Does Drinking Water Help In Gestational Diabetes ?

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Water is a magnificent thing when it comes to health and fitness. As of diabetes, it is no less than an elixir. Never underestimate it’s potential to curb certain health hazards. I repeat, NEVER!

The frequently searched question across various search engines is, “does drinking water help in diabetes?”.

Yes, it definitely can. It helps you much more than you think of. Water greatly favors the overall health of an individual. It is responsible for maintaining the osmotic and ionic balance of our body. Kidneys essentially need it to flush out all the excretory products.

It plays many more roles than just satiating our thirst. Not to forget, it is the savior of life on this planet. Okay, so let’s narrow down our focus solely on the topic of gestational diabetes and how drinking water helps in gestational diabetes.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Gestational diabetes statistics in India are closely parallel to that of type 2 diabetes. This is not so surprising because the people with type 2 diabetes are more at risk of developing gestational diabetes during their pregnancy.

However, even if a woman appears to be non-diabetic before gestational term, she can still fall prone to gestational diabetes. There are some common conditions which pave way for a person to be diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy;

  • Being over the age of 25
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Being prediabetic
  • High blood pressure prior to pregnancy
  • Expectancy for twins
  • Ongoing type 2 diabetes during pregnancy

There are some critical complications linked with gestational diabetes which you need to avoid. The prime goal for treating gestational diabetes lies in preventing those complications to occur. These involve;

  • Having an oversized baby – macrosomia
  • Conditions not favoring normal delivery – cesarean delivery
  • Reducing birth defects like disfigured mouth and underdeveloped brain.
  • Avoid rising of blood pressure – preeclampsia.
  • The child might sustain some injuries during parturition – shoulder dystocia.
  • Miscarriages and stillbirths.

The symptoms of gestational diabetes are more or less similar to the ones experienced in type 2 diabetes.


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  • Frequent urination
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Excessive thirst
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Weightloss
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Sleeping disorders

Water and gestational diabetes

Drinking water is one of the best parts of your routine, not only in diabetes but every time. Moreover, pregnant women are advised to drink extra water during the term.

If we elicit our common sense, we all know water is a tasteless substance. It does not contain any kind of carbohydrates or sugars which can destabilize our blood sugars. Therefore, one thing is crystal clear that water is going to have absolutely no effect on our blood sugar levels.

But wait, this doesn’t mean it cannot help us in fighting against diabetes. In fact, drinking a lot of water even when you are perfectly fine keeps your digestive system healthy by excreting out all the waste from the body with great ease.

When you are diabetic, dehydration causes sugars yo accumulate and get concentrated rising up the levels drastically. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep yourself fully hydrated all the time. All the excess sugar present in your bloodstream will be flushed out by the water.

Water assists kidneys to eliminate the waste and flush it out of your body in a timely effective manner, thereby, reducing the chances for a number of disorders to occur. For the expectant mothers who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, drinking 8 ounces of 200 ml of water must be a daily habit.

This habit needs to be rigidly inculcated by whoever is reading this. We are recommending it for the best of the best health of you and your future child.

Which other drinks are worth drinking in gestational diabetes

Seeing beyond water, we have compiled a list of healthy drinks you must consider consuming during the term, especially if your reports signify diabetes. We have kept in mind that you are both an expectant mother as well as diabetic too. Your diet needs beverages, other than water to blissfully comply with both the conditions.

1. Lemonade –


This means a combination of lemon juice and water. You can add a pinch of black salt to enhance the taste. This drink rejuvenates your body and no doubt, vitamin C does a lot of wonders for you.

2. Protein drinks –

you need to increase protein intake of your body during gestation. Your nutrients are now also shared with your growing baby through the placenta. It’s obvious you need more nutrients than normal.

All those physiological changes happening throughout the reproductive system from the maintenance of healthy uterus to increased lactation in breasts, everything needs an apt amount of proteins.

3. Milk –

With its innumerable nutritional properties, milk is undoubtedly the best choice for gestational diabetes. No one needs to be introduced to the countless health perks offered by dairy milk. It is often seen that elders in the family of expectant women also advise them to have a glass of milk with saffron and almonds during pregnancy. This is a great practice.

4. Apple cider vinegar –

Apple cider is the most sought-after drink for people with any kind of diabetes. Gestational diabetes is not at all an exception here. The most notable property of this drink lies in its ability to slow down the release of sugars in the bloodstream. This is exactly what you need for your body during diabetes.

5. Raspberry leaf tea –

Although light amounts of sweet tea and green tea are also preferable. But raspberry leaf tea has something exceptional to offer you during pregnancy. The leaves are bestowed with a natural compound called fragarine which has remarkable characteristics to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

This in turn aid your pregnancy health-giving your womb a strong and healthy environment. Other opulence includes the presence of antioxidants which are known to reduce nausea and vomiting. Women who consume this tea during menstruations also felt relieved from cramps and pains. It’s indeed the best choice to include in your lifestyle especially during the incubation period.

