Granola For Diabetes: Is it Good or Bad?

Last Updated on March 24, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Granola is one of those healthy breakfast ingredients. It’s dried or fresh fruitssoaked in molasses and turned into a fine, soft mass with honey as the main ingredient, among others. The natural sweetness from fruits helps balance any bitter taste from some other cereal preparations like cooked rice (or mung beans), nuts such as peanuts…and so on. Nevertheless, it’s for an in-depth discussion to see it as healthy food or not for diabetes.

Like most breakfast stuff, Granola also has some bad components for you. However, this bad cookie can be eaten without worrying about diabetes once you get familiar with it!

What is Granola?

Granola is a healthy granola recipe; it contains the right amount of carbs and proteins. Since the late nineteenth century, Granola has been a classic American snack. This hearty breakfast has maintained its popularity over the years as a popular breakfast food, snack, and addition to baked goods, yogurt, and desserts. It comprises whole grains and oats, nuts, honey, dried fruit, and other preserved foods.

Rolled oats, crushed nuts, and honey are common ingredients in Granola, a classic morning meal. Granola is available in various varieties today, ranging from gluten-free to low-sugar to superfood-enriched. “Granula” was a similar recipe created by James Caleb Jackson in 1863, substituting graham flour for oats. The term “granola” was trademarked by famous cereal manufacturer John Harvey Kellogg, a physician and nutritionist.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Benefits of Granola for Diabetes

Benefits of Granola for Diabetes

According to two experts, the quantity of the Granola you consume and the granola type you purchase may both affect how beneficial it is. Individuals most often utilize Granola on the go and hikers, campers, and outdoor-oriented individuals who don’t want to worry about crushing anything they plan to eat since they won’t have a refrigerator for their food.

1 – Highly Nutritious

Granola is a type of cereal that consists of different grains and other ingredients such as nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and spices. These are rolled into small balls or pressed flat to create flakes. The nutrition content varies according to the types used in making it. Still, there is no doubt some nutrients are lost during this process, i.e., prunes being replaced by raisins which may lead to an increase in carbohydrate intake from other sources like plain oats, so you have got good nutrition for diabetes but still good enough to increase blood sugar levels.

2 – Reduce cholesterol

Unfiltered Granola is a good source of soluble fiber, which helps slow down cholesterol absorption into the body. People with high cholesterol are often advised to eat high-fiber foods and reduce fat to reduce their risk for heart disease. Fiber also helps prevent “bad” LDL “bad” (low-density lipoprotein) from being absorbed by your digestive tract, something that may lead you down a dangerous path if you already have elevated cholesterol.

3 – Prevents Cancer

Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, is found in low concentrations in Granola. Vitamin C improves the immune system, boosts white blood cells, and may prevent cancer from forming or metastasizing, according to Kathleen A Head, a naturopath. Even though natural health practitioners say vitamin C may be a cancer preventative, the jury is out on this.


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4 – Helps Maintain Healthy Muscles and Bones

Granola contains calcium and magnesium, which help keep bones strong. Calcium also aids in muscle contraction to promote normal function of muscles, so you passively get stronger during the day as one eats Granola before bedtime (2 hours after breakfast).protein content helps increase bone strength, reduce bone breakdown and reduce risk of fractures. Protein also helps your body use glucose after a meal feeding muscle. Niacin is great for cholesterol levels, skin health, and overall well-being, such as strong nerves/blood pressure regulation (to keep blood sugar stable).

5 – Helps Prevent High Blood Pressure

Helps Prevent High Blood Pressure Granola

Granola is rich in potassium which counteracts sodium to lower high blood pressure by lessening the effects of chronically increased aldosterone production. Aldosterone is also a hormone involved in losing potassium, so when adrenal glands are disturbed by stress or illness like carbohydrate cravings have been said to do (due out of blood sugar loss and HPA axis disruption due to insulin spikes), the body compensates for temporarily higher levels with increased sodium retention. Over time this can lead to overworked kidneys and abnormally high amounts of protein processing which causes kidney stones and other kidney damage.

FAQs on Granola for Diabetes

When Granola Raises Blood Sugar Levels?

