How to Use Coptic Salt for Diabetes? 6 Benefits & Side Effects

Last Updated on January 31, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Diabetes is a very common ailment among people of all age groups in today’s world. It is a metabolic disorder that arises due to various reasons concerning food choices and habits.

But what is contradictory is that the reason for its cause and also be its solution. One can alter his or her food choices and habits to induce a better and healthier lifestyle, free from diabetes.

Today we will be talking about one such food habit. We will discuss Coptic salt.

Are you wondering …

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • What is Coptic salt?
  • Is it safe for diabetes patients?
  • How to use Coptic salt for diabetes?
  • What are its benefits?
  • Are there any side effects?

We will provide you with clarity on these frequently asked questions. So let us get into it!

What is Coptic salt?

What is Coptic salt?


Have you never heard of Coptic salt before? Well, worry not because you are also one of our many other curious individuals.

Coptic salt is a healthy salt variety that is safe for many patients suffering from many diseases. It is mainly used by people with an unbalanced blood pressure level.

Coptic salts are used to refer to Himalayan Pink salts. They are among the top healthiest versions of salt out there. They are often deemed for patients suffering from various health disorders and ailments. It is also said to be better than regular white processed salts.


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Coptic salt is a more natural and raw form of salt. It is less risky for health and can be used as a healthy alternative to regular white salt.

As the name suggests, Himalayan pink salt is grainy, coarser in texture, and light pink colored salt. It is available in a wide variety in shops as well as online stores.

Coptic salts are originally extracted from ‘Coptic’ zones or salty marshlands at the shores of seas. They are less processed and thus retain better nutritive features as compared to regular white salt. Regular everyday salt loses most of its value due to the undergoing of excess processing procedures.

Coptic Himalayan oink salts are recommended for several patients and types of diseases. But are they safe? How are they safe? Can diabetes patients use it to their benefit?

Let us now move onto answering these more important questions.

Is Coptic salt good for Diabetes patients?

Is Coptic salt good for Diabetes patients

Coptic salt is not only considered safe but rather a recommended change for diabetic patients. Pink Himalayan salt is one of the top healthy salts that a diabetic can shift to.

It is said to have various advantages for health. Salt is an important part of any meal. It is common but at the same time has to be paid proper attention to instead of neglecting.

Regular salts can lead to irregular sodium levels in the body that can trigger other diabetic symptoms. There is a limit on salt usage, too, when it comes to making positive changes to get a controlled diabetic lifestyle.

It is most beneficial in keeping the blood pressures under control. In addition to that, it is also believed to work wonders in controlling fluid balance, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. These are aspects that need to be paid enough attention to and given care to by diabetics.

Himalayan pink salt is said to be a true health gem for diabetics especially. It keeps the body protected from many casualties and also promote overall good health. It is also richer in other minerals found in salt in comparison to regular salt varieties.

We will move onto discussing the advantages of using Coptic salts later in this article. You will be surprised to know the effects and powers of this variety of salt on diabetic health conditions.

But before that, let us find out why Coptic salt is better for diabetics than regular salts?

Why is Coptic salt better for diabetic patients than regular salt?

Diabetes is a condition that leads to various symptoms and the severing of other health ailments. One of those very common symptoms is heightened blood pressure. This is also a leading cause of heart risks.

An ideal blood pressure level for a diabetes patient is recommended to be around – 130/85 mmHg and lower than 140/90 mmHg. These are said to be safe diabetic blood pressure levels.

Sodium is an essential element in the body and equally responsible for promoting high blood pressure. This nutrient is mainly derived from the common kitchen ingredient and universal spice item – salt.

To manage diabetes, it is crucial to control your daily salt intake too. It is necessary to pay attention to your everyday sodium amounts.

A daily safe and permitted limit of sodium for any diabetic is nothing more than between 1500 mg to 2300 mg. One teaspoon of regular salt accounts for this amount. A teaspoon of salt has 2300 mg of sodium, and thus, it must not be exceeded.

Going overboard with your daily sodium amounts can turn to be harmful to your body. The increase in the amount of sodium in the blood leads to higher water retention.

The excess presence of water in the blood leads to extra pressure on the artery walls. This pressure further results in the hardening of the arteries and more strain imposed on the delicate blood vessels that lead to the kidney. This is dangerous for the entire system and functioning of the body.

This alteration in the blood flow, and the arteries can also cause a hard push of blood against the arteries during the heart’s pumping procedures. All of this results in a kind of hypertension, more commonly known as – high blood pressure.

When paired on top of high and imbalanced blood glucose levels, high blood pressure can lead to serious discomfort and harm in the body. Therefore, it is very necessary to have control over the sodium levels in the body that lead to so many grave health issues.

The one simple way to take care of your daily sodium needs is to replace it with salts that are lesser in total sodium content.

Coptic salts are one of such go-to salt varieties that reduce the overall sodium levels in the diet. This, in turn, keeps the blood to water ratio under control and protects the arteries and the heat’s functioning.

Thus, changing to Coptic salts can make a huge difference in managing your health as a diabetic individual.

How to use Coptic salt for diabetes?

How to use Coptic salt for diabetes

There is a good and bad to every good and bad thing, and the key to attaining the good from everything lies in ‘balance.’

Similar is the case for salt, a very common ingredient in our everyday cooking and food. Thus, it is mandatory to use it within limits.

As we know that a safe diabetic blood pressure level is 130/85 mmHg, one should be careful to keep it within these recommended limits.

We also discussed that a maximum sodium level allowance for a day is between 1500 mg to 2300 mg. Thus, it is also important to limit your daily salt intakes according to these specified sodium values, be it regular salt or Coptic salt.

The amount of sodium chloride found in pink Himalayan salt is comparatively low in pink Himalayan salt. Thus, it is safer and results in lesser accumulation of sodium in the body.

Here are some common tips to keep in mind while using pink Himalayan salt to your benefit:

  • You can use Coptic salts in your meals and dishes just like you use regular salts. It can be found in coarse varieties as well as grounded into finer salt textures.
  • One teaspoon amount of pink Himalayan salt accounts for around 2000 mg of sodium. This is a good amount and can even be exceeded by a little more.
  • When using ground Coptic salts, make sure to use lesser than coarse versions as comparatively saltier than the coarse varieties.
  • Pink Himalayan salts are also used as bath salts to improve skin conditions and provide nourishment.

Now let us see some benefits that we supplied by including these healthier salt varieties in the diet.

What are the benefits of having Coptic salts in Diabetes?

Until now, we have discussed many reasons as to why Himalayan pink salt is better in comparison to regular salt. Now let us move onto discussing its major health benefits.

The following are the benefits of Coptic salt:

  1. It is commendable for its quality to regulate and maintain blood pressure. Sodium is the main component in salts and is responsible for influencing blood pressure.
  1. It is also said to help regulate blood sugar levels and many related diabetic symptoms.
  1. Coptic salts have been said to induce better sleep patterns and help prevent skin conditions such as aging.
  1. It is also helpful in maintaining the pH levels of the body.
  1. It reduces appetite and also avoids indigestion and gas issues.
  1. It also soothes sore throats and cures coughs and colds.

What are the side effects of excess consumption of Coptic Salts in Diabetes?

Some side effects can arise from improper use:

  1. High consumption of it will lead to increased hypertension.
  1. Excess Coptic salts can cause kidney dysfunction.
  1. In case of any swelling symptoms in the body, these salts must not be used.
  1. Some people may develop allergies to these salt types.

It is always better to consume them under a doctor’s consultation to ensure safety and caution.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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