Can Diabetics Eat Popcorn? [7 Health Benefits & Risks]

Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Popcorn is one of those guilty pleasures that many people enjoy. For those who are diabetic, however, popcorn can be a tricky snack to navigate. Is it safe to snack on popcorn? popcorn eating has both positive and negative health implications. We’ll answer these types of questions below In addition, we’ll give you a list of the healthiest popcorn manufacturers so that you get the most out of your snack.

What is popcorn? [Including nutritional profile]

The same terms apply to the dish produced by the expansion of popped corn. When heated, popcorn maize kernels expand and puff up. The hard, starchy shell of the seed holds the nutritious endosperm, which is 14–20% moisture and becomes steam when cooked, securely in a popcorn kernel’s sturdy hull.

The kernel violently expands 20 to 50 times its original size before cooling when the hull fails due to pressure from the steam build. Dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, flour corn, and sweet corn are the six types of maize popcorn available.

Popcorn’s GL is significantly lower at 6, whereas its GI is 55. As a consequence, it will have no impact on blood glucose when eaten in moderation. Plain (no butter, oil, or caramel) air-popped popcorn contains 24 grams per cup.

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • Sugars: 0.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 18.6g
  • Fiber: 3.6g
  • Calories: 93
  • Sodium: 1.9mg
  • Fat: 1.1mg

Popcorn contains an abundance of iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, and vitamins A and B1. Furthermore, high levels of beta-carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and lutein are present, protecting the eyes. Polyphenols, which help to prevent heart disease and cancer, are abundant in this food.

Should diabetics consume popcorn?

If popcorn is eaten in moderation and without butter, oil, or caramel, it may be beneficial for diabetes. The glycemic index is kept low, which helps to keep blood sugar stable. In the manufacturing of popcorn, unrefined corn is utilized. As a result, it has enough fiber levels from plants. Lowering sugar absorption into the bloodstream and breaking down carbohydrates, helps to regulate type 2 diabetes.

Popcorn might help you keep your weight in check and manage your appetite. Antioxidants are plentiful in this fruit, which may assist in the management of diabetes. It has also been classified as one of the greatest snack items for diabetics because of its low-calorie density. Just 31 calories (8 grams) in an entire cup of air-popped popcorn.

7 health benefits of popcorn in diabetes

Unprocessed corn is used in plain popcorn. It is also rich in plant fiber. It helps to manage type 2 diabetes as a result of lowering the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and the breakdown of carbohydrates.


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1 – Reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes

Whole grains have been shown to have a wide range of health benefits for people. The risk of type 2 diabetes is lower among persons who consume whole grains, particularly in those aged 45 to 64. The ability to digest whole grains is one of the most significant advantages.

Popcorn also has a low glycemic index (GI), indicating that it may assist you to keep track of your blood glucose and avoiding the fluctuations that foods with a high GI cause.

2 – The minimized risk of heart disease

Popcorn has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and heart attacks by eating high amounts of fiber, which is common in popcorn. Popcorn is a healthy diet’s most important fiber source and an excellent choice.

3 – Reduced risk of hypertension

Popcorn may help you lower your blood pressure or prevent it from becoming high by replacing salt and butter with it.

4 – Controls obesity

Weight loss and weight management are both difficult for many people. Popcorn can be a nutritious snack that aids in weight loss. Its high fiber content, as well as its low-calorie count, help to minimize this crucial health advantage. People who consume this type of cuisine could feel fuller than when they eat a less healthy, fattier dessert.

5 – Highly nutritious

Popcorn is a good source of fiber and antioxidants, which may help prevent serious health problems. Riboflavin, thiamin, folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Pantothenic acid are among the additional nutrients found in popcorn.

6 – Rich in fiber

Popcorn is a 100% unprocessed grain, hence it is classified as a whole-grain food. Popcorn contains roughly 3.5 grams of fiber per serving, which may help you consume the daily recommended amount of whole grains in a 3-cup portion.

Since it slows down the absorption of sugar and helps keep your blood glucose levels steady, fiber is an important component of the diabetes diet. Popcorn contains carbohydrates, which slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, but it lowers blood sugar.

