Are Pinto Beans Good for Diabetics? [9 Health Benefits]

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Beans lead their way to the table in every nook around the world. Almost every global culture has at least one type of bean that they eat with abandon.

Pinto beans consist of an orange-pink texture with rust-colored specks. Pinto means “painted” in Spanish. They’re enriched with protein and fiber too. Their smooth texture and earthy flavor make them great for dips and stews, or of course, refried beans. Most beans are starches, but their protein content can make them popular. Beans provide a substantial amount of soluble dietary fiber, which the body does not break down directly into glucose, so the liver must rely on muscle for its use instead.

Beans are a low-glycemic food because of their lower digestibility rate than many other carbohydrate sources (such as bread or rice), which lowers the rise in blood sugar after eating them into what has been termed the “blood glucose plateau.”

We’ll reveal to you the nine health benefits of pinto beans in this guide for diabetic patients, along with other important info. Let’s have a look below without any further ado!

Veggie causing Diabetes

9 Health Benefits of Pinto Beans for Diabetes

Pinto beans are high in fiber and low glycemic. Thus, they can lower blood sugar levels, good for diabetics who have trouble regulating their glucose levels.

Pinto beans contain high amounts of protein in both red and white varieties; however, because they’re so low on the glycemic scale, you can eat several without raising your blood sugar levels! They’re also relatively easy to digest, thanks in part to their structure as a starchy carbohydrate. They are largely indigestible by either humans or the digestive enzymes of most animals (some even taste bad) but easily cause fermentation, except humans contain fiber that protects against digestion breaking down.

1 – Highly Nutritious

The nutrition of a particular food depends on its processing, purchasing, and preparation. Therefore, it is useful to know which foods are high in fiber if you wish to add them as well. Here we give information about pinto beans’ nutrition, both fresh (fresh green or dry) and canned, dried, and raw yellow. Beans are packed with nutrition and help maintain blood sugar levels. One can of pinto beans contains 418 calories, 98 grams of fiber, and 18.3 milligrams of sodium; about 3.5 grams of protein per ounce for dry and raw yellow varieties (most canned uses no salt). Not bad at all! They are, therefore, a highly nutritious bean variety that makes more sense to eat when trying to avoid high sugar content in your diet.

2 – Acts as an Insulin Carrier

They are high in protein and fiber. Eating beans can help you stay active, be happy, and be healthy because the ready-to food insulin transporting protein source that is a bean provides all of these properties to those who eat them. Beans can also be used as an insulin carrier. Therefore they will lessen blood sugar effects, but they don’t do anything else to your body as most other foods would. However, it stops off insulin resistance like oatmeal does if eaten with a meal where it should not stimulate insulin release at the same time.


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Pinto beans are high in fiber and protein, making them a healthy alternative to other starches. Most people will require insulin to manage their diabetes because they don’t absorb the glucose present in food correctly. Beans can effectively lower blood sugar levels if you have diabetes or prediabetes, as the body absorbs sugars more slowly than those without them.

3 – Low Carbs

Uncooked beans are also low carb but loaded with vitamins and fiber that slow down the release of sugar into your bloodstream; as long as you don’t overeat them or eat junk food by yourself, they are not bad for diabetics. There are three kinds of beans; red, pinto, and kidney. Red Beans taste great with rice, or they can be served as a side dish by themselves topped with grill lunch food enjoying smoked meats like chicken kabobs to make it even tastier!

4 – Regulates Blood Pressure

In recent trials, pinto beans have been shown to reduce high blood pressure by as much as 38% in four weeks. The potassium and fiber content of the legume may keep you from feeling hungry, which can help you stick with weight loss over time because eating low-fat foods make it that much harder for people to get full, so most will continue snacking on unhealthy snacks leading them into a total food addiction wreaking havoc over their hormones causing moderate to severe weight gain.

Dietary fiber is found in beans, other vegetables, and whole grains. It helps lower blood pressure by making you feel full longer after eating. Beans contain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, essential for heart health.

5 – Low Glycemic Index

Beans are a good source of fiber, protein, and other nutrients that help manage blood sugar levels in diabetics. The glycemic index measures how quickly the food releases its sugars into the bloodstream after being digested by our bodies so it can regulate blood glucose levels. But this is only one factor that determines glycemic index level but is not always relevant. There are different types of beans with various benefits for people with diabetes or who want lower glycemic index foods for weight loss, mainly the pinto beans.

