How Much Sugar Is There In a Bowl Of Rice

How Much Sugar Is There In a Bowl Of Rice

Rice is usual in many of our diets. It is a staple for most Asians and is included in at least one meal or more of the day. This is why rice is among the most common grains in use. However, if you are a diabetic patient, you need to be cautious about how much … Read more

Will removing Rice and Wheat from Diet Reverse Diabetes?

Rice and Wheat

Today, we will cover a very interesting topic. Rice and wheat are often the major grains had as staples in various diets. But is it still ok for diabetic patients to have rice and wheat? As we already mentioned, rice and wheat flour are easily digestible carbohydrates. They can affect health and lead to several … Read more

Can We Eat Chicken If We Have Diabetes Mellitus?

Can We Eat Chicken If We Have Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disorder in which blood glucose levels increase abnormally because the body of a person is unable to produce sufficient insulin hormone to complete the body. The urges of urination and the body get thirsty increases during diabetes, and people reduce some weight though they are not trying to reduce weight. Diabetes destructs … Read more

Barley: 10 Benefits, Side effects & Nutrition Facts

Barley: 10 Benefits, Side effects & Nutrition Facts

‘Hordeum vulgare’ which is commonly called Barley is a kind of cereal crop just like rice, wheat, and maize. Indians call barley by the name of ‘Jau’ and it is included in diets more often. The most likely thing about Barley cereal crop is that it is available at reasonable prices and thus can be … Read more

Can a Diabetic Eat Murmura (Puffed Rice) Daily?


Are you a diabetic? Do you often question your everyday food choices? Do you feel restricted when it comes to including different food items in your diets? Well, this is often a very regularly occurring problem for anyone diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes is a physically occurring impairment of the digestive metabolism system. It is caused … Read more

Sada Dosa Calories, Nutrition Facts & 5 Benefits

Sada Dosa Calories, Nutrition Facts & 5 Benefits

There are numerous choices when it comes to food. But it is not always easy to select the right and healthy one out of so many options. With the world growing into a developed place, we are also focused on bettering our health. It is also advantageous for everyone. But one often needs a helping … Read more

Food Exchange List for Indians – Ultimate List


Staying healthy and fit is a dream of all. We do want to be worry-free and healthy to prevent any diseases or health conditions. But it all comes with time and effort. Food habits and eating are the underlying factors that are the essential elements to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Diets as per one’s health … Read more

Is Poha Healthy for Diabetics? Is it better than Rice?

Is Poha Healthy for Diabetics? Is it better than Rice?

Diabetics are always on the search for innovative foods that will not only help them keep their blood sugar in range but also are appetizing to their taste buds. Those who suffer from diabetes know just how different it is from all the other diseases. Unlike other metabolic disorders affecting the body, diabetes requires a … Read more

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes? 7 Safer Alternatives

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes

As a diabetic patient, you must avoid tomato sauce because it contains a large amount of hidden salts and sugars. People mostly use too much of it or put it on everything, so it is recommended that you avoid this. There are many options in food items to add to your diet, which are nutritious … Read more

Best Diabetic Meats for a Nutritious Diet (Top 9)

Best Diabetic Meats

As a doctor, I often stress the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for managing diabetes. For many patients, incorporating lean protein sources like meat into their meals is a crucial part of achieving this balance. However, not all meats are created equal, and it’s essential to choose options that are low in fat and … Read more