Can Diabetics Eat Sapota (Chikoo)? 9 Benefits, Glycemic Index

Last Updated on December 27, 2020 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Do you enjoy a sweet or dessert when it comes to food? Well, then, what is a better and healthier option than fruits?

One of the commonly known and loved sweet fruits is the Sapota. They are small, sweet, and the favorites of many.

Well, are you a diabetic? Are you confused about the fruits that are safe for your blood sugars and ones that aren’t?

Well then, are you wondering …

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • Can diabetics eat Sapota?
  • What are its benefits for health?
  • What is the Glycemic Index of Sapota?


Worry not! We are here to answer all of these questions of yours!

So without any more ado, let us delve into this. 

What is Sapota (Chikoo)?

What is Sapota (Chikoo)

Known as Sapodilla in English, this fruit is commonly called Sapota or Chikoo in India. They are round sweet fruits that are found growing on big evergreen trees.


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These are generally brown in color and a tropical round or oval in shape fruit. There is the rough outer skin.

The inner flesh is also brown in hue, but it has a soft and fleshy texture, unlike the outer covering. There are around two to three seeds found inside the flesh of this fruit.

It is among the most delicious fruits out there. But they are not just that; they are also amazingly healthy.

Be it the skin, your hair, or boost your overall immunity, the Sapota is a great addition to the diet that fulfills all these body needs.

Its mild and sweet flavors make it a great snacking fruit for kids as well. They provide numerous health benefits and also favor the digestive system.

The Chikoo fruit is generally eaten with the inside flesh, but it can also be peeled before consuming. The seeds are inedible and should be thrown away.

They are already tasty as fruits and enjoyed very well as juices, ice-cream flavors, fruit salads, desserts, etc.

Can a person with Diabetes Eat Sapota?

Can a person with Diabetes Eat Sapota

To be direct and clear, Sapota is safe for diabetes patients when eaten in controlled and fewer quantities. We will explain more about this in the coming parts.

Diabetes is a condition of the metabolism that manifests as a chronic disease. It can hamper an individual’s daily dietary needs and food choices.

With the onset of diabetes, food habits need to be paid extra attention to. This blood glucose syndrome needs special attention and many restrictions on your normal eating habits.

Food portions matter a lot for someone who is diagnosed with diabetes. Controlled intake of food is best for the health and keeps it safe.

The same criterion applies for the consumption of this fruit – the Sapota. Chikoo, as we mentioned before, is a naturally very sweet fruit.

This already present sweetness comes from the presence of direct sugars in the form of carbohydrates. Uncontrolled amounts of these sugars that are ultimately carbs can harm the body’s blood sugars.

Thus, it is really important to keep in mind the daily limits of consuming Sapota. We will discuss the daily quantity allowed for diabetic patients regarding this fruit later in this article.

As per diabetic doctors and researchers, fruits that are high in sugars are best avoided or recommended to be taken in fewer quantities.

The researchers and experts say the same in the case of the Sapodilla fruit.

Let us discuss an important diabetic health indicator and measure used by diabetic patients –the Glycemic Index.

What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Sapota?

What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Sapota

The Glycemic Index is a systematic way of classifying the various foods according to their carbohydrate content. This is primarily helpful for any diabetic patient.

This enables a diabetic to judge food based upon its nutritional aspects better. They can easily choose and determine the foods grouped as either safe or unsafe for diabetic consumption.

According to the Glycemic Index measures, foods are ranked on a scale from 0 to 100. They are then arranged in three groups: high, medium, or low based on their rankings.

The tables below indicate the groupings that foods are classified as per the Glycemic Index:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index CategoriesGlycemic Index Range
1.Low Glycemic IndexFrom 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic IndexFrom 56 to 69
3.High Glycemic Index70 and above

So now, what is the Glycemic Index of Sapota? Is it safe for diabetics according to that?

Well, the Glycemic Index of Sapota is said to be low. That means it falls somewhere from 0 to 55.

But, then why is it debatable for a diabetic patient’s health, you ask? That is simply because of the sweetness of this fruit.

The excessive sweetness may not be harmful, just as indicated by its Glycemic Index. But it is safer to take preventive measures because, just as the saying goes – “Prevention is better than cure!”

