Is Cheddar Cheese Good for Diabetics? (10 Health Benefits)

Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD


Compared to many other foods, cheese is rich in fat and calories, and it may not seem like a good option for diabetics. Diabetics, on the other hand, have no increase in blood sugar, blood pressure, or weight when they eat a wide range of cheese.

Do you love cheese? If so, you might be wondering if cheddar cheese is good for diabetics. The answer is yes, cheddar cheese is a good source of calcium and other nutrients that are good for people with diabetes. In addition to being a good source of calcium, cheddar cheese is also high in saturated fat, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. See the 10 greatest cheddar cheese health benefits for diabetics below.

Individuals should consume healthful cheeses and accompany them with low-calorie, high-fiber foods to promote diabetes management.

What is the nutritional profile of cheddar cheese?

Cheddar is a white, yellow, or orange cheese with a firm natural cow’s milk flavor. The flavor of a young cheddar is mild, but it gets stronger as it ages.

Veggie causing Diabetes

The creamy, velvety feel becomes hard and densely packed with tiny crystals known as calcium lactate during the aging process. Aging mild cheddar varies from two to four months, sharp cheddar from six to nine months, and extra sharp cheddar from one-and-a-half to two years.

The texture of cheddar is firm and nutty. The flavor of a young cheddar will be light, and it will get tangier and richer with age.

In comparison to wax or plastic-wrapped clothbound cheddars, they have a drier, crumblier feel.

Cheddar cheese contains all three vitamins: A, K, and Iron. Also, one cubic of cheddar cheese contains 4 grams of protein, 69 calories, 6 grams of fat, and less than 1 gram of carbs.


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Calcium may be found in cheddar cheese and other dairy products. Calcium has important functions in addition to promoting bone growth, including blood clotting and numerous other functions.

How to eat cheddar cheese in diabetes?

Natural cheeses with a lower fat content, less sodium, and as much protein as feasible are the finest choices to make. It is preferable to avoid processed cheeses, which are often loaded with sodium and fat. feta and Edam are two other types of high-sodium cheese, whereas mozzarella and Emmental are the opposite.

Cheese is a wonderful meal to consume alongside higher GI meals to compensate for their minimal effect on your glucose. Whole grain bread, fresh veggies, and mozzarella cheese are some of the greatest snack options, such as an apple with cheese or a mini pizza.

Since it’s simple to overeat cheese, limiting the quantity you consume in one sitting is preferable. 1.5 ounces of genuine cheese or 2 ounces of processed cheese is a common serving size.

However, according to the Diabetes UK organization, cheddar cheese is high in fat content as we can also notice the fat content of about 6 grams in 69 calories of one cubic cheddar cheese. A 30g/1oz portion is about the size of a matchbox and is recommended for optimal absorption.

cheeses with a high-fat content of between 20–40g per 100g include Cheddar, Leicester, Gloucester, Lancashire, Brie, and Blue cheese.

However, you can opt for ‘lighter cheddar’ which is low in fat content as compared to blue cheese. The ‘reduced-fat’ cheeses may vary significantly in terms of fat content, so it’s a good idea to shop around. Cheeses with less than 10 grams of fat per hundred grams might be a good option. cottage cheese, Quark, and low-fat cream cheeses are all excellent choices for additional healthier options.

10 Health Benefits of Cheddar Cheese

Dairy products, such as cheddar cheese, have important nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. Osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are all diseases that can be prevented by getting enough of these nutrients.

1 – Good source of essential vitamins

Small amounts of important vitamins are found in cheddar cheese. Riboflavin, vitamin B-12, and lesser quantities of thiamine, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamins D and E are present in one ounce of food; the average daily intake is 6%.

2 – High in protein content

Cheddar cheese contains 7 grams of protein per 1-ounce slice, which is 14% of the daily requirement. This is equal to a single serving. Since cheddar cheese provides all of the amino acids your body requires, it is a complete protein. Protein is highly satiating, which helps you consume less throughout the day.

