Last Updated on December 16, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD
Salt is a part of our everyday lives, and if you are a health enthusiast, then you might have heard about the rising popularity of Himalaya pink salt over regular white salt since the previous decade. The truth is that this healthy salt variety has been in use for centuries.
Himalayan pink salt is a naturally pink-colored salt obtained from the salt foothill mines of the Himalayas in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It is said to be among the purest forms of salt found.
Many health-related benefits come in from the usage of Himalayan Pink salt. However, its inclusion must be done with care and prior knowledge as it can also have certain side effects.
Is Himalayan Pink salt healthy?
Himalayan pink salt is good for the body and several bodily ailments as well. It is also a natural source of good nutrients. It has been used in traditional forms of medicine as a remedy for the curing and treatment of several diseases and health conditions.
As per many research studies, Himalayan pink salt is said to be better than regular salt varieties. It is healthier as compared to our everyday white salts.
Himalayan pink salt is often used in immunity mixtures and Ayurvedic medicines to enhance the performance of other medicinal ingredients.
Himalayan pink salt might seem similar to any regular table salt and can be used in the same way.
It has around 98% sodium chloride in it, approximately the same amount as found in regular white table salt.
Himalayan salt is also a natural source for the body to gain iodine. Some Himalayan Pink salt versions may even contain slightly lesser amounts of iodine than other regular salt varieties.
But what makes the difference to make it better are the many nutritive minerals found in Himalayan pink salt. The abundance of the minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium gives it a light pink tint. They also add a slightly different flavor and taste to this salt.
These minerals add to its overall nutritional profile and make it better than regular white salt varieties that lack this extra goodness.
The many health impacts of Himalayan pink salt make it one that is used other than just for cooking as well. Himalayan pink salts are also used as bath salts that the body can absorb and benefit from.
There are as many as 84 types of trace minerals found in Himalayan Pink salt. The 2% of nutrients, apart from the other 98% of Sodium Chloride, consist of these several trace minerals.
The 2% amount of minerals found in Himalayan pink salt might seem insignificant but can be healthy and have several health advantages with consistent usage.
Other crucial factors that make Himalayan Pink salt better than white table salt are the making and manufacturing processes. Regular white table salt goes under a lot of refining and mixing procedures that make it less clumpy. These include adding several chemicals that can be risky on health.
On the other hand, Himalayan pink salt does not undergo so many processes of refining. It is kept more natural, which supports health and is less artificial.
But if you suffer from different health issues, you might be wondering about the safety of using Himalayan Pink salts. Let us have a look at whether diabetic patients can have Himalayan pink salt or not.
Is Himalayan pink salt good for diabetes?
With its mineral richness and many other health benefits, Himalayan pink salt is very good and a recommended salt type for diabetic patients. It is a better and healthier choice when compared to regular sea salt due to its mineral richness.
Himalayan pink salt has a lot of beneficial minerals that add to overall health. A good supply of minerals in the body assured proper hormonal flow. This, in turn, leads to a proper secretion of the insulin hormone.
Insulin is one of the most important hormones for regulating diabetes. This assists in a proper breakdown of carbs into sugars in the body. Improper release and response to insulin is a major cause of diabetes.
Hence, the intake of Himalayan pink salt can help with improving insulin sensitivity in the body.
In addition to this, Himalayan pink salt also aids better digestion and breakdown of nutrients. This is an important function that is needed to ensure maintained blood sugar levels and reduce the chances of any spiking glucose levels.
However, Himalayan salt also adds sodium to the body, responsible for raising blood pressure levels. Thus, it must be taken in controlled amounts as well.
If you are a diabetic patient, you must not exceed your daily sodium limit (around 1500 mg), then your blood pressure may be affected. This, in turn, can result in other harmful complications in the body.
Therefore, it is best to get some prior direction from your doctors about using Himalayan Pink salt per your diabetic blood sugar levels and body requirements. This can help to mitigate the side effects.
Let us find out what the side effects of this natural pink salt can be.
7 side effects of Himalayan pink salt
Until now, we talked about the many good impacts of having Himalayan pink salt. But just like everything else, every good thing must also be included in a balanced amount to ensure that you do not go through any bad effects.
Like all salt types, Himalayan pink slat must also be added to foods in moderation.
The certain harmful effects of Himalayan pink salt include:
- Like table salt, too much Himalayan pink salt can lead to hypertension and vulnerability to heart diseases. This can be overly harmful to high blood sugar patients, who already have cardiovascular issues.
- If had in excess amounts, salt can lead to a decrease in calcium retention in the body. Over time, more and more calcium can be leached out of the body via urination. This can be bad for bone health and can make bones weak. Thus, too much salt is also a factor behind osteoporosis.
- Too much salt can also lead to higher blood pressure. Himalayan pink salt can also be a source heightening this issue and the symptoms it causes, such as – dizziness, imbalance, and other severe physical discomforts.
- A result of higher salt intake and high blood pressure is also the emergence of chronic kidney disorders. This can damage the body’s functioning as kidneys play an important role by excreting toxins from the body.
- The electrolyte imbalance caused by higher amounts of sodium in the body can also be risky. It can lead to symptoms like cramps and dehydration in the body.
- Too much salt in the body is also responsible for causing edema or fluid retention. This is a condition where the body parts can swell up and lead to threatening conditions.
- People who are allergic to Himalayan salt, breastfeeding, and pregnant women must avoid including Himalayan salt in the diet. Studies on such health conditions do not clearly state their effects. The insufficient amount of iodine in Himalayan pink salt can be bad for pregnant women.
Health benefits of Himalayan Pink salt
Apart from the side effects that we discussed above, there are more health benefits of using Himalayan pink salt that outnumbers the bad impacts.
Nonetheless, it is crucial to engage in moderate usage of this salt to ensure all benefits and steer clear of the potential risks of consuming this salt.
Himalayan pink salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal and natural remedy in traditional treatment methods.
Here are some of the health benefits of using Himalayan pink salt:
- A small dose of Himalayan pink salt can enrich the body with good fluid and mineral balance that helps keep the body properly functional. This also aids in a better hormonal release as per requirement and reduces the risks of hormonal imbalances.
- Himalayan pink salt can be helpful for the digestive process from the very beginning. This salt can stimulate your salivary glands to release the amylase enzyme that digests carbohydrates. Further, it also assists in the release of hydrochloric acid that digests proteins in the stomach.
- Himalayan pink salt made into sole water is a great detoxifying agent. It is made by soaking this salt in water overnight to make a completely salt-saturated mix. A tablespoon of this water can be added every time to your glass of water to promote flushing out toxins from the body.
- Himalayan pink salt has a lot of minerals. However, their amount is very less but can be beneficial in many ways when paired with food over time.
- Himalayan pink salt has lesser sodium content per teaspoon of it. This ensures that you do not overdo sodium, which can otherwise lead to many heart risks.
- Himalayan salt is said to be good for curing stomach-related issues like acidity. It is also good for maintaining a proper appetite by encouraging better digestion.
- In Ayurveda, Himalayan pink salt is very prominently sued for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can aid in treating sore throats, burning in the respiratory system and also ease joint pains. It is often used as an inhaler to aid respiratory therapy.
- The anti-inflammatory and anti-toxin properties of this salt are also good for promoting better hair and skin. Himalayan salt as bath salt and exfoliators are also commonly used to treat skin-related issues.
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