When the Glycemic range is considered, the quantity is also kept in mind. This is specified in another Glycemic measure called the Glycemic Load.

Just as the Glycemic Index, the Glycemic Load is also divided into three categories. They are as follows:

Sl. No. Glycemic Load CategoriesGlycemic Load Range
1.Low Glycemic LoadFrom 0 to 10
2.Medium Glycemic LoadFrom 11 to 19
3.High Glycemic Load20 and above

Well, as per this table, the Glycemic Load of the Sapota fruit is also low. It thus falls under a mark of 10 on the Glycemic Load scale.

This indicates that low quantities of this sweet and tasty fruit will not cause any harm to the health, especially to that of a diabetic.

Now, let us know how much does this ‘low’ or ‘controlled’ quantity mean?

How many Chikoo (Sapota) can be eaten in a day?


All this while we mentioned about having a ‘safe’ quantity of this fruit. But what is this safe and limited quantity?

According to many dieticians and health experts, the suggested limit for eating Sapota is one fruit in a day only.

One Sapota fruit is a safe and recommended amount for diabetics. It is also filled with a major portion of water that lowers the flesh quantity that contains the carbohydrates.

One Sapota fruit in a day would not hamper your blood sugars or cause any harmful fluctuations. This is also low in the Glycemic Index and the Glycemic Load, hence ensuring health safety.

NOTE: Make sure not to consume Sapota juices or other Sapota desserts as they may have added sugars that worsen the health condition.

What is the Nutritional Value of Sapota?

What is the Nutritional Value of Sapota

Before knowing the advantages that come with the consumption of this fruit, let us look at the nutritional composition of this fruit that leads to all the many benefits it has to offer.

The below-listed table represents the various nutrients and its amounts found in 100 grams of this fruit:

Sl. No. Nutrients Available (in 100g of Sapota)Amount available
2.Fat1.1 g
3.Total Carbohydrate

–         Sugars

–         Fiber

19.96 g

– 0 g

– 5 g

4.Protein0.44 g
5.Water78 g
6.Phosphorus12 mg
7.Zinc0.1 mg
8.Selenium0.6 mg
9.Sodium12 mg
10.Magnesium12 mg
11.Iron0.8 mg
12.Potassium193 mg
13.Copper0.086 mg
14.Calcium21 mg
15.Vitamin C14.7 µg
16.Vitamin A60 µg
17.Folate14 µg
18.Vitamin B50.252 µg
19.Vitamin B60.037 µg
20.Vitamin B30.2 µg
21.Vitamin B20.02 µg

Therefore, you can see that this fruit is enriched with plenty of nutritional goodness.

With this in mind, let us move onto what the health benefits of eating Sapota are.

What are the Health Benefits of having Sapota?

What are the Health Benefits of having Sapota

Listed below are nine health benefits that can be attained by eating Sapota:

  1. Sapota is enriched with good amounts of fiber. Fiber is crucial for diabetes patients and also aids in weight loss. It can also assist in keeping the overall metabolism healthy and out of disorders.
  1. Sapota is also rich in innumerable antioxidants. These nutrients have special powers in keeping the body away from many chronic health conditions. It is also responsible for keeping away the risks of many kinds of cancers.
  1. Alongside being rich in antioxidants, it is also filled with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. These help in combating many microbial infections that can manifest in the body.
  1. It helps promote good eye health. The vitamin A found in this fruit helps to keep the eyes safe and correctly functional.
  1. Sapota is good for keeping the bones safe and healthy. It has many minerals, such as potassium, calcium, and iron, that help maintain bone health.
  1. It is good medicine for cold and cough as well. Eating Sapota helps in the removal of phlegm from the respiratory tract. It is also good for preventing kidney stones.
  1. Sapota does not affect heart health because of its low-fat content. Sapota has low cholesterol, no trans-fat, low sodium, and has no saturated fats as well. Thus it also keeps the blood pressure safe.
  1. Sapota can maintain a healthy mind. The sedative effects of it calm nerves and stress, helping in avoiding mental health issues.
  1. It is great for one’s hair and skin as well. The antioxidants and other nutrients assist in anti-aging, enhances complexion, improves skin-texture, etc. it also nourishes and moisturizes hair.

Try to include this fruit in healthy quantities to gain all these benefits and more!



Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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