Wheat Dosa – 8 Benefits, Calories & Nutrition

Last Updated on June 3, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

The wheat Dosa is nothing but a variation of the regular dosa. The rice in the batter is switched out for wheat. Wheat is comparatively low in starch and sugar than rice.

It is also called Godhuma Dosa, or Atta dosa. Atta that is, whole wheat flour is used to make wheat dosa instead of using refined wheat or Maida. It adds better nourishment.

Below is the list of reasons why the Wheat Dosa is better for your health than the regular dosa and the health benefits brought to your health.

8 Health Benefits of Wheat Dosa

Wheat dosa is rich in several nutrients and thus, makes a whole meal in just one dish. It aids and assists various bodily functions due to its nutritional diversity.

Veggie causing Diabetes
  1. It is a quick and easy way to gain energy. Thus, it makes a great breakfast option.
  2. Being left to ferment for about 6 to 2 hours makes the dosa batter light on the stomach. It is easy to digest and break down.
  3. The fermentation of it also increases the bioavailability of the dosa =. It helps to absorb other nutrients better.
  4. The fiber in it keeps away indigestion, constipation, etc.
  5. It is also good for diabetic patients and regulates proper blood sugar levels.
  6. Due to extremely low cholesterol levels, it makes a good option for heart patients too.
  7. It is also safe for people who are focused on weight loss.
  8. The many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory elements in wheat dosa keep away diseases and discomforts and increase immunity. 

Recommendation for Diabetics

Check out this South Indian Diet For Diabetes Management by the holistic nutrition coach, Roshni Sanghvi

What are the calories of Wheat Dosa?

Counting all calories is often a good way to keep a measure of your daily food intake. It helps determine safe items that can be fitted into your healthy meal plans.

It is essential to keep an account of the calories you eat to ensure that you are not exceeding your daily limits.

The calories you can gain from one wheat dosa are around 52. This is a very small amount to include in the diet and will not harm the health. Rather, it supplies many other important nutrients without adding calories.

But keep in mind that as you keep adding the number of dosas, the calories also add. Make sure to have no more than 2- 4 wheat dosas in a meal. 


⭐ Check out this Flipbook with 30-Day Diabetic Meal Plan based on Foods from Each Indian State ⭐
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What are the nutrients found in Wheat Dosa?

All this while, we praised the wheat dosa for its goodness it and its nutritional composition. Now, let us have an in-depth look at what these good components make the wheat dosa so great for health.

The table listed below shows the nutritional composition of one wheat dosa. It mentions the different nutrients found and their respective quantities available per dosa.

Sl. No. Nutrients available in one wheat dosaAmount available% daily value
2.Protein1.8 g3%
3.Fats1.1 g2%
4.Carbohydrates9.2 g3%
5.Fiber1.8 g7%
6.Cholesterol0 mg0%
7.Vitamin A7.9 mcg0%
8.Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.1 mg10%
9.Vitamin B3(niacin)0.5 mg4%
10. Vitamin B3(niacin)12 mcg6%
11. Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
12.Calcium6.7 mg1%
13.Iron0.6 mg3%
14.Magnesium18.1 mg5%
15.Phosphorus46.1 mg8%
16.Sodium2.2 mg0%
17.Potassium53.5 mg1%
18.zinc0.3 mg3%

These are the many macro and micronutrients available from the consumption of one wheat dosa. With the consumption of a 2 to 4 limit, one can gain considerable amounts of vitamins and minerals. 

Is Wheat Dosa healthy?

Is Wheat Dosa healthy

Wheat dosa is no doubt a very healthy food for all. It is safer and better for the health than regular rice dosa without compromising health.

Whole wheat is a staple grain in almost all diets. It is regularly used for its good nutrients, fiber availability, etc. Thus, making the wheat dosa an excellent addition to one’s health-centered meal.

As we already discussed, replacing rice with wheat makes the overall dosa lower in calories and carbohydrates. Rice is starchier and often leads to more carbs in the body and ultimately excess sugar.

On the other hand, using Atta to make dosa will reduce the total amount of sugar obtained from the consumption of Wheat dosa.

It is a food option that provides enough energy to begin the day. Moreover, its other nutrients also help to keep the body fit and safe.

Adding vegetables to the wheat dosa batter can make it even more nutritious. Also, using better, safer, and less oily mediums for cooking can encourage the already beneficial wheat dosa to be even better for the body.

You can make the wheat dosa with or even without the addition of rice flour. It is not necessary to add rice as we are focusing on a better and healthier solution.

Many dieticians and health experts often suggest wheat dosa. It is good for heart patients, for the better and easier functioning of metabolism, weight loss, etc.

It is always great to stick to small and enough portions to satisfy your appetite. It is better than opting for an excess amount of food. The key to healthy eating is also accompanied by the rule of eating in small and safe proportions.

Make sure to take care of your health conditions before you opt for any new choices to be on the safer side.

Can Diabetics Eat Wheat Dosa?

Whole grains are a must for diabetics. Thus, the wheat dosa is a great food item for diabetic patients, especially for breakfast.

It is a great way to make sure that your carbohydrate intakes are under control and that the entire meal otherwise is also enriched with many other nutrients.

Adding fiber to the body is one of the best contributions that wheat dosa makes to a diabetic diet plan. The fiber in the body assists in slowing down the digestion process. This, in turn, leads to low-paced sugar absorption and release, resulting in a maintained blood sugar level.

The spikes in the body’s blood sugar levels caused due to the extra intake of carbohydrates are also minimized. It prevents rising blood sugar levels and controls diabetes.

In addition to that, wheat dosa is satisfying to the body’s needs and prevents unnecessary food cravings. Diabetics also appreciate its weight-loss-promoting qualities.

Just make sure that you are opting for whole-grain wheat dosa and not processed and refined flour varieties.

Also, keep in mind the controlled quantities that you should follow. Moreover, add veggies and use less oil in preparing the dosa to ensure better health and a risk-free diabetic condition.


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Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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