Can Balsamic Vinegar Lower Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes?

Last Updated on July 25, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Did you know that balsamic vinegar can influence diabetic health? Well, if not, then we are here to inform you about all the various uses, effects, and health benefits of balsamic vinegar.

Balsamic vinegar is a highly concentrated acidic item that needs precaution for better handling. Suppose you are a diabetic patient, watching out for diabetes or helping a loved one against diabetes. In that case, you must know about the overall safety of balsamic vinegar on diabetic health.

Balsamic vinegar can be effective in lowering blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetes. However, balsamic vinegar is not any replacement for your otherwise diabetic diet items or medicines and is not advised to take it as a diabetes remedy. It is only a factor that can encourage the blood lowering qualities.

It is necessary to know that this type of vinegar is not to be consumed in excess amounts. There are certain restrictions along with time barriers to make sure that you gain the benefits of it.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Having balsamic vinegar before you take your meals is a good way to prevent the risks of high blood sugar spikes. It has anti-glycemic effects on the body and assists in keeping the blood sugar levels low after meals.

This leads to a less drastic rise in blood sugars and keeps your diabetic health out of danger. However, it must be had in moderation.

However, limits and restrictions must not be ignored. To be on the safer end, you can consult your doctors about the safety of balsamic vinegar in your health. They have a clearer understanding of your health issues and can suggest what suits you best.

Is balsamic vinegar low glycemic?

Is balsamic vinegar low glycemic

Glycemic index is a very convenient way to check the safety of particular food items for diabetic patients. It considers the number of carbohydrates in a food and how it impacts blood sugar levels.


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The glycemic index of any food is ranked on a scale from 0 to 100. The values are then divided into the low, medium, and high categories, depending on their sugar contents.

Given below is a table showing the glycemic index categories:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index(safe when taken in moderate quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

As per the above table, the glycemic index of balsamic vinegar falls under the low GI foods category. It has a Glycemic index of 50. This means that it is safe for diabetic patients and does not lead to heightened blood sugar levels.

It is also said to reduce the overall sugars that you eat due to its anti-glycemic properties.

Balsamic vinegar also has some minerals like – calcium, manganese, iron, potassium, etc. All of this mixed with the low glycemic index and fewer carbohydrates leads to better diabetes management.

Many vinegar varieties, such as apple cider vinegar, have a lower glycemic count than balsamic vinegar. There are many vinegar types that you can explore and choose from as well.

It would be most beneficial if you were sure to use it in the right amounts and the right ways for guaranteed benefits. But what are these right ways? Let us have a look.

Is it ok to eat balsamic vinegar every day?

Well, yes, you can have balsamic vinegar every day. However, it is not compulsory as a daily dose. You can even have it every alternate day.

Whenever you decide to include balsamic vinegar, make sure that you include it in very small quantities.

You can stick to having 1 or 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar daily. It is to be had with water and never directly.

Always mix your daily limited amount of balsamic vinegar in a glass of water and drink it. This is to ensure that the extreme acidic concentration of balsamic vinegar does not harm your body.

You can have balsamic vinegar before your meals. It can be taken 15 to 30 minutes before any meal. Do not have it before every meal. The dose must be once a day only.

Taking this vinegar on its own or having more than the suggested quantity may be dangerous. It can even lead to burns in the mouth.

Balsamic vinegar is had in very low quantities when compared to other vinegar varieties. More than the mentioned 1 – 2 tablespoons in water can be unhealthy and lead to other discomforts.

Balsamic vinegar health benefits in diabetes

Balsamic vinegar health benefits in diabetes

Until now, we had a look at whether balsamic vinegar is safe for the diabetic body or not. We found out that it is good for diabetic patients and has several qualities that diabetics can benefit from.

But what are these health benefits that can be gained from drinking the mentioned amounts of balsamic vinegar daily?

There are many advantages of having balsamic vinegar. All of this can help diabetics in a variety of ways. Here is a list of potential benefits of drinking balsamic vinegar in diabetes:

  1. Balsamic vinegar, when included in your diabetic meals, can help in managing your blood sugar levels. Studies confirm that having balsamic vinegar before eating a meal can control your blood glucose levels from spiking abnormally.
  1. Balsamic vinegar contains probiotics. This is very helpful in promoting good digestion in the body. Diabetic patients often suffer from digestive and metabolic disorders, leading to blood glucose complexities. Having balsamic vinegar can assist in keeping the gut properly functional and, in turn, support the entire digestive and immune system.
  1. Having balsamic vinegar is also known to be a good cure for lowering your cholesterol levels. This is especially good for patients with diabetes as they are more prone to cholesterol and developing heart diseases and risks. The many antioxidants found in balsamic vinegar can prevent the toxic cells in the body from heightening the cholesterol levels.
  1. Balsamic vinegar is said to be very effective in encouraging weight loss. It is said to give a feeling of satiety when had with water. This leads to keeping one feeling full for longer and eventually reducing the calories consumed throughout the day. Diabetics can essentially benefit from this as they are required to maintain normal body weight.
  1. Balsamic vinegar can be used as a replacement for fatty oily dressings. This also helps to improve blood pressure and, therefore, reduces hypertension and related issues.
  1. As we mentioned earlier, balsamic vinegar promotes effective metabolic functions. This helps keep the stomach healthy and keep away from disorders like inflammation, cramps, heartburns, acid reflux, etc.
  1. Balsamic vinegar contains polyphenols that are said to promote good blood circulation. Proper blood circulation is very necessary for diabetic patients as improper blood glucose levels also hamper blood vessels and the circulation of blood throughout the body.
  1. In addition to all this, acetic acid, antioxidants, and antimicrobial properties of balsamic vinegar also keep the skin looking young and healthy.

These are the many health benefits of balsamic vinegar. You should stick to the right amounts to ensure benefits and avoid any side effects.

What are the side effects of balsamic vinegar?

We talked about restricting oneself to fewer quantities of balsamic vinegar to avoid any harmful effects. But what are these harmful effects? Let us have a look.

  1. First of all, balsamic vinegar is a very acidic and concentrated kind of vinegar. When taken directly, it can cause inflammation in the mouth, throat, food pipe, and stomach. You can develop stomach aches and suffer discomfort.
  1. It should also not be touched to your skin directly as the acid may cause burns and hurt the skin.
  1. If you are allergic to balsamic vinegar, stay away from consuming it. This may be observed in people who are allergic to grapes as well.
  1. Too much balsamic vinegar can also lead to cell damage and internal inflammations.

It is therefore advisable to follow all restrictions and consult your doctors for better diabetic-safe tips.




Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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