Can Diabetes Patients Take Paneer? Glycemic Index & Limits

Last Updated on January 31, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Regulating your body with the right foods and right amounts is the simplest way to keep it healthy. But what might not be so simple sometimes are the rules of it.

Many a time, one has to read and research a lot before executing changes in the diet. This is especially true for diabetes patients. They have to follow many norms and keep in mind endless restrictions.

This can get difficult at times. But worry?  Not at all, because we are here to help you. Today, we will answer some of your questions about everyone’s favorite – Paneer.

Do you love Paneer too? Are you wondering …

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • Can Diabetes patients take Paneer?
  • What are its nutritional elements?
  • What are the benefits of Paneer?

And so on.

Well, we are here to solve these doubts. So let us get started!

What is Paneer?

What is Paneer

Let us begin with the most basic questions.

Paneer, also known as cottage cheese, is a dairy made product. It is a common form of cheese derived from the curdling of the milk.


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Paneer can be used in a variety of recipes and dishes. It is among the favorite of many.

The Paneer is a vegetarian food item and is enjoyed by all. In India, where there are many communities following a vegetarian food culture, Paneer is a common kitchen ingredient.

It is white, soft, and usually cut and sued in cubical pieces. It can be cooked in several ways. It is a loved delicacy in many cuisines.

It is a type of cheese, but it does not melt on cooking or heating. It stays soft and holds its shape.

As a dairy product, Paneer is said to have a good amount of dairy fat. Apart from that, it also has other health benefits.

The making of Paneer is easy. It can be bought from stores or even made at home. The milk is curdled by adding light fruit or vegetable acids.

At the end of this article, we will tell you how to make your Paneer at home. But prior to all that, let us look at the other primary questions you may have in mind.

Can diabetes patients take Paneer?

Can diabetes patients take Paneer

Well, long thing short – yes, you can have Paneer as a diabetes patient as well. It is a healthy diet supplement and can be added to meals without worrying about any raises in the blood sugar levels.

Paneer is a dairy product high in proteins, fats, and minerals such as calcium. These nutrients are good and also necessary for diabetic health.

Therefore, a blood sugar patient can include Paneer in their diets without worrying. Also, remember to check your overall health profile and the effects that Paneer can have on it.

For diabetics, Paneer is considered to be a healthy, safe, and often recommended snack item. It is not very high in carbs and thus keeps the sugar levels under control. Type 2 diabetes patients can even avail the numerous benefits of having Paneer.

One important thing to keep in mind when including Paneer in your diabetes-specific meals is portion control.

We will tell you about the portion control norms for Paneer in detail further on.

The digestion of Paneer in the body is carried on slowly. It is not hard on the metabolism, but the slow-paced digestion helps keep the blood sugar levels away from any high risks.

Paneer, when taken in regulated quantities, is also great for keeping off the extra pounds. It is good for weight loss and management. Weight loss and maintenance of normal body weight is an ideal aim for diabetes patients.

It is best to keep a check on your post-meal sugar levels if you decide on adding Paneer to your diet. It can help you understand its effects on your blood sugar levels, and you can continue, change, or discontinue Paneer’s use accordingly.

Additionally, it is also advisable to enquire your doctors about the same.

What is the Glycemic Index of Paneer?

What is the Glycemic Index of Paneer

Well, this measure is considered to be an accurate representation of classifying foods for diabetes patients.

The glycemic index measures the amounts of carbohydrates found in one food and the effects that it will have on the blood sugars. Hence, it is useful in determining the best and worst foods for diabetics.

Below is a table showing the Glycemic Index categories:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

As per the reading of this table, we can say that Paneer is a safe item for diabetics. It has a Low Glycemic Index, that is, only 27. This is a very low margin and does not hamper the health in any way.

How much Paneer is safe for a diabetes patient?

How much Paneer is safe for a diabetes patient

The answer to this question totally depends on one’s body functioning and diabetic health.

It is always better to stick to lower than usual quantities to keep the health out of risks.