Which drinks should be avoided during gestational diabetes

Now, hovering on to the drinks which are the worst choice for women who have developed diabetes during pregnancy.

1. Alcohol –

Often in parties and other such celebratory occasions, people commonly go for alcohol consumption.
But during your term, even if you are not diabetic, you ought to avoid taking up all sorts of alcoholic beverages. This really has bad effects on your baby.

2. Bottled Juices –

We have been repeating this quite often. Bottled juices should be kept at a far distance when you’re going through diabetic medication. They come with empty calories only meant for sweet taste through added sweeteners and no single benefit is ever conferred to you.

3. Soda and candies –

These are also included among the unhealthy drinks for diabetic folks. The extra added sugars in them will take no time to rise up your blood sugar levels to disastrous heights.

4. Caffeinated drinks –


Anything that contains caffeine needs to be avoided. This can be coffee or whatever else you might prefer drinking till now. All that stuff has to be put to a haul.

Few bits of advice for a healthy pregnancy during gestational diabetes

We want to make one thing clear, admits all the negatives, there always exists a positive. You need to shift your focus on that. Since you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you need to look out for better curing options rather than panicking over your situation. There are some tips you can follow for ensuring a good and healthy well being of yours and your growing little angel.

FOOD: All what you eat matters a lot

Take a chart paper, write down all the vegetables and fruits that are considered healthy during gestational diabetes and paste that chart in your room. Note down the proper time to eat that particular food too (if any). All green vegetables are going to be part of your lifestyle, at least till the time of childbearing.

You cannot think of neglecting them if we glare at the abundant benefits that they bring along. It’s no less than a blessing. Vegetables list must also add peas and carrots. These prove to be very fruitful at the moment. Try to include complex carbohydrates like millets, whole grains, etc. in your meals.

On the other hand, simple/refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, and other such stuff have to be limited. Best fruits during time would be apple, oranges, dry fruits like avocados and nuts.

Exercise: Yoga, meditation and many more

Yoga is a heart of Indian Ayurvedic culture. There are numerous yoga practices and poses. Each disease is cured with specific yoga asana performed and taught by specialists and professionals.

Even brisk walking for 30 minutes in natural surroundings can refresh you with the solacing mindset and revived energy. There are swimming classes and gyms built especially for expectant mothers.

Weight loss is an essential element of the treatment of gestational diabetes. Obese women face more hardships during labor. Options are vast, the choice is all yours. All we want to say is exercise helps a lot to recover and fight any disease, particularly the one we are discussing. It promotes a healthier pregnancy for sure.

DEALING WITH SOMOGYI EFFECT: Low blood sugar in the morning

It is a very common observation. You may experience low blood sugar levels in the morning after waking up despite being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Don’t worry, it’s not a chaotic consequence and can be tackled down easily. Just have a bowl of sugar-free greek yogurt before going to bed. Your sugar levels will be maintained well by the morning.

 Regular Check-Ups: A stitch in time saves nine

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Gestational diabetes generally augments during the 24th week of pregnancy. You get sufficient time to turn the circumstances to your side. Many troubles can be kept away through continuous checkups and prenatal care plan routines.

Keep in touch with your gynecologist regularly. Build up an effective communication and clear all your dilemmas at the earliest schedule possible. Keep a close check at your sugar levels too. Maintain a record of your readings along with the kind of food you ate.

Moreover, you can notice what effect the particular food is having on your blood glucose levels. You will come to know about foods that are favoring your health the most. Then, make your diet chart accordingly with better clarity.

If any kind of obscurity is observed with the glucometer readings, you will be able to deal with it in minimal duration. This is the advantage you receive through regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Build up a optimistic environment: Let the positive vibes surround you

Inner peace of mind is like a cherry on the cake. The cake which you are making through your persistent efforts to mock down the disease. This cake will be ready once you conquer the disease blissfully, after the healthful childbirth.

A healthy mind synergizes a healthy body. Most of the people often seem to be panic and depressed with the thought of their disease. But happiness matters. It is as important as medicines. Not to forget, laughter is the best medicine. Everything will go even better once you develop a positive mindset.

Concluding words

We very well understand the fact that pregnancy already imposes a huge burden of responsibilities on you. Plus, on top of that, getting to hear that you have developed diabetes too. It’s a bit scaring and daunting thing. But, in the last what all matters are your mindset and will power. “Where there is will, there is a way” is a very rightly quoted dictum. We already mentioned a wide plethora of ways to curtail all the possible complications that gestational diabetes puts forward.

Drinking a lot of water helps you to a great extent. You can also involve all the other beverages mentioned, undoubtedly. Do not take hydration of the body for granted. Ignoring it will make things worsen in ample ways.

Hydration is the key to well-governed blood sugar levels. This can be enhanced by providing the body appreciable amount of vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients through preferable drinks.

You now know very well what all is recommendable for you. If still not sure, go through the article once again to get a proper picture of it. You will be having a perfectly fine baby. Just be positive. Wishing to see you in the pink of health, always.

Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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