Is Jamun Good for Diabetics? 7 Health Benefits

Last Updated on March 18, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Choices are always required a little more thought and browsing before being made. This situation is even more prevalent and highly observed among individuals with diabetes. Diabetes is an affective condition of the metabolism where the body suffers extreme blood sugar levels and its eventual complications.

Thus, when it comes to diabetes, choices have to be made with more care and proper thought. There are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables available out there. Though many of your regular food choices might not like the right ones, do not worry because there are plenty of right choices available still.

Today we will discuss fruit and its causes, effects, and results of choosing this fruit. Have you heard about Jamun? You might have, as it is a very popular one. You might be wondering …?

  • Is Jamun good for diabetics?
  • What is the glycemic index of Jamuns?
  • What are the nutritional facts for Jamun?
  • What are the benefits of eating Jamun?
  • Do Jamuns have any side effects?

Well, these are the questions we will deal with today. This will help you clear your doubts and decide whether to include this fruit in your diet.

Veggie causing Diabetes

But before we get started with these specific details, let us look at what Jamun exactly is.

What is Jamun?

What is Jamun

This is a fruit of native Indian origin. The Jamun fruit is a tropical fruit. It is a kind of berry.

This fruit is also found in India’s neighboring countries, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, etc. It is also seen in other Southeast Asian countries. It has also been cultivated in western countries because of its taste and health-enhancing factors. This fruit has spread all around the world now.

It is also known in different regions with different names. It is commonly called Jamun or Jambolan in India. It is known as black plum, java plum, or Malabar Plum in other places. According to the scientific nomenclature, it has been named – Syzygium cumini.


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It resembles in appearance with black grapes or blueberries. But it must not be confused with either of the two. Plums are a different fruit variety.

They are usually grown in subtropical and tropical regions. These are common wild fruits that are enjoyed by birds and animals as well.

Jamuns are small fruits, oval-shaped, dark violet, and almost black. They also have a seed in the middle. Jamuns are sweet and sour with a slightly acidic taste. They have a juicy feel and enrich the body with various nutrients as well.

These Jamuns or black plums are usually consumed as raw fruits. They can also be used as culinary ingredients to make flavors, jams, sorbets, syrups, jellies, juices, and fruit salads.

It is a popularly enjoyed fruit all over the world and among people of all age-groups. It is most loved and appreciated for its nutritional benefits.

But the question is – are these Jamuns good for patients with blood sugar issues? Well, let us find out.

Is Jamun good for Diabetics?

Is Jamun good for Diabetics

Well, to your good luck, this is an amazing fruit for the diabetic body. It has been proven to be safe and beneficial to anyone with blood sugar issues.

The effects of Jamun on the body have been observed to be very advantageous to diabetic patients. This helps control rising sugar levels in the body and also prevents increasing symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes is an ailment of the metabolism affected by the improper secretion and working of insulin in the body. This prevents efficient breaking down, digestion, and absorption of nutrients. It eventually leads to high blood sugar issues.

Jamun is a fruit known to reduce blood sugar levels and, thus, avoid these spiking blood sugars in the body.

In addition to this, the leaves of the Jamun fruit are also known to benefit diabetic conditions. The leaves of the Jamun fruit tree are often used to make medicinal juices for diabetic patients.

The seeds of the Jamun fruit are also very useful in treating several bodily conditions and diseases. They are often available as capsules or powders.

It is said to be useful in directing an effective conversion of starch into energy for the body. In this way, the starch is not stored for longer periods and does not give rise to high blood sugar levels.

Also, Jamun has the quality of reducing frequent urges to urinate, which is a side effect of diabetes.

Moreover, this fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals that provide anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to the diabetic body. It even helps in strengthening various functions and systems in the body, resulting in overall immunity boosting.

The Jamun fruit also has a safe glycemic index. Let us learn about the importance of the glycemic index for diabetic patients.

What is the Glycemic Index of Jamun?

What is the Glycemic Index of Jamun


To ensure that you have foods that are safe for your fluctuating blood sugar levels, you can take the help of the specified glycemic ranges of foods.

This is a measure used to determine the safety of different foods for diabetic and health-conscious individuals. The glycemic index states the number of carbohydrates present in food and rates it accordingly on a scale of 0 to 100.

In this way, you can easily find out what food has how much sugar and how its consumption eventually influences you.

The glycemic index is studied by classifying the foods into different categories based on their sugar-content and effects on the blood sugar levels. It is divided into the following three categories:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

From this table, we can easily derive a list of safe and unsafe foods for diabetics according to their prevalent health conditions.

Now you might be curious to know what the glycemic index of the Jamun is. Well, it is again at a safe and recommended level for people diagnosed with diabetes.

The black Jamun or java plum has a Glycemic score of only 25. This shows that it is under a low margin and will have a negligible effect on one’s blood sugars.

Therefore, adding Jamuns to your diabetic diets will also reduce the total glycemic index of meals. It can be used as a substitute for other higher foods on the GI scale or in carbs.

The Jamun, as a low glycemic fruit, makes a perfect snacking option for people with diabetes. It is safe, nutritious, as well as beneficial to the body in several ways. We will learn about them as we move further on.

How many Jamuns can a diabetic have daily?


We have learned that Jamuns are great for the body and have blood sugar-lowering effects as well. But it crucial to know a daily limit that will encourage safer and better management of the body.

The Jamun is a very powerful ingredient to lower blood sugar levels. Thus it must not be over-done.

A daily dosage of around 5 to 6 Jamuns is a safe number.

You can also have this in a juice form. Limit your juice quantity to no more than 3 to 4 tablespoons daily.

What is the nutritional composition of Jamun?


We will now look at the constituents of Jamun that make it such a wonderful fruit for our bodies.

Sl. No. Nutrients available in 100g of JamunAmount available
2.Carbohydrates14 g
3.Fiber0.6 g
4.Fat0.23 g
5.Protein0.995 g
6.Water84.75 g
7.Vitamin B10.019 mg
8.Vitamin B20.009 mg
9.Vitamin B30.245 mg
10.Vitamin B60.038 mg
11.Vitamin C11.85 mg
12.Calcium11.65 mg
13.Iron1.41 mg
14.Magnesium35 mg
15.Phosphorus15.6 mg
16.Potassium55 mg
17.Sodium26.2 mg

Now we will see what the various benefits of these several nutrients are.

What are the benefits of eating Jamun?

As we have discussed all this while, there are plenty of advantages of eating Jamun. Here is a list of them:

  1. The plenty of minerals in Jamun help to increase the hemoglobin count of the body. This aids in efficient blood and oxygen circulation.
  1. Nutrients of the Jamun act as purifying agents and help in keeping the skin clear. It is also effective in promoting skin regeneration.
  1. The vitamin A and C in Jamun assist in improving eye health.
  1. Potassium present in Jamun helps to prevent heart diseases, high blood pressures, stroked, etc.
  1. Jamun also has anti-bacterial, anti-malarial, and anti-infective qualities that keep away common infections.
  1. It is also good for curing diarrhea, dysentery, asthma symptoms, bronchitis, etc.
  1. It is also useful in resolving the issues of common coughs, sore throats, and colds.

What are the side effects of Jamun?

Here are some things to keep in minds when eating Jamuns:

  • Too many of these fruits can lead to digestive problems. It can also cause nausea and hyperacidity in the body.
  • Make sure to have it within limits to prevent an extreme drop in blood sugar levels. Therefore, stick to small portions.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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