  • A safe limit for diabetes patients regarding Paneer is 100 grams. It is a maximum limit and should not be overdone. You can stick to 80 grams of Paneer in a day as it is better to keep the quantities low and safe.
  • Although dieticians and doctors approve Paneer as a safe item for diabetics, it is still not good for daily consumption. It is recommended to include Paneer in meals only once or twice a week. Daily consumption of it can lead to other health complications.
  • It is also equally necessary to keep a check on the cooking methods and preparations. Make sure to not add excess carbs, oils, or fats to the dish. This will make it unhealthy; instead, you can pair it with vegetables and other health supplements that can multiply its overall nutritional value.

Always keep these things in mind to ensure the safety of your health. Following these norms and restrictions is overly crucial for patients dealing with blood sugar issues.

If Paneer’s consumption is leading to any allergic reactions or discomfort to your body, you should discontinue its inclusion in your meals.

NOTE: Milk is the primary ingredient in making Paneer. If you are lactose intolerant, make sure not to consume Paneer as it can fuel your lactose allergies and lead to indigestion and other health issues.

There are other substitutes of Paneer found in the markets that can be safely used by lactose-intolerant individuals.

What is the Nutritional Composition of Paneer?

What is the Nutritional Composition of Paneer

Until now, we discussed the goods of Paneer on health. But what are the main underlying sources that create these benefits on health?

To find out the answer to this question, we will have to delve into Paneer’s nutritional elements.

The tabulated information below represents a list of the nutrients that are found in Paneer and their respective quantities:

Sl. No.Nutrients found in 100 g of PaneerAmount available

–          Dietary fiber

–          Sugar

3 g

–          0 g

–          3 g

3.Fats4.3 g
4.Proteins11.12 g
5.Water79.79 g
6.Calcium83 mg
7.Sodium364 mg
8.Phosphorus159 mg
9.Selenium9.7 mg
10.Zinc0.4 mg
11.Choline18.4 mg
12.Potassium104 mg
13.Magnesium8 mg
14.Copper0.029 mg
15.Iron0.07 mg
16.Manganese0.002 mg
17.Vitamin A140 µg
18.Vitamin B120.43 µg
19.Vitamin B50.557 µg
20.Vitamin B20.163 µg
21.Vitamin D0.1 µg
22.Vitamin B60.046 µg
23.Vitamin B10.027 µg
24.Vitamin E0.08 µg
25.Vitamin B30.099 µg
26.Folate12 µg

Now let us see the goodness brought in by these nutrients.

What are the benefits of Paneer in Diabetes?

The following are the benefits of eating Paneer:

  1. High in calcium – the excellent amounts of calcium found in Paneer can benefit the body in many ways. It is good for the teeth and the bones in the body.
  1. Rich in Phosphorus – this is another nutrient that keeps the bones and teeth strong and healthy.
  1. Promotes weight loss – the presence of linoleic acid in Paneer is good for boosting metabolism. This, in turn, keeps the digestion functions properly and aids in weight management.
  1. Enriched with protein – the protein found in Paneer can help develop and grow the body. It is also great for the muscles and bones.
  1. Controls blood pressure – potassium in the paneer aids in keeping the blood pressure under control. Hence, the heart is kept healthy and away from diseases.

How to make Paneer at home?

Making Paneer by yourself, at home is one of the simplest things. You can enjoy fresh, homemade, and healthy Paneer whenever you like.


  • Whole milk
  • Juice of a lemon
  • Cheesecloth


  1. Boil around 8 cups of milk on medium flame.
  1. Add in the juice squeezed from a lemon into the milk. You can also add in a spoon of vinegar. Lower the flame and keep stirring.
  1. The milk will start to curdle. When all curled, take it off the flame and pour this over the cheesecloth suspended on a bowl.
  1. Squeeze the Paneer in the cheesecloth and let the water drain out. Freeze this for 20 mins to settle into a shape.

And your homemade soft and fresh Paneer is ready to use.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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