Popcorn’s fiber and protein levels also help to satisfy you.

7 – High in polyphenols

Popcorn is rich in polyphenols, in addition to its whole grains. By protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals, polyphenols may promote blood circulation, and digestive health, and lower the risk of many cancers.

Are there any risks of consuming popcorn in diabetes?

Popcorn is a snack that many diabetics enjoy. It’s often marketed as a healthy snack because it contains fewer calories and fat than many other foods. Yet, certain companies contain a high amount of sugar, making them dangerous for diabetics.

Popcorn is a common snack for many, especially in front of the television. It can be harmful if undertaken incorrectly. Therefore, if you have diabetes, make your popcorn or choose a brand that sells healthy popcorn. Know that not all popcorn is made the same, so you may eat it as a diabetic.

Blood sugar levels determine how much popcorn a diabetic may eat. A person with an unknown level will need to check their blood sugar after the first few kernels have been consumed to determine how much they may eat. While snacking on a healthy snack, be sure to watch your portions since natural popcorn is healthy and safe for diabetics.

How to prepare diabetic-friendly popcorn?

The glycemic index of all popcorn types is 50 to 55, as shown above. Because of this, popcorn is a fantastic diabetic snack. Popcorn has a low glycemic load of 6, indicating that when it’s chopped with sugar while being cooked, it doesn’t increase blood glucose.

Individuals on a tight regimen, especially those with diabetes, should avoid large quantities of toppings. For getting the greatest quantity of nutrients with the least quantity of extra calories and fat, plain, air-popped popcorn is the best strategy.

Popcorn that hasn’t been buttered or salted is preferable. To enhance flavor, you can consider adding one of the following ingredients:

  • a little bit of low-fat grated cheese
  • sprinkled nutritious yeast
  • spices, such as garlic powder, chili powder, or cinnamon
  • a drizzle of olive oil

Final Words

In this blog, we tried to answer a question that is on many people’s minds – can diabetics eat popcorn? The short answer is that there is not a definitive answer, as the jury is still out on the effects that popcorn has on those with diabetes. Some people believe that it could potentially cause low blood sugar levels, while others claim that it can be a healthy snack option if consumed in moderation. So, while there isn’t a clear-cut answer, we hope this blog helped explore the potential side effects and benefits of popcorn consumption for diabetics. It’s customary to leave your comments and thoughts in the space below, so do!



Is popcorn OK for type 2 diabetes?

There is some debate surrounding whether or not popcorn is OK for people with type 2 diabetes, but the majority of experts believe that it’s safe to eat. Popcorn eaters had lower blood glucose levels than others, according to one study. Additionally, a 2014 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming Popcorn as part of a healthy diet reduced the risk of metabolic syndrome by 27%.
While there isn’t much research specifically on popcorn and type 2 diabetes, the evidence suggests that eating it could be beneficial for your overall health. So if you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels or metabolic syndrome, giving up popcorn may not be such a bad idea after all!

What is “gluten-free” and how does it affect diabetics?

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, spelled, and rye. When people with diabetes consume gluten, it can cause problems because the body struggles to properly absorb nutrients or convert food into energy. As a result of this defect, blood sugar levels rise very quickly after eating gluten-containing foods.
Many products are labeled “gluten-free,” but this term isn’t regulated by the FDA like other types of food labeling (such as “organic”). So make sure to read labels carefully before consuming anything that you think may be affected by gluten. And if you have diabetes and suspect that your diet might contain traces of gluten, speak to your doctor about checking for this complication first.

How to eat popcorn if I have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, it is important to be aware of the different types of popcorn that are available and judge which one is best for you. Some options include air-popped popcorn, microwaveable popcorn, or stovetop-popping corn.
It’s crucial to take into consideration your dietary needs when choosing between types of popcorn. Stove-top popping kernels, for example, include more unsaturated fats than other types and include less sodium and calories. In comparison to microwave popcorn cooked on the stovetop, microwaveable popcorns have less sugar and fat.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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