A healthy diet and exercise are recommended. Since this is a very high protein food, it can dramatically spike insulin levels in some, so be careful not to eat too much if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia on your list of concerns like kidney conditions related to urination. Other than the product being unhealthy, some consumers have a problem with many of the claims made by major food manufacturers and retailers to their marketing campaigns. Some customers feel they are “chemically manipulated” or hyper-inflamed by eating artificial additives in processed foods and that this is affecting members’ health. Many complain about purported products containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms), chemicals such as sulfites, nitrites, or harmful preservatives usually found in processed foods, or the herbicides and pesticides used to kill pests on end product crops. In many cases, a customer says they wish Granola contained more actual whole grains, less sugar than is found usually included, and that it did not have as many artificial ingredients.
Granola bars have also been known to contain too much sugar, making anyone who is diabetic very upset. That includes being in the snack range of dieters and diabetics since it can cause a rise in blood sugar levels and lead to an increase in insulin burning activity. In some cases, granolas have been stored improperly after making them, causing them to go bad before they are consumed. Exceptions exist when the recipe has less than 18 grams of carbohydrate (which would be less than half of an Atkins carb count), but if the ingredient amounts are low, this product may contain too much sugar. Homemade granolas have successfully eliminated many food sensitivities by not usually containing large amounts of chemical additives that cause hyper-making responses when consumed on an ongoing basis].

Is Granola Low Carbs?

No, Granola bars are a good source of carbs and calories. These carbs can be converted into sugar quickly, which can cause blood glucose to go up. It is best not to eat these foods if you have diabetes, in case it leads to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

Are Granola Bars Keto Friendly?

In a way, yes. However, that depends on an individual’s perspective and uses your biological insulin sensitivity to control blood sugar levels in the body, not via diet restriction or low-carbohydrate diets (again, there may be exceptions). Protein should always go with carbohydrates (pasta dishes are no exception) as it can keep you hungry since technically, it’s a protein with a carbohydrate meal. It’s better to eat lower-carb food with protein than low-carbohydrate foods without protein for the same reason.

What are the benefits of eating Granola for diabetes?

There are many benefits of eating Granola for diabetes. Granola is a good source of fiber, which is essential for diabetes because it helps control blood sugar levels. Fiber also helps keep the stomach satisfied longer, which can help prevent the kind of cravings that can lead to eating high-carbohydrate foods.
Granola also contains healthy fats, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases. In addition, Granola is a good source of protein, which is important for people with diabetes because it helps build and maintain muscle mass.

How can I make my Granola for diabetes?

There are a few ways to make your own Granola for diabetes. One way is to mix rolled oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Another way is to use oats as the main ingredient and add nuts, seeds, and dried fruit as desired. Extra flavor can be added by mixing vanilla, cinnamon, peanut butter, or almond butter.

You can also make granola bars by mixing oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits and forming the bars into desired shapes.
Whatever way you decide to make your own Granola for diabetes, make sure that it is low in sugar and contains healthy ingredients. Never add extra sugar in maple syrup or honey, and you can use safe alternatives like maltitol or stevia.

Are Granola Oats Good for Diabetes?

Oats are a whole-grain cereal that is rich in fiber and high-quality protein. They can be used to make healthy homemade Granola. Oats contain less fat than most oats; however, they still provide the same amount of calories as oats or other nuts and seeds can have. Unlike many breakfast bowls of cereal, oatmeal contains no added sugar or sweeteners such as honey which makes it even better for those who need to watch their carb intake but are looking for healthier options. The natural flavors of the different spices give the Granola a unique flavor, and the sweet or savory fruity toppings are the perfect way to customize your flavors. Another great thing about oatmeal is that it has all nine essential amino acids, which help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels better during everyday meals and snacks, breaking insulin resistance through simple eating habits.

Can I mix Yogurt With Granola in Diabetes?

If you follow a carbohydrate-restricted diet, yogurt with fruit is a great way to get your carbs. The yogurt will help fill in any nutritional gaps, and the fruit will add some sweetness and freshness. Yogurt also might be an ideal vehicle for protein because it’s lower in fat than most other foods that can serve as protein sources, such as edamame beans, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pecans, or walnuts. However, we don’t advocate consuming yogurt on its own since it is not just a low-carb protein alternative.

Final Words

Sugar, nut- and seed-based granolas are higher in sugar, while those with more whole grains are higher in fiber. Granolas with additional dried fruits or sweeteners are greater in sugar. While some granola ingredients are a good source of micronutrients and fiber, the nutrients in Granola vary depending on the ingredients. Calories, protein, fiber, fat, and sugar may vary by brand.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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