Is Wheat Chapati Good for Diabetes? 5 Benefits & Daily Limits

Last Updated on January 30, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

While trying to keep a healthy and balanced lifestyle, food is the first consideration. It is very important to pay attention to what you consume and especially on your everyday meals. This is a major part of bringing to attention if you are a diabetes patient.

One such very common and often a staple item in our meals is the Chapati. This item forms the base of the meal, which is the bread. But is this everyday common chapati safe for diabetic individuals?

Are you wondering …?

  • Is wheat Chapati good for diabetes?
  • What are its nutritional components?
  • What are the Daily limits of wheat Chapati for diabetics?
  • Are there any side effects?

Well, these are all essential questions to know about when it comes to managing your diabetic health properly. So let us know about their answers.

Veggie causing Diabetes

But first, let us know what this is.

What is Wheat Chapati?

What is Wheat Chapati

If you are an Indian, then you surely know what we are talking about. The Wheat Chapati, or simply the Roti, is undoubtedly the most basic and a staple in one’s everyday diet. This is what you pair your other foods with.

The Chapati is the Indian flatbread made from wheat, and usually whole wheat. It is obtained from rolling out of a previously kneaded soft dough. The chapati is then cooked, and roasted overheat.

This can be paired with chutneys, curries, dry Sabzi, gravies, etc. This is the common bread in the country and a part of either all or at least one daily meal.


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The dough is made from wheat flour, salt, and water to combine the dry ingredients into a dough form. The chapati, in the end, is light and soft bread.

It is said to be extremely nutritious and has several health goodnesses that are required by the body. It is also said to be a provider of roughage in the body.

As a staple, the Wheat Chapati stands as a champion of all. But is this same good flatbread recommended for other health types too? Are there any risks?

We will clear these out as we progress in this article.

Is Wheat Chapati good for Diabetes?

Chapati made from whole wheat flour is a good choice for diabetic individuals. It is a better choice over Maida Chapati and is better compared to rice.

We usually attain our daily carbohydrate needs from our cereal intakes. Rice is a common and staple cereal for all, but it is very high in carbohydrates. Thus, it is not suitable for diabetic body types.

In comparison to that, gaining your daily carbohydrates is better than from the whole wheat Chapati. It is lighter, lower in carbohydrates and calories, and also higher in fiber and other nutritious elements that help the body.

Chapati must be a preferred option for someone with blood sugar issues. The fewer number of carbohydrates from the chapati helps keep the overall blood sugar level of the body under control and out of risks.

When refined, wheat is stripped of its good fibers and nutrients and is only left with the carbohydrates. This makes the refined wheat flour unfit for someone with blood sugar issues.

Thus, it is better to switch to whole grain wheat and use it for your daily needs.

But there is always a limit to something good.

In the following section, we will tell you what a safe and good number of chapati is for a diabetic person daily.

The fiber in the chapati helps to keep the body’s metabolism running freely and smoothly. The fiber in the body decreases the pace of absorbing the body’s sugars, thus keeping the blood sugar levels away from sudden risings and imbalance.

There are several other nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, that can benefit diabetic health. We will have a look at them as we move further.

Now let us move on to know the Glycemic Index of a Chapati. This is an accurate way to decipher what food is safe and not, especially for diabetic patients.

What is the Glycemic Index of Wheat Chapati?

What is the Glycemic Index of Wheat Chapati

The Glycemic Index is assigned to food that shows how that particular food will affect the body.

The number of carbohydrates in a specific food is used to determine how the food will influence the blood sugars. Thus, taking a look at the Glycemic values that assist in choosing a diabetic-safe food.

The following table shows the Glycemic Index categories and their significance:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

According to this table, let us look at the Glycemic Index of Wheat Chapati.

The Glycemic Index of wheat Chapati has been measured and found to be around 52 to 55. This is a low as well as the safest Glycemic Index category.

