Can Diabetics Eat Sausage? [7 Best Options]

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

The word “sausage” may be associated with a variety of salty and difficult-to-digest foods like cheese or meat. For diabetics, sausages are almost always considered the worst choice because they tend to overwhelm blood glucose levels with unhealthy ingredients while not serving as much good quality food. Many people who are diabetic try by all means possible to avoid eating this type of protein at mealtime; however, there is some information that can be derived from sausage categories as well.

It is important to keep in mind the following points while navigating through this food area: Won’t sausage be bad for diabetes?

Yes, and no! Here it is necessary for us first to understand what types of sausages there are. When you hear the word “sausage,” you most likely think about bangers – pork sausages with a casing made of skin connective tissues, meats inside by the use of stuffing material, and an outer covering that encases all meat.

7 Ideal Types of Sausages for Diabetes

The choice to consume sausages, especially when you are diabetic, should have certain limitations. After observing some negative health effects of sausages on diabetic patients, we always suggest you look for the following 7 types of sausages to control your blood sugar levels.

Veggie causing Diabetes

1 – Lean Ground Turkey Sausage

Lean ground turkey sausages are highly recommended for people with healthy and active lifestyles. These sausage varieties do not contain added fat or large amounts of calories. Still, they boost the total protein level besides some additional vitamins B1 (thiamin), and C. Prolonged consumption of lean ground turkey sausages can avoid fast digestion and significantly boost insulin levels in your blood. This offers some potential advantages for those who suffer from diabetes. Besides these, people with high levels of cholesterol or heart problems should opt for this type because this type is rich enough in antioxidants without any added additives that may pose health disorders to someone.

2 – Sausages With Less Saturated Fats

If you are losing weight but cannot find a place for other sausages that do not contain added sugar and artificial flavors, then less saturated fat types will be the perfect substitute. These varieties have around 65 percent water content, 10 grams of fat per 100 grams (1/2 pound) serving depending on the meat type inside against 70 to 80 percent butter or shortening in usual sausage varieties like bangers and hot dogs. Besides this, they also lower the overall amount of fats in your daily diet.

While bangers and hotdogs contain a large amount of saturated fat, these fewer sausages offer you similar health benefits. They also boost your digestive system likes nothing else does. Besides this, people struggling with low-grade allergies can consume these varieties due to their high levels of good fats in them.

3 – Vegetarian Sausages

It is widely believed that vegetarian sausages are a good way to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Suppose you want to avoid saturated fats and cholesterol. In that case, this option will be recommended for people suffering from any blood-thinning disorders where it’s better to lower some sodium in your daily diet without being obliged to completely abandon all types of sausages. This line includes lactose-free products like veggie hot dogs or buns. While healthier options do not contain any artificial flavors, it cannot be excluded to consume a specific type of sausage cooked or seasoned with some spices and vegetables.


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However, be sure to know what to include in your diet without cheating on fats.

4 – Pre-Cooked Sausages

If you want to avoid cooking your sausages and are willing to overpay for processed products, pre-cooked meat is the better option. It most commonly comes in 90 percent lean sausage varieties made of white muscle meats under salted water, which preserve all required nutrients that help maintain our health. These types contain only 1 gram lecithin relative per 100 grams (1/2 pounds). Such sausages can be bought at your nearest supermarket since they are cooked ready to eat.

Dry dog sausages with no salt (to be cooked) have a meat basis rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Vegetarian blends of meat inside these types also include plenty of fiber from vegetables, fruits, or seeds which lower the chances for blockage caused by cholesterol in blood vessels because it binds them together as a gel-like substance and other substances like proteins.

5 – Handmade Sausages

By having its recipe, personal touches can be added to make it unique from the others, even if it has different flavors like herbs on your favorite sausage spreads available at various specialty markets and butcher shops throughout North America. However, these sausages are not as popular because the homemade variants cost more than other processed varieties (although they might also be less costly).

Nonetheless, if you or your family prefers to make them yourself, then one could go at it any way he likes, but this would take considerably longer time and effort. Such variations should always adhere to proper techniques to achieve good results, especially when mixing meat cuts into various shapes like kielbasa.

6 – Fat-Free Beef Sausage

Weight loss advocates recommend beef sausage consumption since they contain fewer than 100 mg of cholesterol (much less when compared to the amount found in chicken, turkey, or pork sausages). Lecithin helps lower triglycerides that are considered deadly and could increase heart disease. Also, it may prove good for our health because the liver contains more lecithin relative per pound compared to other types of meat like poultry and fish due to its high cholesterol content. When comparing chicken to beef (especially hot cuts), you will note the latter provides more fat per pound than any other type of meat since it has a higher quantity of good cholesterol, high myristic acid phospholipids, and vitamin D that could help prevent heart disease by protecting harmful elements like high temperatures or oxygen levels in our bloodstreams.