6 – Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

A diet rich in beans can make blood sugar levels more stable and help keep the body healthy. Beans also contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are good for health, making them a good option to consume on your diabetic diet. A recent study suggests that people with type 2 diabetes who ate pulses (beans) or legumes such as beans, lentils, and navy beans in place of other protein-rich foods had lower blood glucose levels after meals.

7 – High in Fiber

Beans contain insoluble fiber, which reduces the risk of heart disease and many other diseases.

Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water but are responsible for slowing down digestion, spending more time in our digestive tracts increasing the time taken to digest food by 3–6 times; this is great because it prevents highs after eating as lowering cholesterol levels. These beans will make you feel fuller longer which means less snacking leads to reduced weight gain, while these foods are good for insulin sensitivity.

Unlike soluble fibers that dissolve in water, insoluble fiber has a tough outer layer. It breaks down sugar molecules, making these foods difficult to digest, thus greatly slowing down the absorption of calories. Soluble fibrous is found in wheat bran, rye, and oats; hence it is not suitable for vegetarians who want to remain gluten-free but still benefit from beans due to their low glycemic index level.

8 – Rich in Antioxidants

Beans contain powerful antioxidants to prevent cancer and protect organs and tissues from damage caused by high cholesterol levels. Beans, lentils, and kidney beans are rich in phytochemicals that help us fight heart disease, obesity, and some cancers such as colorectal ad breast cancer. Beans contain phytonutrients that can boost our natural defenses and minimize the risk of cancers by boosting vitamin C intake, B vitamins (folate), and high levels of plant protein. They may also help prevent skin or liver cancer because their antioxidant properties have effectively reduced oxidative damage.

They also inhibit enzymes that might be associated with Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s and dementia, diabetes, type 2 cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

9 – Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Beans contain a naturally occurring substance called lectin, which prevents the absorption of carbohydrates by binding to actively transport insulin receptors to limit their effects on your body. Fenugreek seeds beans are rich in fenidrine. Thus, they help the pancreas produce beta cells that secrete insulin, improving blood sugar control thus reducing the risk of type two diabetes conditions both diabetic prone and diabetic conservative.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pinto Beans and Diabetes

Do pinto beans raise blood sugar?

Answer: No, pinto beans do not raise blood sugar, and they are a low-glycemic food, which means they don’t cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Pinto beans may even help to regulate blood sugar levels.
They are a good source of fiber, protein, and nutrients, which are important for maintaining good health. Pinto beans can be eaten on their own as a side dish or added to soups and stews.

How much pinto beans can a diabetic eat?

Answer: Pinto beans are a great source of fiber and protein for people with diabetes. They’re also low in carbs and calories, making them a perfect choice for people trying to lose weight or manage their blood sugar levels.
A person with diabetes can safely eat 1/2 cup of cooked pinto beans per day. If you’re trying to lose weight, you may want to eat even less than that. Be sure to pair your pinto beans with plenty of healthy vegetables and whole grains to make a balanced meal.

What do pinto beans do for your body?

Answer: Pinto beans are a great source of protein, fiber, and nutrients like magnesium and potassium. They’re also low in calories and can help you feel fuller longer.
Pinto beans are a good choice if you’re looking for a filling, nutritious snack, or meal. They’re especially beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight because they’re low in calories but high in protein and fiber. Additionally, pinto beans regulate blood sugar levels, making them a good choice for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

What’s another name for pinto beans?

Answer: Frijol pinto, painted bean, or simply pinto beans are a type of legume that is native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. They are small and oval, with a mottled beige and brown color. Pinto beans have a mild flavor and firm texture, making them a popular choice for dishes like refried beans, chili, and tacos.

Do pinto beans have to be soaked before cooking?

Answer: No, you don’t have to soak pinto beans before cooking. But if you do soak them, they’ll cook a little faster.

Are pinto beans healthier than black beans?

Answer: Black beans are healthier than pinto beans because they contain more antioxidants and fiber.
Pinto beans are a great source of protein, but black beans have the edge of fiber and antioxidants. Black beans contain soluble fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and decrease bad cholesterol levels. They also contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant that gives black beans their dark color. These antioxidants can protect cells from damage, which can lead to aging.

Final Words

Thus, beans are a great source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They contain antioxidants that can prevent cancer and protect organs from damage. They also help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type two diabetes.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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