience. You will have a fabulous experience every time you log in. On the left corner in the upper right, there exists a long menu to surf across wide options. There are multiple separate panels, each for articles, health tips, common tests, and treatments.

List of best and worst foods for diabetes

Having the right food is the most crucial part of diabetes management. Beat diabetes created by Dr Sharon Baisil MD, makes this task easier for you. One of the best things is our phones always accompany us, no matter where we go. At the party, or during family gatherings and obviously, in our offices.

When suddenly you decide to hang out, with friends or peers, you need to be concerned with the kind of food you wish to eat. Match the list every time you suspect any food with its nutritional value. Avoid it if you find it in the list of worst diabetic foods.

After years of studies and analysis, the team has finally framed the best diabetic diet that drives you towards pink of health. Fruits, vegetables, beverages, everything is involved to serve you with most consummate solutions.

Tips to beat diabetes

Another excellent feature embedded in the app is a collection of powerful tips and tricks. These tips are not for granted but compiled by highly trained professionals having expertise in controlling blood sugar levels through a results-driven strategic approach.

All the methods mentioned are scientifically proven and thoroughly researched by the experts. Once you download the app, you must go through those tips. It’s pretty easy to incorporate them into your lifestyle.

Important facts about diabetes

This panel includes some important things you need to know as a diabetic. There you will find a plethora of comprehensively written articles. A great way to gain information about various diabetes topics. You will be able to govern the disease better after knowing it thoroughly. These amazingly helpful facts are endowed in the app for the same reason.

Exercises for diabetes


Moving further through their menu, you will come across strategies to improve your health. Exercising is indeed the best way to rejuvenate your body naturally. And what if you can exercise while performing household chores, that’s even better, right?

Especially for women, the compilation of healthy physical activities that can be done along with daily household work is an additional advantage. All the activities and quite easy exercises mentioned have fetched excellent results for a large number of diabetic people so far.

Tests for diabetes

The regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is the key to conquer diabetes. Don’t you think getting knowledge about the most common tests for diabetes that give accurate results would be of utmost benefit?

Of course, you are visiting your physician from time to time, but there also some home-based tests. In case you are not familiar with all of them, Beat diabetes is again a remarkable way to know about all such tests and diagnoses.

In addition to this, the latest techniques for treatment are also provided in the form of written pieces. All the major advancements happening in the field of diabetes management procedure will be introduced to you.

Apart from this, the beat diabetes app also gives you a basic idea for scheduling a timely visit to your doctor. Like, how often should you visit the doctor? What should you talk about with your doctor? How to make the conversation more productive? and so on. So much fascinating, isn’t it?

Ayurvedic treatment

Indian culture has an Ayurvedic cure for every disease. The same is the case for diabetes too. Are you introduced to Ayurvedic treatment strategies for diabetes? If not, then you have a very rigid reason to go for this app. Everyone loves natural remedies as they have no side effects. Ayurvedic treatment is a boon to thousands of diabetic patients.

Complications during diabetes

Only diabetic people truly know their struggle stories. You might have faced some agonies during some stage of your life. Diabetes is a life long disease and requires continuous medication. Medicines reduce complications but do not completely eradicate it.

To ensure perfectly fine health, you need more than just tonnes of capsules. Adoption of other right habits is a necessity to avoid all sorts of inconveniences. Prolonged diabetes makes you much prone to nervous disorders. Eyes, heart, liver, and brain, all vital organs are exposed to risks. You can read about all such complications and their preventive measures in detail inside the app.

Daily health tips

You get a daily notification about healthy bytes of the day. Small things are done daily, lead to a big result over time. These push up notifications inform you about the healthy tips. Keep on inculcating them to witness a bigger change one day.

Diabetes can be the cause and consequence of other dreadful diseases. These diseases can be uncontrolled cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression. You need to draw your attention over the control of these diseases too. How will you gather important facts and figures about such threatening health disorders? You know the answer now. Choose wisely.

Concluding words

Beat Diabetes can be a complete health package to help you beat the disease. The app functions exactly what its name signifies. You will be actually able to tackle down the disease and experience stunning results. An opportunity to reinvent your life is here. Diabetic people can too lead a happy and successful life in every sense.

This app is a small but robust effort to make the life of people easy even when they are diagnosed with diabetes. A wonderful healthy life is awaiting you, go ahead!

You can download the Beat Diabetes app free from this Play Store link

Dr Sharon Baisil MD

2 thoughts on “About Beat Diabetes”

  1. Hello, I have an iphone, can I download this app there too?


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