Random Blood Sugar Levels Chart In India

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

India, the country where the prevalence of diabetes is at its peak. According to recently made studies, more youngsters in India are prone to diabetes than in western countries and that too at a very early age.

Is it important to know about random blood sugar levels? Why not, nearly 70 million people in India are currently fighting diabetes and this proportion is estimated to grow up to 100 million by 2030. Indians are developing an enormous exposure towards this disease which is blooming at an alarming rate in the Indian subcontinent when compared to other parts across the world.

There are some peculiar reasons for widespread diabetes on such a massive scale among men, women, kids, and teenagers.

1. Genetic predisposition –

Genetic factors are greatly affecting the rise of diabetes in Indian society. If the parents are diabetic, then the child is also likely to develop the same disease in later stages of life.

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2. Insulin resistance –

this might sound surprising to you but however, is a real proven fact. Researches reveal that Indians have inculcated higher magnitudes of insulin resistance in their body. The low birth weight of babies corresponds to this.

Furthermore, when a child with low birth weight grows up to be obese, the risk of acquiring diabetes accelerates during adolescent stage.

3. Malnutrition –

Yet another threat paved on the society is malnutrition which takes away many lives of many children every year, particularly in rural areas.

A great degree of children under the age of five in India is stunted, wasted and malnourished. Many fall prone to diarrhea or anemia and due at tender ages. Prolonged malnutrition is linked with the arrival of diabetes if the child somehow survives.


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4. Dietary influences-

Apart from genetics, traditional reasons are also to be blamed equally. The diet that people of India primarily follow involves a higher intake of carbohydrates, refined cereals, and saturated fatty acids. People here are very much fond of sweets but most of them decline the rightful amount of proteins in their meals.

5. Modern lifestyle –

With the advent of urbanization, our lifestyle is turning sedentary. People are heavily dependent on machines which inhibits physical growth. This devastating affects overall health. Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are twin causes of diabetes.

6. Lack of awareness –

This is undoubtedly the reason that turns the situation worse. People, especially those living in rural areas, slums and suburbs are still not aware of the causes and symptoms of diabetes. They fail to acknowledge the disease within the right time. Don’t you think it’s high time and being a resident of India, you need to be cautious enough regarding your blood sugar levels.

Wishing to gain more insights about random blood sugar levels and its readings chart for people of different age groups in India? Congrats then, you are in the right place. Although, there are many effective tests for diabetes speculation this article mainly emphasizes the significance of random blood glucose tests. To understand the same, we need to have a closer look at the random blood sugar levels chart in India.

What Are Random Blood Sugar Levels

The word ‘random’ here exemplifies that these are blood glucose levels which can be measured at any time of the day. Some specific tests are performed to check these levels and interpret the results.

There is no need for fasting overnight or waiting for two hours after meals. However, other common tests require either of the two conditions to be fulfilled. Moreover, you don’t need to wear the strip whole day as in case of continuous glucose monitoring meters.

This method offers flexibility in timing to people who wish to get their blood sugar tested. Do you remember reading about the HbA1C test in the previous article?

It is also a kind of blood glucose test that doesn’t require fasting. You can arrive at your doctor’s clinic at any time of the day without any preparation and get yourself diagnosed accurately.

Procedure For Random Blood Sugar Test

The procedure of this test is quite simple and brief. The medical practitioner collects a small sample of blood from your fingertips. This is done using a small sharp needle that is pricked at the top of your forefinger, generally.

This sample is further subjected to technical evaluation and results are obtained.  Accordingly, your doctor will advise you on the medications based on your reports.

The readings are classified as;

80-140 mg/dL : normal

140-200 mg/dL : pre-diabetes

more than 200 mg/dL : diabetes

Pre-diabetes signifies high blood sugar levels than optimal range but provides a fair scope of reverting them back to normal, and is therefore not categorized as diabetes. Prediabetic patients are on the verge of developing type 2 diabetes if they continue to be careless regarding diet and appropriate medications.

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Random Blood Sugar Testing At Home

The only way to deal with undesired health problems related to diabetes is to check your blood glucose levels at regular intervals. Home glucose monitoring kits make this task easier for us. To begin with, clean your finger gently with spirit-soaked cotton, rubbing it all over.

Then, prick your finger at the tip with the lancet that comes along with the kit. Put a drop of blood on the strip provided and insert this strip into the meter to get the final readings. You can purchase different meters based on size, features, speed, and cost. These blood glucose monitoring meters are easily available at local pharmacy stores or online platforms.

Random Blood Sugar Levels Chart

Schedule         Normal      Diabetes
Morning hours   <100mg/dL   70-130mg/dL

Before meals     <110mg/dL   70-130mg/dL

2 hrs after meal  <140mg/dL  180mg/dL

Bedtime             <120mg/dL  90-150mg/dL

HbA1C                  <6%               >7%

These are standard readings for all adult people in India belonging to the age group between 18 years to 40 years. The exception being in the case of gestational diabetes which has its own diagnosis and treatments.

However, results can deviate from the above readings in case a person is suffering from anemia or other such diseases. For the people living in hilly regions, fluctuations in readings can arise as well. Otherwise, a reading of 200 mg/dL and above indicates the onset of diabetes and immediate treatment needs to be done to bring the blood sugar levels under control. Generally, one more test is recommended to confirm diabetes when the readings are doubtful.

What Else To Know: The Other Way Results

In addition to this, random blood sugar readings that come out be exceedingly low indicates low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. This is the other side of this problem. You need to be equally concerned with the extremely low blood sugar levels as with the increased ones. When the readings are below 70 mg/dL, chances for low blood sugar comes in.

