Sada Dosa Calories, Nutrition Facts & 5 Benefits

Last Updated on January 23, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

There are numerous choices when it comes to food. But it is not always easy to select the right and healthy one out of so many options.

With the world growing into a developed place, we are also focused on bettering our health. It is also advantageous for everyone. But one often needs a helping hand to guide them to better choices, be it something as simple as food.

Today, we will be your helping hand. Today, let us discuss the popular south Indian food item – Sada Dosa. We will tell you …

  • What is it?
  • How many calories does one Sada Dosa have?
  • What are the nutrition facts of one Sada Dosa?
  • What the benefits of one Sada Dosa?
  • Are there healthier alternatives?

And also some recipes that will help you further.

Veggie causing Diabetes

So let us delve into today’s topic right away!

What is Sada Dosa?

What is Sada Dosa

The Dosa is among the most renowned South Indian dishes of all time. The Sada Dosa is nothing but the most basic preparation adapted to form other variants of the Dosa.

The Sada dosa is one of the most versatile ones of all. It can be had just as it is, paired with chutney and Sambar, and filled with stuffing or veggies.

It can be had in various meals as a breakfast item, or even for lunch as well as dinner. The Sada dosa is light and crispy and makes a very plain but still tasty meal option that is not too harsh on the digestive system.


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Dosa is made from a batter of 4 parts rice and 1 part lentils, powdered and then blended into a paste. This paste is then left to ferment overnight or more.

The fermentation allows the lightening of the ingredients and makes it better for the metabolism.

This batter is then fried like pancakes or crepes. The result is a crispy, white, and golden Dosa that can be enjoyed as it is or paired with various other things.

It is a common and quick, and easy food item that can be added to the meal plan and kitchen ingredients list very easily. But the question that takes over us is regarding its healthiness.

Is the Sada dosa healthy? Is it safe for all kinds of health and body types? Well, let us get to answer these questions.

Is Sada dosa healthy?

Is Sada dosa healthy

The Sada Dosa is said to be a healthy food option, but it also depends on one’s body type and health conditions.

Sada dosa is a good food item as it is filled with all kinds of nutrients. It is made from the combining of rice and dal. Thus it is filled with plenty of carbohydrates as well as proteins.

These nutrients are necessary daily and help in providing energy and proper functioning and development of the body.

Thus the Sada dosa is already two steps into making a balanced meal. Pair it with healthy green chutney and add a bowl of sambar, and it is a complete package of nutrition.

The lentils in Dosa make it rich in various minerals and vitamins such as calcium, folic acid, phosphorus, etc.

In addition to that, the presence of rice is good if you are looking for an instant source of energy. The low fiber-content assists in making the Dosa healthy for anyone suffering from diarrhea.

All in all, the fermentation included in the process to prepare the batter helps to lighten the Dosa. It makes the Dosa good for the body and easy on the digestive system.

Moreover, fermentation increases the bioavailability of nutrients that increases the capacity to absorb other nutrients better.

But still, it is healthy for some and not beneficial for some others. The goodness of Sada Dosa can be obtained only when taken in regulated amounts and not overdone.

The health factor is very much dependent on who is eating, in what way, and how much.

Let us find out about some situations where the same Sada Dosa is not so recommended.

Can Diabetics eat Sada Dosa?

Can Diabetics eat Sada Dosa

When it comes to a diabetic individual and their diet types, the Dosa, be it the plain and Sada variant, is not a good addition to one’s controlled diet needs. Diabetics have to be a little extra careful when it comes to choosing their meal options.

Due to rice’s main ingredient, the amount of starch, that is carbohydrate, increases. This results in a higher amount of sugar in the food item.

This sugar later leads to a rise in the blood sugar levels, which is the main cause of diabetic imbalance. To keep the body’s blood sugar levels under control, one needs to avoid foods that are high in carbs and calories.

As we discussed, the Sada Dosa being rich in carbs, is also low in fiber. This is not a preferable combination for diabetics. Diabetic patients need fiber to ensure proper metabolism and slow digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Besides, Dosa is also fried food. Dosa is fried in oil or other fats. This is not recommended for diabetic patients, as it can enhance the body’s number of fats.

Sada dosa can be a negative item in promoting weight loss. Thus, diabetics must be rather careful when it comes to adding Sada dosa to the diet frequently.

The Glycemic readings of Sada Dosa also define that it must be had in limited quantities by diabetics. Below is a Glycemic Index table to determine whether the Sada Dosa is safe or unsafe for diabetic consumption.

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

The Glycemic Index of Sada dosa is in the medium range. Thus, it falls between the values of 56 to 69 that are moderately safe for diabetics.

Thus, it is proven that the Sada dosa is to be had in limited and controlled amounts by diabetics. This is good for the overall health and will also keep further complications, symptoms, and other health risks.

What are the calories found in One Sada Dosa?

What are the calories found in One Sada Dosa

All this while we talked about the facts as to why the Sada dosa can be good in some ways and not too good in others. But now, let us move on to knowing about the figures.

Keeping a count of calories is an easy and plausible way to stick to a healthy and safe diet and keep a watch on the unnecessary extra pounds. Calories are the first values that we consider when planning out for a maintained and healthy meal.

So what is the number of calories available from the Sada Dosa?

One Sada Dosa can provide around 104 calories. When paired with better meals throughout the day, this number can help manage the overall health and body condition.

With more number of dosas being consumed, the number of calories will also add up. Thus it is crucial to stick to and follow a good and safe number.

To properly burn the calories obtained from one of Sada Dosa’s consumption, one has to engage in physical activities. It requires around 30 minutes of walking or around 15 minutes of some other comparatively heavier exercise.

Nutrition facts of One Sada Dosa:


There are many nutrients found in the Dosa. Let us have a look at the several macro and micronutrients available in Sada Dosa and their amounts.

The following table shows the nutrition facts for one Sada Dosa.

Sl. No.Nutrients available Amount available% daily values
2.Fats2.7 g4%
3.Proteins2.6 g5%
4.Carbohydrates17.8 g6%
5.Fiber0.7 g3%
6.Cholesterol0 mg0%
7.Vitamin A25.1 mcg1%
8.Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.6 mg5%
9.Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
10.Folic acid (Vitamin B9)9.2 mg%
11.Calcium10.8 mg2%
12.Iron0.4 mg2%
13.Magnesium21.4 mg5%
14.Phosphorus50.2 mg8%
15.Sodium3.1 mg0%
16.Potassium69.2 mg1%
17.Zinc0.4 mg4%

Now let us see what the various advantages of these nutrients are on one’s health.

What are the benefits of Sada Dosa?


  1. Well, primarily, this food item supplies one with instant energy. Thus, the Sada dosa as a breakfast option is an amazing choice to start a day with energy.
  1. The fermentation process makes it better and easier on the digestive system.
  1. It also increases the capacity to absorb other nutrients better.
  1. It also rich in protein and helps to run and repair the cells.
  1. It is easy, healthy, usually homemade, and not a junk food option, making it safer.

How to make the Dosa better?


Well, here are some useful and helpful tips to make your Sada Dosa even healthier:

  • You can use Ragi or rolled instead of rice to make the Dosa low-carb and high in fiber.
  • You can switch to ghee for frying instead of oil to gain more benefits obtained from ghee.
  • You can also make paper dosas. These are non-oily Dosa variants that are lower in calories and fats.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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