Can Keto Diet Reverse Diabetes? 6 Benefits & Side Effects

Can Keto Diet Reverse Diabetes? 6 Benefits & Side Effects

Diabetes is a commonly seen disorder of the metabolism where the individual diagnosed suffers from fluctuating abnormal blood sugar levels. This is a growing chronic condition among the population in the modern age. There are various ways in which you can take care of your blood sugar conditions. The first step to caring for your … Read more

What happens if insulin is taken after food? answered by experts

What happens if insulin is taken after food answered by experts

A lot of times, insulin intakes and injections can be missed due to various reasons. You may have forgotten to take your daily insulin before a meal, overslept, maybe you did not have your insulin injecting kit with you; maybe you ran out of insulin, the insulin pen won’t work, etc. It can be harmful … Read more