Taste Good Karela Biscuit – Best Snack for Diabetes

Last Updated on January 9, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

It is the evening time of the day. You take a break to rejuvenate yourself after the hectic schedule and tasks you did the whole day.

All you crave is a warm cup of evening tea. Either you go for less sugar, or artificial sweeteners, or perhaps no sweeteners at all.

Then your taste buds demand some crispy snacks with the tea. Ahh! But your doctor has strictly warned you to stay away from snacks.

That moment you suppress your cravings cold-heartedly and think if there are any healthy snacks for diabetics that can be eaten guilt-free?

To your great delight, there are! There are healthy snacks for people with diabetes to fill out that “crispiness” void in your life.

Taste Good Karela biscuits come as a boon for diabetic folks. It is specifically manufactured for people like you, the ones who keep hustling to manage their blood sugar levels at optimum, now and then.

Quick Product Review

Here is a quick review for Taste Good Karela biscuits

Packaging – 5

Taste – 4.6

Health benefits – 4.9

Value for money – 4.8

Our Overall Rating – 4.7/5

Taste Good Karela Biscuits – What Makes Them Special?

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A good taste with healthiest components is the rarest combination one can ever find with regards to diabetes. The Taste Good Karela biscuits have produced this combination, which seems ‘too good to be true,’ but is true.

These biscuits are made by harnessing the properties of karela or bitter gourd. Bitter gourd juice is already the top natural remedy for curing diabetes. Taste Good took this remedial approach to solve a big problem of diabetics – finding a healthy snack that favors diabetes.

There are many reasons why common snacks are not good for diabetics. The prominent reasons are-

  • Most of the snacks are loaded with added sugars that will surely hurt your health.
  • Packaged snacks always contain trans- fat, something dangerous for diabetics.
  • Commonly available snacks are made with highly processed and refined substances that take blood sugar levels to a risky zone.

Taste Good Karela biscuits ensure that no unfavorable or harmful substances go into the process of making biscuits. Only substances that are provenly beneficial for diabetes are projected inside the cookies.

Okay, the idea of karela in biscuits sounds innovative, but what about taste?

They have named it “taste good,” and they mean it. Not only is their idea innovative, but they have an innovation-powered manufacturing technique too.

Each biscuit contains 20 grams of bitter gourd (karela), which had undergone an advanced dehydration process, thereby preserving its nutritional value.

These biscuits are prepared in such a way that their bitterness gets killed, but the healthy properties survive.

In short, snacking 4 Taste Good Biscuits in a day (which is recommended) will provide the same nutritional benefits as eating 80 grams of raw karela.

Karela is scientifically proven as having anti-diabetic properties. and is considered as nature’s cure for diabetes

Unlike other snacks, the biscuits are free from trans fats and added sugars. Everything that can harm people with diabetes is eliminated.

What’s more, from children to adults, everyone can have these wonderful snacks. Even if you are a vegetarian, there is nothing to worry about. These snacks are 100% vegetarian formulation.

You can purchase these healthy biscuits from Amazon, by clicking here

Composition of Taste Good Karela Biscuit

All the ingredients that go inside every single biscuit are a powerhouse of health. The composition is greatly fascinating.


The following are the ingredients that are projected into the dough of these biscuits-

  1. Bitter Gourd (karela)
  2. Almonds
  3. Oats
  4. Whole wheat

All of these foods greatly favor diabetic health. Hence, with every bite, you provide nutrition to your body.

Apart from the key ingredients listed above, two supplementary ingredients are also added-

  • Refined flour (maida)
  • INS 955 (artificial sweetener)

Got overwhelmed seeing these items? Don’t be.

The refined flour is added in such an amount that it dares not to mess with your blood glucose levels. Never! It is not an unknown thing to you that refined flour is the essential ingredient required for making the dough.

Since these biscuits are prepared to keep the struggles of diabetics in mind, the quantity of refined flour is kept to the minimum extent possible. It is almost null as compared to regular snacks and biscuits.

Furthermore, INS 955 is FDA approved sweetening agent. It is the most widely used sugar substitute in a variety of baked food items.

INS 955 is a sucralose derivative. Now, sucralose is a safe alternative to table sugar because our body has no enzyme that can break down sucralose. It is excreted as such by our body.

Until any substance is not broken down into a simple form, no sugar or calories can be released. In this way, sucralose becomes a calorie-free sweetener.

