10 Amazing Health Benefits of Bhindi (Lady’s Finger)

Last Updated on July 2, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Bhindi or ladies’ fingers is one of the most liked vegetables. It has several health benefits and can be cooked in a variety of ways as well.

10 Health Benefits of Bhindi

These available nutrients that we had a look at providing very many health benefits. They are useful for various organs and bodily functions:

1. Assists in losing weight

From the nutritional elements table, we can see that the okra is very low in calories. They are low in carbs and fats as well, which leads to weight gain issues. The presence of dietary fiber in bhindi is also assisting in weight loss and management. 

2. Ideal for a fitness diet and losing weight

The okra is beneficial for a lot of people with varying health conditions. It is a greatly sufficing vegetable for fitness enthusiasts, pre-diabetics, diabetics, health watchers, etc. We will have a deeper look at how people with blood sugar issues can be benefitted from the consumption of this vegetable.

3. Promote better immunity

Bhindi is also efficient in supplying the body with vitamin C. This is a great element for boosting immunity levels. Carotenoids found in okra promote anti-oxidant properties and protect the human body from many potential risks and chronic ailments caused by everyday factors.

4. Efficient in reducing cholesterol levels in the body

bhindi is also packed with soluble fiber present in the forms of pectin and gums. This nutrient works to bind cholesterol and bile that hold toxins that are dumped into it. This, in turn, clears the toxins and helps in decreasing the harmful levels of cholesterol.

5. Prevents heart diseases

The pectin that clears bile of highly alarming bad cholesterols, and the fiber, which is helpful in the natural reduction of blood cholesterol work to promote heart health. This is very useful for cardiovascular patients and for other ailments that have symptoms on the heart.

6. Controls constipation

Another quality of the fiber that is present in bhindi is its laxative, promoting goodness. The mucilage of the okra adds bulk to the diet. Eventually, the normal frequency and process of stool formation are restored, and constipation is prevented.

7. Decreases the chance of developing colon cancer

As we already saw, the soluble fiber of the lady’s finger is great in maintaining good digestion and excretion. This takes the load off the intestinal functioning and improves the digestive tract health. This quality is rather beneficial in preventing the chances of colorectal cancer.

8. Assists in the production of Red Blood Cells

Folate or vitamin B9 is necessary for the usual production of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body. The mucilage present in bhindi has medicinal effects on improving blood quality. This feature is the most beneficial for women who are pregnant, as they require Folate for a good and healthy pregnancy period.

9. Promotes vision and eye health

The carotenoids such as – Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Meso-zeaxanthin are three very optimal nutrients that benefit eye health. These promote better vision and also keep the eyes safe and protected.

10. Maintains healthy skin

The many vitamins and minerals help in the management of cell reproduction. This aids a faster and better replacement of skin cells that are affected due to sun damage. The renewal of skin cells also helps with anti-aging, prevention of wrinkles, etc.

Can Diabetics Eat Bhindi?


YES! Bhindi is having a low Glycemic Index and is good for individuals with Diabetes. It is great for blood sugar level management and reduction.

Diabetics are said to stick to and encourage the intake of foods that are low in the Glycemic Index. They do not have raising effects on one’s blood sugars.

The Glycemic Index of bhindi is only 20. The food items whose Glycemic Index ranges from 0 to 55, are said to fall under the low GI category. Okra is a great Low GI food and thus, beneficial for being included in a diabetic diet.

The presence of many essential vitamin and minerals also help in the controlling of various side-effects that diabetes has on one’s body. Such as:

  • The properties of maintaining good cholesterol levels are essential for diabetic health. They promote a healthy heart. Diabetes often brings about the risks of cardiovascular complications.
  • They are also great for managing one’s weight. The management of healthy body weight is a crucial criterion for a healthy diabetic lifestyle. The Bhindi is packed with many useful nutrients in fewer calories.
  • Fiber is the maximum beneficial and necessary nutrition in the diet of a diabetic patient. It assists in better digestion and also controls the release of glucose, which is responsible for the levels of blood sugar in the body.
  • The many minerals and vitamins found in bhindi keep away the risks developed by free radicals in the body. They are anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory supplements that improve immunity.

What are the Nutritional Values of Bhindi?

Nutritional information of Ladies Finger

Before moving onto the great benefits that this vegetable has to offer, let us look at its nutritional composition.

Sl. No.Nutrients available in a cup of chopped bhindi (70 g)Amount available
2.Carbohydrates4.48 g
3.Proteins1.33 g
4.Fats0.14 g
5.Fiber2.52 g
6.Sodium4.83 mg
7.Iron0.24 mg
8.Zinc0.28 mg
9.Potassium72.1 mg
10.Phosphorus39.20 mg
11.Calcium46.2 mg
12.Magnesium37.10 mg
13.Folic acid73.50 mcg
14.Vitamin C9.10 mg
15.Vitamin K15.04 mcg
16.Vitamin B60.18 mg
17.Vitamin B (riboflavin)0.07 mg
18.Vitamin B3 (niacin)0.42 mg
19.Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.04 mg
20.Vitamin E0.35 mg


How to select the best quality Bhindi from the market?

Well, you do need to have some prior tips to know for selecting the freshest and healthy bhindi for your food.

Bhindi is easily available in grocery stores and markets. They are not very expensive, either.

To make sure that you pick up the best quality ones all you need is some attention.

  • Go for slender, moderately thick and long, and dark green bhindi. Avoid the ones that have spots, black lines, blemishes, holes, etc.
  • Do not pick up shrunken bhindi as they may have lost moisture.
  • Another way of picking out fresh and nice bhindi is to check by popping the bottom of the bhindi. Use a slight pressure of your thumb to break a small portion of the tapered tip of the okra. If the bottom breaks easily with a pop sound, it implies that the vegetable is fresh.

bhindi can stay fresh at home for up to two days before starting to dry up. You can keep them under refrigeration or prolonging the freshness for up to five days.

These green veggies can also be easily grown in your gardens. They do not take up a lot of space as they are climbing vines.

Now you know buying the best bhindi. You are ready to use them for your diet and preparations.

Are there any Side-effects of eating too much bhindi?

  • As diabetic patients, if you take metformin, it is best not to take okra in the meal around your medication time.
  • They should be had in optimal amounts to reduce the chances of diarrhea and related digestive disorders.

An ideal amount of this green vegetable can be great for various parts and functions of the body. You can include your favorite Bhindi dish, be it Dahi-Bhindi, Bhindi Masala, fried Bhindi, etc. In your diet and gain all the many benefits.


  1. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19920316173
  2. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amse/2013/824274/
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050920312503
  4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12652-020-02671-y
  5. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15440478.2021.1932680


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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