Does Lemon Water Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Does Lemon Water Lower Blood Sugar Levels

With the diagnosis of high and imbalanced blood sugar levels, it becomes crucial for an individual to pay extra attention to their health and life habits. Including safe and better food habits and meal, practices can assist in managing one’s diabetic conditions. Lemon is a very medicinal item. Its juice is said to have several … Read more

Is Brown Sugar Healthy? Is It Safe in Diabetes?

Is Brown Sugar Healthy

Managing your diabetes and maintain healthy blood sugar levels is the way to alter into a proper lifestyle. There are tons of restrictions that come along. Cutting off on sweets, sugars, desserts, etc. is the most essential part of living with diabetes. But some questions arise in the minds of many regarding the alternative sweet … Read more

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes? 7 Safer Alternatives

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes

As a diabetic patient, you must avoid tomato sauce because it contains a large amount of hidden salts and sugars. People mostly use too much of it or put it on everything, so it is recommended that you avoid this. There are many options in food items to add to your diet, which are nutritious … Read more

Top 5 Good and Bad Fruits for Gestational Diabetes

Top 5 Good and Bad Fruits for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a common medical condition that can occur during pregnancy. It is important for pregnant women to understand the effects of their diet on this condition and how it may impact themselves and the fetus. This article will provide an overview of the five best and worst fruits for gestational diabetes, including information … Read more