Is Sugar Dangerous In Pregnancy ?

Is Sugar Dangerous In Pregnancy ?

If you ask for a one-word answer, then it has to be “yes”, a high intake of sugar can prove to be harmful in pregnancy. But wait, there’s a lot more to know about the consumption of sugar during pregnancy. Pregnancy triggers certain substantial changes in the body of a woman. Apart from nausea and vomiting, there are … Read more

Does Drinking Water Help In Gestational Diabetes ?

Does Drinking Water Help In Gestational Diabetes

Water is a magnificent thing when it comes to health and fitness. As of diabetes, it is no less than an elixir. Never underestimate it’s potential to curb certain health hazards. I repeat, NEVER! The frequently searched question across various search engines is, “does drinking water help in diabetes?”. Yes, it definitely can. It helps you much … Read more