Thus, we can conclude that wheat chapati is recommended for diabetic consumption. It will do give rise to extreme disturbanc3s in the blood sugar levels.

What are the daily limits of Wheat Chapati for Diabetics?

What are the daily limits of Wheat Chapati for Diabetics

First of all, it is the basic necessity to understand your body type and choose what is best for you. One must always make smart choices depending on their health conditions and capacities to keep safe and not lead to unnecessary harm.

We know by now that the wheat chapati is safe for the body, even for diabetic patients. But there is a limit to every good thing as well.

The daily carbohydrate need of a diabetic individual can be completed by the intake of 15 to 16 chapatis in a day. But it is important to understand that we include many other food items in a day and their calories and nutrients are also necessary.

So we need to space out our food portions accordingly. Hence, here are some daily limits and tips you can follow:

  • It is best to stick to two or a maximum of three whole wheat chapatis in a day. This amount must be distributed in meals and not overdone.
  • It is best to consume wheat chapatis in the first half of the day. Try to include them in your breakfast or lunch and not in the dinner meals.
  • Pair your chapatis with low-carb and fiber-enriched Sabzi. Make sure your side dish with Chapati is full of fiber and other helpful nutrients.
  • Avoid the extra oil or ghee on top of the chapati and stick to plain dry roasted chapatis. This helps to eliminate the excess fat that can lead to accumulation of it and eventual weight gain.

Make sure you keep these little tips in mind to avoid any discomforts or health mishaps.

Now let us move on to have a look at the nutritional profile of the wheat chapati. This will help us know what we are gaining with the inclusion of chapati in our everyday meals. 

What is the Nutritional Profile of the Whole Wheat Chapati?

What is the Nutritional Profile of the Whole Wheat Chapati

To know food better before adding it to your diet can be a very smart decision. This helps to gain an insight into what that food will supply to your body.

The table below shows the nutritional composition of wheat chapati:

Sl. No.Nutrients available Amount available% Daily value
2.Fats3.7 g6%
3.Proteins2.6 g5%
4.Carbohydrates15.7 g5%
5.Fiber2.6 g10%
6.Cholesterol0 mg0%
7.Vitamin A30.6 mcg1%
8.Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
9.Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.9 mg7%
10.Vitamin E0.2 mg1%
11.Folic acid (vitamin B9)7.8 mcg4%
12.Calcium10.4 mg2%
13.Iron1.1 mg5%
14.Magnesium28.6 mg8%
15.Phosphorus76.9 mg13%
16.Sodium4.3 mg0%
17.Potassium68.2 mg1%
18.Zinc0.5 mg5%

In addition to all this nutritional goodness, the wheat chapati is also safe for – weight watchers, fitness enthusiasts, heart and cholesterol patients.

5 Health Benefits of Wheat Chapati

5 Health Benefits of Wheat Chapati

Till now, we discussed that chapati is safe and recommended for all and also had a look at its nutrition facts. Now let us try to understand what its advantages on the health are.

  1. These are rich in fiber that helps keep the metabolism properly functional and prevent digestive disorders.
  1. Wheat flour is rich in a variety of anti-oxidants. They help in avoiding the bad effects of free radicals on the body and help to maintain safety.
  1. It is also an immediate source of energy as it adds carbohydrates to the body.
  1. It is also enriched with iron. Thus, it helps to maintain a healthy hemoglobin level in the body.
  1. Moreover, it is also good for the skin as it contains minerals such as zinc.

Are there any side-effects of eating too many Wheat Chapatis?

Are there any side-effects of eating too many Wheat Chapatis

Here are some common considerations that one must follow to avoid any side effects arising from the consumption of Chapatis:

  • As it is made from wheat, chapatis contain gluten. Individuals with gluten allergies or celiac diseases must avoid having chapatis.
  • Overdoing wheat can also lead to kidney disorders. So it is better to stick to safe daily limits.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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