Moreover, if the readings are close to 40 mg/dL, this signifies severe hypoglycemia and you have to hastily turn onto proper medicine and diet which ensures appropriate carbohydrate intake by the body. Hypoglycemia too imposes crucial health threats upon your body. A few ones to mention are – numbness, loss of thinking power, heart-related ailments, excessive sweating, and sleeping disorders.

What Causes High Blood Sugar

There are numerous factors contributing to elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream. The most apparent ones are listed below;

  1. Lack of healthy habits like exercise, yoga, and meditation in your daily routine.
  1. Not drinking enough amount of water daily. Dehydration makes the situation terrific.
  1. Skipping breakfast is also one of the prominent causes leading to diabetes. This is commonly for the people who get up late in the morning and rush on towards the office or college.
  1. Too much consumption of processed snacks, junk food, packaged drinks and a greater intake of foods with a high glycemic index.
  1. Sometimes, hyperactivity of thyroid gland or pancreatic cancer become the stringent reasons for diabetes.
  1. Avoiding regular health checkups.

When To Become Alert For Checking Blood Sugar Levels

Honestly, if you are really serious at managing diabetes, then, please don’t wait for the right time as there is no definite prediction of this. The tables can turn up anytime. It’s better to make persistent efforts from your side by visiting and consulting a good doctor near your home.

If you are diagnosed at an early stage, you can successfully revive yourselves by adopting rightful measures within time. Or else, if you are already diabetic, still regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is obviously the key to a safe and secure life.

You come to know about how well you are doing at maintaining your sugar ranges and can avoid any severe complications beforehand. This, in turn, saves your time and money as well as keep you away from unnecessary hassles.

But, there are some symptoms and conditions under which you must not take your health lightly at any cost. A closer check at blood glucose levels become more important during the following circumstances;


The risk of developing diabetes increases four folds during pregnancy. This situation is very common among Indian women as 8 out of every 10 women are reported to suffer from gestational diabetes every year.

Encountering dominant symptoms:

If you ever experience some most common symptoms like frequent urination, excessive thirst combined with tiredness. Then you ought to visit a doctor as soon as possible. The symptoms also include unexplained weight loss, headache, nausea, blurred vision and slow healing of sounds.


If you are obese, then chances are higher for your blood sugar levels to get hiked up. Instantly, makeup and follow a diet plan for quick weight loss. Don’t forget to consult a doctor for insured healthy well being.

Case of high blood pressure:

High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes often go hand in hand with close proximity. This is because the hormones released during high blood pressure also causes the release of glycogen (stored glucose) from the liver and other body cells into the circulating blood. When you are going for your blood pressure test, it also takes time to know your readings for blood glucose levels as well.

Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy

Pregnancy demands extra care and nourishment for the body as this is the time when certain hormonal changes are intensely going around in the body along with several physiological changes. In India, statistics of gestational diabetes are increasing every year seeming parallel with the increased of diabetes.

The majorly contributing states are Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Tamil Nadu with more than 20% of the women being affected with the problem. There is also a method for testing gestational diabetes that doesn’t require fasting.

All you need to do is drink a specifically prepared glucose water on arriving at the clinic. Blood will be drawn as a small sample one hour later to test it for any discrepancies. If the readings are higher than 120 mg/dL, you are required to come up with rigid precautions.

Tips for effective blood sugar testing

  • You should know that your blood sugar levels are affected by each and every activity you perform throughout the day.

The food you eat, sleeping durations, medicines, traveling, exercise routine, and all other things alternate the pattern of blood sugar.

  • Regular checking of blood glucose levels brings many advantages.

Once you know how particular food or activity is affecting your levels, you can talk with your doctor more productively.

Avoid taking the wrong food from next time onwards and continue with the ones which appear to favor your health.

  • Stay in your target range. Make sure your calorie consumption does not exceed beyond the permitted range. You should be aware of your target range in advance.

For instance, your levels must not rise more than 180 mg/dL from 2 hours after meals and at any other time, they must be in the range of 120-150 mg/dL.

  • While checking for blood glucose levels at home, don’t forget to wash your hands with warm water and medicated soap before testing to avoid any errors in the readings.
  • Always prefer to prick the needle at the tip of your finger.

The fingertips receive a large number of capillaries so getting a blood drop becomes easy.

  • Keep changing your lancet after sufficient time intervals.
  • In case you find any anomalies in your readings without no clear reason, call a doctor to discuss and gain clarity over the issue.

Concluding words

So, here you are done with all the relevant knowledge about random blood sugar levels in India, their tests and measures. People need that they must keep visiting their trusted doctors for regular monitoring of their blood glucose levels to avoid crucial complications that arrive upon delaying the diagnosis.

Of course, timely treatment can avoid big troubles. Every diabetic person is strictly recommended to include light exercises in his/her everyday life schedule. This not only keeps your blood sugar levels stable but also reduces the risk of developing any other deadly diseases.

There is only one master key to conquer diabetes and that is the continued analysis of blood sugar levels. You can decide and make your own check-up plan. This will be based on your working hours, your daily activities and whatever else you manage.

Choose one particular interval after which you will be checking your blood sugar levels either at home or at the clinic. This could be once a month, once a week or even once in a day. It all pertains to your convenience. Don’t skip checkups until and unless it’s a really hectic day for you. After embracing all such rightful measures, you will be doing pretty good in terms of efficient diabetes management.

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