Is Cauliflower Good for Diabetics? (7 Health Benefits)

Is Cauliflower Good for Diabetics 7 Health Benefits

Cauliflower is a very useful vegetable when it comes to managing your diabetic levels. Being low glycemic, Cauliflower is good for diabetic patients and is very safe to be included in your meals. Cauliflowers can have plenty of benefits on the body and hardly has any risks for someone diagnosed with diabetes. So, next time … Read more

Does Eating Excess Sugar Cause Diabetes? (4 Health Issues)

Does Eating Excess Sugar Cause Diabetes? 4 Problems

Sugar is, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous items for almost all health issues. It is especially harmful to conditions related to the metabolism of the body, such as diabetes. Eating more sugar is one of the factors that give rise to diabetes. However, it is not the sole reason that your body … Read more

Is Pomelo Good for Diabetes? 7 Health Benefits

Is Pomelo Good for Diabetes? 7 Health Benefits

Living healthy is a dream and often a goal for everyone. This end may seem like an unachievable one when it is interrupted with hindrances such as – Diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects an individual’s metabolism and, thus, all related functions. Diabetic patients are advised to put special attention to key food … Read more

Can Diabetes Drink Coconut Water? (8 Health Benefits)

Can Diabetic Patients Drink Coconut Water 8 Benefits

The answer is yes, but it depends on the type of diabetes. If you have Type 1 Diabetes (juvenile-onset), it’s best not to drink coconut water due to its excess potassium content. Coconut water does contain a significant amount of potassium, which can result in hyperkalemia in people with Type 1 Diabetes. For those with … Read more

Is Sorghum Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits


With the diagnosis of blood sugar issues in the body, all types of food become a questionable deal to the individual. Pulses, every day cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc., all stand as confusing food items. As a diabetic, you may often wonder whether a particular food is healthy or not for the body. Today, we will … Read more

Is Dexorange Iron Syrup Good For Diabetic Patients?

Is Dexorange Iron Syrup Good For Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a chronic ailment that affects the overall body. It leads to impairment of internal as well as external functioning and systems and also creates major discomfort. There are many ways to resolve this problem of metabolism and keep blood sugar levels under control. There are food habits, workouts, daily routines, and lifestyle changes … Read more

Best Indian Prediabetes Diet for 2021 By Doctors

Best Indian Prediabetes Diet for 2021 By Doctors

Diabetes is often one of the most feared health ailments by everyone of all times. Nobody wants to hear the word diabetes or prediabetes when going for a doctor’s appointment. But it is a health ailment that you can control and avoid by making the right choices. There is a myriad of healthy foods and … Read more

Rice Idli, Sambar & Chutney – Calories, Nutrition, Benefits

Rice Idli, Sambar & Chutney – Calories, Nutrition, Benefits

It is said that the key to a healthy life lies in your stomach. A better and healthier choice of food is what it takes to keep away physical discomforts and ailments. In today’s world, where there are numerous food choices, we often get confused about choosing. So, we are here to clear your confusion … Read more

Is Upma Good for Diabetics? Nutrition and Daily Limits

Is Upma Good for Diabetics? Nutrition and Daily Limits

Changing into healthy habits is one of the primary ways to keep your diabetic health safe and under control. Diabetes is a chronic condition of the metabolism that can hamper the other overall functions in the body. Choosing foods to fit your blood sugar requirements can often be a herculean task. But we help you … Read more

Can Diabetes Patients Take Paneer? Glycemic Index & Limits

Can Diabetes Patients Take Paneer? Glycemic Index & Limits

Regulating your body with the right foods and right amounts is the simplest way to keep it healthy. But what might not be so simple sometimes are the rules of it. Many a time, one has to read and research a lot before executing changes in the diet. This is especially true for diabetes patients. … Read more