Which are the Fastest Healing Ointments? (Top 5)

Last Updated on August 2, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Well, if you are a diabetic patient, you might have experienced frequent wounds. The worst part is they heal very slowly and lead to further deepening or spreading of the infection.

Thus, it is required to use necessary creams, antibacterial and antibiotic gels, and ointments that promote wound healing. Alongside this, you must also be cautious about preventing casualties that can make the wounds or cuts more severe.

Here we have a list of the 5 topmost fastest healing ointments that you can use:

5 fastest healing ointments

1. Traumeel wound healing ointment

This is one of the top-rated and most commonly used ointments for thin, soft tissue wounds. It is one of the best for treating regular cuts, wounds, swellings, joint injuries, soars, etc.

Veggie causing Diabetes

It is scientifically manufactured to treat swellings, inflammation, pain, etc. It also aids in quicker healing than many other regular ointments. It reduces pain, accelerates the wound healing time, and also reduces itching, infection, etc.

You can use it on various wounds and apply a generous amount for the best results.

2. Penetrex wound healing cream

This cream is among the best-appreciated ones for its quality to heal chronic inflammation and pains.

Along with curing wounds, cuts, and other injuries, it is also known to have special effects on treating osteoarthritis. The Penetrex cream has been used by many for a long time with all the good things to say about it.


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It not only lessens chronic inflammatory pain but also works to quicken the healing process. This cream is recommended for getting relief from stubborn pains.

It can be a good ointment for slow-healing foot wounds and cuts.

3. Betadine

You might have used or heard of this wonderful healing ointment somewhere. This is amongst the commonest creams available and used for minor cuts, wounds, injuries, etc.

Betadine is good for treating wounds as it helps in drying the soft upper tissue and prevents the prolonging of open wounds. It is also an anti-inflammatory wound healing ointment.

It can also treat mild skin infections. Betadine is an antibiotic ointment that prevents the collection or further infection by bacteria; this helps prevent slow healing.

It is also among the most accessible and affordable options.

4. Iodosorb gel

This gel is specially curated to treat open wounds. Diabetics are more prone to open wounds. It is one of the fastest healing ointments.

This gel has antibacterial iodine that is very effective in healing cuts and open wounds.

The iodine is included in this ointment so that it kills the bacteria without affecting the skin.

5. Medihoney gel

This ointment has been used over time to promote quick wound healing as well as prevent infection. This ointment also reacts with the bacteria to mitigate it’s further affecting on the wound.

This creates a very effective environment to quicken healing. It can treat a variety of bacterial wounds.

6 Tips for faster wound healing in Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition caused by the improper and insufficient supply and functioning of the insulin hormone. This hormone is responsible for proper digestion and metabolic functions.

Insulin is the body promotes proper digestion of the sugars in the body. This hormone encourages the conversion of sugars obtained from food into energy.

But due to the improper functioning of this hormone, the metabolic transformation of sugar into energy is not very efficient. This, in turn, leads to the accumulation of sugar in the body resulting in high glucose levels.

Diabetes is not just limited to affecting the blood sugar levels or the metabolic processes but also involves other complications.

Wound healing in diabetic patients is a very troublesome affair. Diabetic patients tend to be more vulnerable to wound developments and sensitive to its effects. Wounds, injuries, cuts, sores, blisters, etc., can impact diabetics more seriously than other non-diabetic individuals.

Diabetic patients can develop wounds anywhere on the body like all others, but they have a majority chance to have deeper or more severe wound occurrences on legs and feet. This is a risky area and needs to be under constant care and protection.

Foot ulcers are among the most common wounds that diabetics suffer from. If they are not treated and prevented from the very beginning, they can spread into infectious wounds and, in some cases, create the need for limb amputations.

It is essential to take care and pay special attention to these possibilities as they can cause dangerous health problems if left untreated.

Wound healing in diabetic patients is usually a very slow process as compared to that of other individuals. There are several ways of treating wounds quickly, and we will be discussing them in further sections.

Apart from the ointments, you can also follow these tips to ensure fast and enhanced wound healing:

  1. You can keep your feet covered with diabetic socks and shoes at all times to avoid injuries.
  1. Apply creams to ensure hydration preventing dry and vulnerable skin.
  1. Engage in cleaning your feet and hands to prevent bacterial buildup.
  1. Resort to light massages to improve circulation in the body.
  1. Keep your toe and fingernails trimmed and out of the dirt.
  1. Ensure healthy vitamins and minerals to improve immunity.

4 Reasons why wound healing is slow in diabetes

As we mentioned before, diabetes influences several functions and the working of the body. Its effects are not just limited to the digestive system.

Hence, several dysfunctions can lead to other problems as well. The same applies to the processes of wound healing when it comes to diabetic patients.

There is more than just a single reason why wounds heal slower with the onset of diabetes. The reasons behind it are:

1. Poor blood circulation

Diabetic individuals often face troubles of poor circulation. Insufficient metabolic processes and high blood sugar levels can cause a condition that is called – peripheral vascular disease.

This is a condition in which the blood vessels get narrowed, restricting proper blood flow. Eventually, it can negatively influence the blood flow to the limbs.

This affects many functions, including the healing of wounds, because it results in a reduced ability of the red blood cells to act upon the injury.

On top of that, the thickening of blood in diabetes is another reason that affects proper circulation.

2. Diabetic neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition faced by diabetic individuals. This is caused due to high blood glucose levels, which results in reduced sensation in the parts.

This creates a disability of identifying wounds due to numbness. This can lead to wounds going unnoticed.

3. Low overall immunity

Due to the various ongoing lack and dangerous effects on the body due to high blood sugar levels, the body can face low immunity.

Diabetic individuals are often low in many vitamins and minerals, such as zinc. These deficiencies can result in the lowering of the body’s immunity. Due to low immunity, the healing strength may also go down.

This leads to the prolonging of the wounds, making way for infections.

4. Vulnerable to inflammation

Due to low immunity power, high blood sugar levels, and other complications, one is more prone to internal and chronic issues. Inflammation and microbial infections are also more prominent issues in diabetics.

These reasons also lead to several wound formations. On top of that, due to insufficient nutrients, the free radicals in the body can cause excessive internal stress leading to wounds and other casualties.


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Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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