Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Last Updated on July 11, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Studies have revealed that following an Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes is the best treatment for bringing excellent blood sugar control. A perfect meal plan including more lean protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates, and a good amount of HDL can promote proper blood sugar management and alleviate diabetes-related complications.

Here is the  list of the top 20 Indian foods which are recommended in the diabetes diet plan, based on the Glycemic Index:

 1.     Barley

Barley : Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Barley and other whole-grain foods have become popular over the last few decades due to the various health benefits. Barley improves the physical condition of a diabetic individual by lessening the appetite and giving a filling feel for a long time. Barley also contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which have been found to control blood pressure naturally. Bread made up of barley kernels in the everyday meal plan can reduce the risk of diabetes complications and heart disease risks as it lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, increases and insulin sensitivity. Additionally, barley can be taken in soups or as a side dish.

2.     Okra

Okara -Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Okra or ladies finger or Bhindi is a very familiar Indian vegetable. Okra contains vitamins especially a relatively high amount of vitamins C and K, low calories, and carbs. Very few vegetables contain such a good amount of protein. It has antidiabetic activity with the mechanism of action by increasing insulin secretion, increasing insulin sensitivity, and inhibiting carbohydrate absorption in the intestine. Okra can be taken as boiled or in curries. Regular intake can be beneficial for type 2 diabetic individuals.

Veggie causing Diabetes

3. Fish

Fish should be carefully included in the meal plan of diabetic individuals. Diabetes experts recommend eating fish for reducing the risk of cardiovascular health. Fish intake at least once a week is highly recommended by diabetes scientists. Salmon, Tuna, Pangash, Ruhi, Tilapia, Cod, etc are highly suggested. The fatty acids in fish improve insulin resistance condition and inflammation in the body – a major contributor to coronary disease. Consuming fats on a regular basis is essential for diabetics, who have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Fish are not only high in protein, but it also contains several nutrients. It makes you feel full for a long time.

4. Apples

Apple Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Apple has a high fiber content. It gives filling up feelings for a long time and blunts blood-sugar swings. It fights against bad cholesterol also. It has a low GI. The best way to serve apples is unpeeled. But if you cannot take it in this way, you can also have peeled apples or make yogurt fruit dessert or serve over oatmeal or have a baked one. And a popular proverb goes that intake of an apple can keep you away from seeing the doctor.

5. Beans

Studies have shown that beans are safer and potent hypoglycemic and can exert antihyperglycemic activities without creating sudden blood glucose levels fall. Bean cuisine is amazing to have twice a week. The soluble fiber in beans is highly beneficial. Kidney beans, mungs beans, etc all have been proved to have positive effects in diabetes control. Beans can be taken as the main protein food because of their very high protein content.

6. Berries

Baries Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Berries are a source of various bioactive compounds that contribute to several health benefits. Berries fight glucose tolerances. Berries fiber and antioxidants.  Almost all the variety contains polyphenols, that embody anthocyanin bioactive compounds. Scientists believe these may facilitate lower blood glucose by boosting insulin production.


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7. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in fiber. It also contains many vitamins especially vitamin C, vitamin K, It surprisingly contains a good amount of protein and fiber. It also contains iron and potassium in high amounts. It also contains Chromium, which plays a vital role in long-term blood glucose management. Broccoli is very nutritious and it helps to control diabetes.

8. Carrots

Carrot Best Indian Diet Plan for Diabetes control

Carrots are awesome in diabetes. Carrots rank low on the glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar after a meal. It has a GI of 16-60 depending on the way it is taken in the meal. Eating low-glycemic foods is connected to many health advantages and considered predominantly helpful for people with diabetes. Carrots contain a  good amount of beta-carotene, which lowers the risk of diabetes and better blood-sugar control. Besides that, Polyacetylenes from carrots can potentially reduce blood sugar levels. It is helpful for both type 1 and type 2 diabetic individuals.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is awesome in diabetes.  Studies show that apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity and lowers fasting blood sugar levels.  It helps to feel full. It can be served with warm water. A tablespoonful ACV in a glass of warm water in the morning is sufficient for weight loss and sugar control. It also helps in sugar control if taken with carbohydrates themselves.

10. Eggs


Eggs are one of the most nutritious, inexpensive protein foods. They can give a feeling of fullness for a long time. Eggs increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. It thus helps in diabetes management by reducing cardiovascular risks. Eggs can be taken in anyways, but it is more advantageous to take the egg in the morning for the whole day’s energy. Taking an egg in the breakfast helps in lower food intake throughout the entire day, as research suggested.

11. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious spice commonly used in Indian food. It has strong antioxidant properties. Research has shown that this cinnamon can help to decrease blood sugar. Not only that, its abundance of chromium enhances the effects of insulin. Hemoglobin A1c  indicates average blood glucose measurements over the last 60-90 days. It’s more effective for Type2 diabetes patients as it decreases the amount of Hemoglobin A1c by more than half in only 90 days.

12. Milk and yogurt


Milk is an ideal food. In diabetes, people are prone to other vital organ diseases but the intake of the meal can support by providing necessary nutrients. Milk and yogurt are common food for Indian daily meal plans. They both contain a high amount of protein and calcium. Studies show milk may assist individuals to lose weight. Several studies have shown that people who have plenty of calcium-rich foods have an easier time losing weight and are less likely to become insulin resistant. Meals containing milk may battle insulin resistance. Yogurt can be taken raw or as a dessert with the addition of diabetes-friendly fruits, various types of nuts, and seed powders. Greek yogurt has also shown in different researches to control blood glucose levels and reduce heart disease risk. These contain probiotics that are organisms beneficial to health. These are good for diabetes control, but relatively more beneficial for Type 2 diabetic patients.

13. Nuts

When to think about nuts, they always seem to be tasty, crunchy, delicious. But it is a matter of joy to get all these traits with great nutritional value. They are very rich in fiber and have a very low glycemic index in general. Almonds, peanuts, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pistachios, walnuts, etc are different kinds of nuts that have various health benefits. These all are studied and found to be useful in lowering blood sugar and bad cholesterol Intake of nuts gives a full feeling for a long time. Nuts are useful in obesity treatment which is, in particular, helpful for type 21 diabetic patients. Nuts can be taken as snacks or in curries or as dessert toppings. A combination of nuts is recommended for better nutrition value.

14. Seeds


Different types of seeds such as flaxseeds, fenugreek seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc are filled with high-quality fats, protein, and fiber. These help in the lowering of blood pressure and stave off heart disease. They help to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. They are also a source of magnesium, a mineral that helps in blood-sugar control. Magnesium act in the same way as insulin. Seeds can be taken with an additional spread on daily foods, as smashed dishes. Flaxseed powder can be taken in the morning with hot water.

15. Turmeric

Turmeric is an ancient Indian spice that is used for the cure of wounds and illnesses. It is very beneficial to health. Its active ingredient, curcumin, can lower blood sugar levels and heart disease risk It appears to benefit kidney health in diabetics. Its fiber also helps to control blood sugar. It can be taken in curries or with hot milk.

16. Extra-virgin olive oil

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Extra-virgin olive oil is highly recommended for diabetes due to the various health advantages that they offer to the body on regular intake. This stuff is seriously tremendously nutritious.  It contains oleic acid as the main fatty acid. This can help to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood thus decrease health risks. It can also exert a feeling of fullness for a long time which is just an add-on over the other benefits. It slows down the metabolism of carbohydrates if taken together. Extra virgin olive oil can be used as a regular food oil.

17. Peanut Butter

Consuming peanuts and/or peanut butter on a daily basis cuts your risk of diabetes by a quarter. One study found that eating peanut butter can also give the filling of fullness. It is actually a very tasty treat for diabetic individuals. The whole grain bread and peanut butter combination can be a great meal choice. It contains monosaturated fats which can control blood glucose levels. Peanut butter can be taken with vegetable dishes, sweet-free desserts, and the dishes you prefer.

18. Whole-Grain Bread

Eating white bread is almost like the consumption of table sugar when it is considered for raising blood sugar. Whole grain bread usually offers to have the whole grain that means it contains more fiber. Fibre reduces cholesterol in the blood. Fibre enriched whole-grain bread keeps bowels regular and facilitates get a feeling of fullness. Again it helps to control the situation of uncontrolled insulin resistance. It also increases insulin sensitivity. Whole grain bread has a lower glycemic index than white one. People who take whole grain bread as the main course three times daily are more likely to have controlled blood sugar levels than people taking white bread

19. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes have a remarkable role in diabetes management. It can improve the irregularity of blood glucose and lipid metabolism by reducing insulin resistance. It contains chlorogenic acid, which can reduce insulin resistance. The constituents of sweet potato assist to control blood sugar and improves body’s response to insulin.

20. Dark Chocolate


For chocolate lovers, it’s a matter of great joy that dark chocolate helps to control blood sugar levels. Cocoa in chocolate helps to prevent type 2 diabetes and improve insulin resistance. Dark chocolates are said to release happy hormones and are good for cardiovascular health. They are rich in flavonoids and nutrients which play a vital role in reducing insulin resistance, improving insulin sensitivity, dropping insulin levels and fasting blood glucose, and blunting cravings.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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