Which Millet is Best for Diabetes? (with Glycemic Index)

Which Millet is Best for Diabetes (with Glycemic Index)

Millets are tiny grains with a hard outer covering of husk. They are easy to grow, mainly because they can flourish in less fertile soil and with water requirements. Jowar, Bajra, and Ragi have been the most popular millets of all time. The husk of these millets is easily digestible. It does not need to … Read more

Will removing Rice and Wheat from Diet Reverse Diabetes?

Rice and Wheat

Today, we will cover a very interesting topic. Rice and wheat are often the major grains had as staples in various diets. But is it still ok for diabetic patients to have rice and wheat? As we already mentioned, rice and wheat flour are easily digestible carbohydrates. They can affect health and lead to several … Read more

Is Sorghum Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits


With the diagnosis of blood sugar issues in the body, all types of food become a questionable deal to the individual. Pulses, every day cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc., all stand as confusing food items. As a diabetic, you may often wonder whether a particular food is healthy or not for the body. Today, we will … Read more

Millets for Diabetes – Calories & 5 Health Benefits

Millets for Diabetes – Calories & 5 Health Benefits

Diabetes is a prevailing condition of the metabolism that affects many in today’s day and age. Adults, aged, and even children are diagnosed with diabetes. This is a common condition but can lead to many health and bodily discomforts. Thus, it is essential to keep diabetes under control. The major way to manage your diabetic … Read more