Revolutionary Millimeter Wave Acupuncture Point Treatment shows 90% Improvement in Diabetic Neuropathy Symptoms

Domer Laser Neuropathy

In a recent study conducted by Domer Laser, millimeter wave acupuncture point treatment has shown significant improvement in the clinical symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. The study aimed to observe the changes in clinical symptoms and blood glucose levels in 30 patients before and after treatment with millimeter wave acupuncture points, comparing them with 30 cases … Read more

7 Best Low-Calorie Salad Dressings For Diabetes

Salad Dressings For Diabetes

When it comes to salads, the dressing is often considered an afterthought. However, for those with diabetes, finding a healthy and low-calorie salad dressing can be a challenge. Thankfully, this article will provide insight into seven of the best dressings that are both diabetic-friendly and flavorful! As someone who has always been passionate about nutrition … Read more