3 – Good source of minerals

Calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium are all present in each 1-ounce portion of cheddar cheese; calcium accounts for 20% of the DV, phosphorus for 14%, zinc for 6%, and potassium accounts for less than 1%.

4 – Lowers cholesterol

Eating cheddar cheese in moderation may help you reduce your cholesterol, despite its saturated fat content. For middle-aged individuals, in particular, this is the case. People who ate full-fat cheese rather than reduced-fat cheese or butter had greater success lowering their cholesterol levels in one study.

5 – Good for bone strength

Calcium is one of the most essential nutrients for sustaining bone health, and cheddar cheese is a rich source. Osteoporosis is less likely in those who consume a lot of calcium. In cheddar cheese, vitamin K plays an important role in bone health.

6 – Great for muscle building

Cheddar is an excellent source of protein, which performs a wide range of functions in the body. Cheddar contains 7 grams per ounce. Enzymes are proteins that structure cells and maintain fluid equilibrium, among other things, so they are required for the creation of enzymes.

7 – Aids in weight management

According to research, removing fat from dairy products may increase the risk of weight gain, making full-fat the preferred option for weight management.

8 – Low in lactose content

The quantity of lactose in cheese varies greatly. Lactose intolerant individuals may usually consume cheddar without experiencing uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, nausea, or gas because it is one of the harder, aged cheeses that are quite low in lactose.

9 – Syncs with low-carb and keto diets

If you’re following the keto diet and modifying your macros, congratulations! Cheddar is compatible with this high-fat eating plan because of its large quantity of fat. Cheddar works well in any low-carb diet because it has no carbohydrates.

10 – Gluten-free

Cheddar is gluten-free because it is a dairy product. It’s another good source of gluten-free meals providing protein, minerals, and vitamins for people who have gluten sensitivity (Celiac disease).

Final Words

There’s no doubt that cheddar cheese is a delicious addition to any meal, but is it safe for diabetics? That’s a question that remains unanswered, but one that we would love to hear your thoughts on. Whether you’re a believer or not, we would love to know what you think about this delicious cheese and whether it’s safe for diabetics.


 Is Cheddar cheese good for type 2 diabetes?

There is limited research that has been conducted on the effects of Cheddar cheese on type 2 diabetes, but preliminary findings suggest that it may have benefits. One study showed that those who consumed Cheddar cheese regularly had a lower blood sugar level and improved insulin sensitivity. Additionally, other studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes who eat high-fat dairy products like Cheddar cheese tend to have reduced rates of heart disease and stroke.
While there are still some unknowns at this point, it seems likely that including moderate amounts of Cheddar cheese in your diet can help to improve your overall health status when it comes to diabetes. Nevertheless, before any final judgments may be made, further investigation is required.

What is the best type of cheddar cheese to eat for diabetics?

Well, the best type of cheddar cheese for diabetics depends on their requirements. However, some types that are commonly recommended include mozzarella and goat cheese.
Mozzarella is rich in casein (a milk protein), which helps insulin function properly by storing glucose in the muscle instead of in the liver or blood. This results in lower levels of blood sugar after a meal, which can improve glycemic control for people with diabetes. Additionally, it contains lactic acid bacteria, which digest lactose and produce friendly gut flora that supports healthy digestion overall.
Goat Cheese also has many health benefits for people with diabetes including low cholesterol levels and fatty acids that help regulate blood sugar levels. Calcium and vitamin B12 are both present in high amounts.

Is there a difference between regular and aged cheddar cheese?

While there is no fundamental difference between regular and aged cheddar cheese, aged cheddar may have superior flavor. This type of cheese takes on a characteristic nutty taste and is usually harder than Regular Cheddar. As the milk solids in the cheese age, they form a hard rind that can add depth of flavor to your food.
Some chefs even use aged cheddar as an ingredient itself, such as in soups or Caesar salads. If you’re looking for something interesting to put on your pizza instead of mozzarella or pepperoni, then aged cheddar might be a good option for you!


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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