It is for these reasons why numerous research studies have shown nowadays, health-conscious individuals are turning to beef liver feed with the belief that it provides greater benefits.

7 – Gluten-Free Sausages

Many labels, especially those associated with the food industry and specifically meat suppliers, are usually loaded with outrageous claims like being free of preservatives or artificial flavors that may cause allergies. They even claim to be gluten-free when it is not so since almost all types of sausage contain wheat flour as their main ingredient. So not only does gluten cause weight gain, but it can also predispose one towards obesity, making eating fatty meats a bit irresponsible during their dieting program where cutting down on carbs and flour will aid them in lowering their weight.

On the other hand, gluten-free sausages taste better, and users can continue bodybuilding or nutrition by eating these. The top 3 gluten-free varieties include beef, turkey, and chicken, with various types available online, which is a great alternative for those who cannot consume wheat caused due to allergies despite being still harmed during their diet programs.

FAQs on Sausages and Diabetes

Can diabetics eat eggs and sausage?

Yes, diabetics can eat eggs and sausage. However, monitoring blood sugar levels closely while eating these foods is important to avoid complications.

What meats should diabetics not eat?

There are a few types of meat that diabetics should not eat because they can raise blood sugar levels too high. These include:
Red meat: This includes beef, pork, lamb, and veal.
Processed meats: Hot dogs, ham, bacon, and sausage.
Seafood: Tuna, salmon, shrimp, crabmeat, and lobster.
Which sausages are safe for diabetics, and which ones should be avoided?
Many sausages are safe for diabetics, but some should be avoided because they may contain ingredients that affect blood sugar levels.
Some of the safe sausages include:
• Sausages made with lamb.
• Sausages made with chicken.
• Sausages made with duck or goose.

How do you make a healthy sausage dish for someone with diabetes?

There are many ways to make a healthy sausage dish for diabetes. One way is to mix veggies in with the sausage. This will help increase the intake of nutrients and decrease the amount of unhealthy fats consumed. Another way to make a healthy sausage dish is to serve it with oatmeal on the side. Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate that releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream, making it a perfect choice for people with diabetes. With so many different ways to make a healthy sausage dish, there is sure to be one that fits everyone’s taste!

Can diabetics still eat sausage if they have white bread with it?

The moderation of the sausage intake is key and the type of bread that is being eaten. Diabetics should also avoid sugary yogurts. Sausages are typically high in fat and sodium, so eating them in moderation is crucial for those who have diabetes. There are healthier options for diabetics for breakfast meats, such as turkey bacon or Canadian bacon.

What are the best side dishes for diabetics to eat with sausage?

The best side dishes for diabetics to eat with sausage are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber. Good options include steamed vegetables, roasted Brussels sprouts, or a simple salad. It’s also important to moderation when choosing sides, as even healthy options can quickly add up in calories and sugar. For example, while whole grain bread is better than white bread, it’s still important to watch how much is consumed. Yogurt is another good option, as it’s high in protein and low in sugar.

Are there any blood sugar spikes risks with eating sausage?

When it comes to eating sausage, diabetics have to be careful. Even though most sausages are low in carbs, they can still cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This is because sausages often contain sweeteners, resulting in high blood sugar levels.
Diabetics need to read the labels of all the foods they eat, including sausages. Ask your doctor or nutritionist if you’re not sure whether a particular type of sausage is safe for you to eat. They’ll be able to tell you which brands and types of sausage are best for people with diabetes.

How can you make a sausage recipe diabetes-friendly?

You can do a few different things to make a sausage recipe diabetes-friendly. For one, you can replace the cereal in the recipe with an alternative like avocado, broccoli, spinach, or cream cheese. Additionally, you can bake or grill the sausages instead of frying them and use a lower-fat cooking method. By making these small tweaks to your recipe, you can enjoy this classic dish without worrying about how it will affect your blood sugar levels.

Are there any healthy fats for diabetics?

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that diabetics eat low in saturated and unhealthy fats. However, some healthy fats are beneficial for diabetics. These include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats found in salmon, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and peanut butter.

Final Words

To summarise, consuming gluten-free sausages may not be such a great idea since most of them contain wheat flour as their main ingredient, which can predispose someone to obesity and weight gain. However, the sausages we mentioned above are ideal options for diabetic patients. Since everything is pretty dangerous, these sausages also need disciplined consumption within genuine quantity.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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