Will Raw Mango increase Sugar in Diabetes? (9 Benefits)

Last Updated on August 2, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Mangoes are fruits that are deemed to be moderately safe for the diabetic body. But when it comes to raw mangoes, they are safer and also better for diabetic individuals.

Raw mangoes are lower in sugars, calories, and carbohydrates as compared to ripe mangoes. Hence, it is safe for diabetic patients.

As the fruit starts to ripen, it grows sweeter and can be a little risky for diabetics if taken beyond regulated amounts. However, the sweetness in mango and its carbs is already balanced out by the amount of fiber found.

Similarly, the fiber found in raw mango also helps make the overall fruit great and safe for your diabetic consumption. The fiber present in food helps to keep the body’s metabolism rightly functional.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Adding fiber to your meals can assist in slowing down the pace of digestion and release of nutrients, making it an efficient process. Slowed digestion helps in the proper digestion of carbohydrates and a controlled release of sugar in the body.

This, in turn, keeps the body’s blood sugar levels from rising suddenly and beyond balanced margins. Moreover, fiber can also aid in preventing digestive and intestinal disorders.

In addition to this, the mango being a fruit, is rich in several plant compounds. These are nutrients found in food items derived directly from the plant kingdom. They are very nourishing and enrich the body with several benefits and protective properties.

Mangoes are juicy fruits, meaning that they are rich sources of providing hydration to the body. Keeping the body hydrated is very necessary as it helps in keeping a check on the body’s blood sugar levels.


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Raw mangoes are also rich in Vitamin C. This is a crucial nutrient for diabetics as it helps strengthen the immune system. Diabetes is a condition that can affect the overall health and also make the body more vulnerable to diseases. Thus, nutrients that make the immune system stronger are necessary to include in your daily meals.

Hence, raw mangoes are good for diabetic health. To make sure they do not increase your blood sugar levels, you must have them in regulated amounts. But what are these regulated amounts?

What are the benefits of eating raw mangoes?

Well, here is a list of reasons why you should have raw mangoes:

  1. It helps in boosting metabolism and aids in weight loss.
  1. The amount of water in it helps to keep the body hydrated and prevent dehydration.
  1. It is a good treatment for stomach issues such as constipation, bloating, indigestion, chronic dyspepsia, etc.
  1. It is a liver detoxifier and aids in the proper secretion of bile.
  1. Vitamins A, C, and magnesium strengthen immunity and also help in improving bowel movement.
  1. Niacin found in raw mangoes is good for the management of cholesterol levels. It helps to prevent cardiovascular risks.
  1. It is also good for the gums, teeth and solves problems of bad breath.
  1. Vitamin A and C also assist in improving hair and skin health.
  1. It has several antioxidants and anti-cancer agents. 

What are the daily limits of eating Raw Mangoes for diabetics?

Being from the sweet fruit family, mangoes also have sugars, calories, and carbs. As we mentioned, these elements are nullified by the good sides of the fruit, but it is still important to avoid taking risks.

To assure a safe blood sugar level, you must include raw mangoes in medium quantities. Do not overdo it as it can result in rises in the body’s blood glucose levels, and eventually, it can hamper other functions as well.

Therefore, it is important to follow the restrictions and stay within the limited amounts. We have the right measures and quantities that you should follow.

Make sure not to have more than one cup of diced raw mangoes. This is a safe amount to have as a diabetic patient. It will not lead to any excess rises in blood sugar levels.

In addition to this, this is a quantity that can fulfill your cravings. Due to the presence of fiber, a cup amount of raw mangoes can be a satiating snack.

A serving of any fruit is a good choice for a morning, mid-day, or evening snack option. Hence, having raw mangoes can also have good effects.

To make this fruit even better, you may even add it to your vegetable or fruit salads. Adding fruits such as berries, citrus fruits, cucumbers, etc., can help enhance the goodness of the raw mango and add other benefits and nutrients.

But the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is to ensure that you do not overdo the given limit. This will help you manage your blood sugar levels and at the same time allow you to include your favorite foods in your meals without any later negative consequences.

Let us confirm the safety and goodness of the raw mango by having a look at the glycemic index of this raw fruit.

What is the Glycemic Index of Raw Mango?

What is the Glycemic Index of Raw Mango

The Glycemic index measures of raw mangoes may differ depending on their rawness. But it usually ranges from 51 to 55. This is a safe margin and falls under the Low Glycemic Index category.

Hence, it is safe for diabetics and will not excessively hamper the blood sugars. But always keep in mind to follow the safe daily limits.

The glycemic index of foods depends on the quantities of carbohydrates available in that food. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 and ranked into safe, moderately safe, or unsafe.

It is a very convenient and reasonable way to judge food and give it a diabetic-safe or unsafe status. Here is a table showing foods are categories by their rankings:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

With the help of the above table, we can easily determine food safety for one’s diabetic conditions.

When compared to raw mangoes, ripe ones seem to be higher in glycemic index. It is usually ranked as a moderately safe fruit as its Glycemic Index is around 60.

On top of that, another measure that you can use to check on the safety of a food is its Glycemic load. The Glycemic load of raw mangoes is around 8. A 0-10 margin is a low margin, and hence, it is safe and recommended for diabetics.

We have deduced the safety of raw mangoes. Now let us move on to knowing its goodness. Let us have a look at the nutritional composition of raw mangoes.

What are the nutrients found in raw mango?

The table below shows the nutrients for a cup of raw mangoes. A cup is a proper and safely determined amount for diabetics, as we discussed previously.

This table will give you a detailed account of the contents of raw mango:

Sl. No.Nutrients in 1 cup raw mangoes Amount available
2.Fats0.4 g
3.Proteins0.8 g

–         Sugar

–         Dietary fiber

28.1 g

– 24.4 g

– 3 g

5.Water135 g
6.Cholesterol0 mg
7.Vitamin A1262 IU
8.Vitamin C45.7 mg
9.Vitamin E1.8 mg
10.Vitamin K6.9 mcg
11.Thiamin0.1 mg
12.Riboflavin0.1 mg
13.Niacin1 mg
14.Vitamin B60.2 mg
15.Folate23.1 mcg
16.Pantothenic acid0.3 mg
17.Choline12.5 mg
18.Calcium16.5 mg
19.Iron0.2 mg
20.Magnesium14.8 mg
21.Phosphorus18.2 mg
22.Potassium257 mg
23.Sodium3.3 mg
24.Zinc0.1 mg
25.Copper0.2 mg
26.Selenium1 mcg

Hence, it is clear that the list of vitamin and mineral goodness in raw mangoes is almost endless. Let us move on to find out what the benefits of these are.


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  4. https://www.fitneass.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Study-Mango-Leaves-in-Treating-Type-2-Diabetes.pdf
  5. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsfa.6778
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Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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