The use of INS 955 serves a dual purpose here. One, it acts as a binding agent. Otherwise, it is table sugar, which is used for binding purposes in cookies and biscuits generally.

Second, the biscuits are made sweet. Who would like to have tasteless snacks after all?

Health Benefits of Taste Good Karela Biscuits

1. Bitter Gourd (Karela)

Ayurveda gives first preference to bitter gourd for curing diabetes. Are you drinking karela juice every morning? If not, then you should.

Your doctor already might have told you about the remarkable benefits of this juice. Ever wondered what makes karela so favorable for diabetes?

Bitter gourd has several compounds that work to regulate blood sugar levels at best. There is a polypeptide compound that functions similarly to insulin. Hence, brings down raised sugar levels.


Another compound called lectins helps by sending signals to tissues to absorb the excess of glucose in the blood. This reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood.

The other two substances, namely charanti and vicine, are known to improve overall glycemic control.

Want to know more? You get several nutrients – calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and phosphorous from that bitter vegetable you hate.

Irrespective of the unpleasant taste, you cannot ignore the incredible health benefits, especially in diabetes.

2. Almonds

Like other nuts, almonds are also good for diabetes. They are capable of preventing spikes in blood glucose levels after meals. Also, people who consume almonds have greater insulin sensitivity.

For the same reasons, they are called diabetes-friendly nuts.

Apart from preventing post-prandial sugar spikes, they provide much-needed proteins and fibers to the body. The two most important minerals, calcium, and magnesium, are also supplied to the body by almonds’ consumption.

3. Oats

Oats are full of fibers. And fibers are highly needed by every diabetic patient on the planet.

Oats fall under foods having a low glycemic index. Therefore, they free you from the fear of blood sugar spikes.

Moreover, the fibers in them suppress your cravings for eating other unhealthy snacks. The bonus advantages are low cholesterol and lowered risk for heart-related diseases.

4. Whole wheat

Whole wheat is the healthiest form of wheat. Being a whole grain, it is one of the best things to eat in times of diabetes.

You might be surprised to know that the regular wheat you use to make chapatis daily is not suitable for diabetes. The whole wheat, on the other side, plays a significant role in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Summarizing the benefits:

  • The goodness of karela with good taste
  • Free from table sugars and other harmful sugary substances
  • High in fibers
  • Free from cholesterol
  • No side effects

Nutritional Profile of Taste Good Karela Biscuits

Each biscuit weighs 10 grams. Let us have a look at the nutritional profile of each biscuit.

NutrientsQuantity (per biscuit/10 gram)
Added sugars0
Carbohydrates 5.4 grams
Proteins1 gram
Fibers0.5 grams
Fats2 grams
Trans fats0
Total energy41.5 kilocalories


A 100-gram box comes with 5 packets inside it. Each of those packets contains two biscuits. Hence, a total of 10 biscuits in every 100-gram box, with each biscuit weighing 10 grams.

The packaging is done nicely, maintaining freshness and hygiene.

How Many Biscuits Can a Diabetic Eat Every Day?

Considering the calorific value of the biscuit, an ideal serving would be 4 biscuits each day. This means taking 2 biscuits with morning tea and 2 with the evening tea would be a good count.

Remember, in the case of diabetes, one-size-fits-all never works. You should acknowledge that each biscuit provides 41.5 Kcal. Accordingly, decide the portion size for yourself.

For this, you must know your daily calorie intake value. Reach out to the doctor to know how many calories are okay for you to consume on a daily basis.

Can Pregnant Women Have These Biscuits?

These biscuits contain healthy nutrients, that are safe in pregnancy.

Why do we recommend these Biscuits for You?

Taste Good Karela Biscuits are a perfect choice for you if-

  • You are looking for healthy snacks that you can have while battling diabetes.
  • You don’t want to end up facing any side effects while choosing any snacks.
  • You are finding it difficult to suppress your cravings.
  • You are missing the toss of crunch and crispness in your life.
  • You are looking for a reliable as well as an affordable snacking option for diabetes.
  • You need snacks that appeal to your taste buds without making you fat.

That’s it. If your needs or desires align with any of or all of the above-mentioned points, then these biscuits are the best match for you. There is no scope for doubt now.


The healthy snacking option for diabetes is here. Your crispy desires can now be fulfilled without compromising health in any way.

Bring these health-packed snacks home today.

Click here now to buy it online from Amazon

You have already suffered much. Now, it’s time to enjoy your unique snack time with the snacks made, especially for you.

Happy Snacking!

Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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