Diabetes Diet Chart

Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Talking about the people diagnosed with any type of diabetes should focus on getting a proper diet.

They should take out more time to focus on their diet and exercise

They should have 4-5 small meals the whole day.

The body should be well hydrated.

Must consume 4-5 liters of water per day.

They should have a check on their sugar intake, count those carbs, and even the fats as well.

Cravings for sweet, for a diabetic patient, are much higher, so start decreasing the sugar content for the taste buds to adapt.

Yes, it can be achieved.

Start losing out that extra weight and be consistent with it.

Exercise should be the critical factor, along with a scheduled diet to control blood sugar levels.

It should be done 3-4 times per week.

Including cardio and resistance exercise.

Start counting those carbs in your diet.

According to a study, diabetic females should have 40-45 g of carb per meal.

And males should have near about 50 g of carb per meal.

Add good quality and lean protein in your diet to have that energy throughout the day.

List of veggies, dietary products to be added

macro shot of vegetable lot

  •  Whole egg
  •  Low-fat milk, like cow’s milk
  •  Fish like tuna must be included as it contains omega 3 for a healthy heart. Additionally,
      • It is the best source of DHA and EPA.
      • These both reduce inflammation.
      • It improves overall blood function.
      • Older people have reacted well towards it as it contains protein as well.
      • Feels full and longer after consuming fish
  • Nuts
      • Nuts mainly contain fiber and also low in carbs.
      • Studies have shown that it reduces blood sugar and also obesity as well.
  • Garlic
      • Studies have shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties.
      • It has been proved that it reduces blood glucose levels as well.
      • It is also very less in carbs.
  • Strawberries
      • They have increased anthocyanins.
      • It also contains an abundant amount of antioxidants, which reduces insulin after a meal.
      • It contains Vitamin C as well in it and thus can be included in the diet.
  • Pistachio
  • walnuts
  • Greek Yoghurt is an excellent option as a diary product for diabetic patients
      • It contains the right amount of probiotics and favors body fat to decrease
      • Greek yogurt is a better option than normal yogurt
      • It promotes weight loss and great for the stomach as well
  • Dry fruits contain good fats for our body.
  • Greeny veggies like Spinach, cauliflower, kale, broccoli.
  • Fruits such as papaya and apple should be included.
  • Cinnamon and Turmeric must be included in every diet, as they are anti-inflammatory and reduces the chances of bleeding
  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Whole wheat
  • Beans
  • Apple cider Vinegar
      • It increases insulin sensitivity, so the glucose level goes down.
      • A study showed that those who took apple cider vinegar before sleeping saw a reduction of 7% fasting blood sugar.

What should be prohibited?

  • Deep-fried items
  • Outside vendor fast foods
  • White bread
  • Flavored drinks
  • Sugared carbonated drinks
  • Honey
  • Jaggery
  • White rice
  • Any kind of food that contains High sodium content should be avoided as it increases blood pressure.
  • Any kind of cakes
  • Soda or any kind of carbonated drink

Early Morning Options

The water of fenugreek (seeds of fenugreek =1 teaspoon absorbed in a glass of water for the time being)

Overnight drenched almonds (3-4 pieces)

Breakfast Options

1 bit of earthy colored bread with two bubbled egg whites + 1 cup green tea.

Two small entire wheat parathas (without ghee or margarine) with 1 cup raita + 1 teaspoon pickle + ½ cup bubbled sprouts.

Natural ragi drops/wheat chips (½ cup) with one cup of low-fat milk and a touch of cinnamon powder. For improving purposes, include ½ teaspoon nectar.

Two vegetable moong chillas with green chutney and one entire bubbled egg

Pre-Lunch Options

caesar salad

One cup cucumber, tomato, and carrot serving of mixed greens. Include a scramble of lime, and embellishment with coriander leaves and a couple of mint leaves.

One occasional organic product (except banana, mango, sapota, custard apple, jackfruit)

Unstrained vegetable juice/severe gourd juice

Lunch Options

2 medium-sized entire wheat chapatis with ½ cup rajma/chole +½ cup slim dal + 1 cup okra curry/some other vegetable curry + ½ cup curd/raita

2 medium-sized entire wheat chapatis with 3 oz heated fish + any vegetable curry + 1 cup raita

Night Snacks

Green tea without sugar or fake sugars. You can have one little cup of bhel puri or heated bites.

Dinner Options

2 small chapatis + any vegetable curry (any kind of gourd, brinjal, capsicum, and so on.) aside from root vegetables + 1 cup dal/paneer

2 small-sized chapatis + chicken stew + any vegetable curry, aside from root vegetables.

Before Bed

1 cup of lukewarm milk with a spot of crude ground turmeric/cinnamon powder

Solid Fats

Not all fats are awful. Mean to restrain your soaked fat admission and increment the admission of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated unsaturated fats in your eating regimen.

An ongoing clinical preliminary indicated a positive relationship between PUFA admission and improved glycemic control (4). Both the quality and amount of fat tissue in the guideline of glucose levels.

grilled fish, cooked vegetables, and fork on plate

Nourishments To Eat – Fish, fish liver oil, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pecans, avocados, and shellfish.


Complex carbs with high fiber content are suggested for people with diabetes. An examination of Chinese people with type 2 diabetes on a low-fat eating routine (LFD) and a low-carb diet (LCD) demonstrated that LCD would be advised to authority over blood glucose levels when contrasted with LFD (5).

Entire grains contain fiber and help improve the glucose levels after a fast and keep up solid insulin levels, as per a methodical survey study (6). Keep away from refined carbs with low to no fiber content.

Nourishments To Eat – Rye, oats, quinoa, millet, vegetables, earthy colored rice, wild rice, entire wheat, and low sugar grain pieces.

Sound Proteins

Devouring excellent protein doesn’t modify the post-supper increment in glucose levels. Be that as it may, a protein supper blended in with carbs builds insulin emission, which can help manage blood glucose levels (7). Remember proteins with high organic incentives for every dinner.

cooked food on gray stainless steel cooking pot close-up photo

Nourishments To Eat – Lentils, Brussels sprouts, soy, kidney beans, tofu, hummus, pumpkin seeds, chicken, turkey, fish (sardines, mackerel, tilapia, catla, rohu, singi, magur, pomfret, cod liver oil, hilsa, fish, and trout).

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes self-administration training and backing (DSMES), clinical nourishment treatment (MNT), physical action, smoking suspension guiding, and thoughtful consideration are the essential perspectives to change blood glucose biomarkers (11).

Following a couple of practices, such as getting up ahead of schedule, rehearsing yoga, working out, eating right, getting appropriate rest, thinking, setting aside out effort for yourself, hitting the sack early, and so on, are a couple of changes that will acquire inspiration and satisfaction your life.

The End

Eating right, changing your way of life, and moving around more can effectively affect your wellbeing. Continuously follow a reasonable eating regimen with a decent exercise routine to oversee your glucose level. Counsel a specialist and nutritionist to get proper proposals according to your clinical status.

You can read more articles on health from the author’s website: Healthy Nation

Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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