Best Indian Prediabetes Diet for 2021 By Doctors

Last Updated on March 18, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Diabetes is often one of the most feared health ailments by everyone of all times. Nobody wants to hear the word diabetes or prediabetes when going for a doctor’s appointment.

But it is a health ailment that you can control and avoid by making the right choices. There is a myriad of healthy foods and other techniques such as exercises that can help keep the blood sugar levels of the body under controlled levels.

The first step towards having a diabetes-free or controlled health is to pay attention to your intake of food. The most crucial part is to exchange all junk and unhealthy foods with healthy alternatives.

To shift to a healthy and diabetes-free or pre-diabetic safe meal plan, you will need a proper specified diet. Today, we are here to help you out with a useful and effective prediabetes diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle and fight diabetes.

Veggie causing Diabetes

We will discuss several food items that you can include in your daily diet routines. But before that, let us know what prediabetes means.

What is Prediabetes?

There is a normal and safe margin of blood sugar that is specific to the body. Prediabetes is a condition of the body, where the blood sugar levels start going higher than the normal limits.

This is not as serious as developing Type 2 diabetes, but it can eventually lead to a severe and serious Type 2 diabetes condition. The long-term presence of pre-diabetic high blood sugar levels is what results in a gradual diagnosis of diabetes.

One needs to be aware that diabetes is a condition that starts from the body’s metabolism but moves on to affect the overall functioning and all the different organs and functions of the body.


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Diabetes also gives rise to heart issues, nerve damage, brain dysfunctions, joints, bones, muscular issues, etc.

But there isn’t the need to worry because prediabetes does not always have a chance to lead to diabetes. It is a condition that can be controlled and improved with the right measures and practices.

Let us know about some more necessary information that you should be clear with.

What are some causes that lead to Pre-diabetes?

Diabetes, as we know by now, is a condition of metabolism. Thus, it is clear that any habit linking to the body’s metabolism will also be a factor in contributing to diabetes.

Well, some of the generally observed causes of diabetes are –

  1. Obesity and higher than normal weight – having a higher than normal BMI or weight is a common reason for digestive problems. It is a common observation among diabetics and pre-diabetics as well. Proper management and control of a healthy weight are needed to keep the blood sugar levels steady.
  1. Lack of activity and exercise – a low daily activity rate can contribute to gaining weight and eventually developing diabetes. Working out and staying fit is also related to the proper maintenance of the whole body and metabolism.
  1. Excess intake of carbscarbohydrates are the easiest sources of sugar. This is the main reason behind the heightening of the body’s glucose levels. Too many carbohydrates can keep the glucose supply in the body higher for longer periods. This can eventually cause prediabetes.
  1. Improper insulin functioning – insulin, secreted by the pancreas, is one of the essential hormones required in metabolism regulation. Diabetics have a record of improper insulin content and production in the body. A lack of required amounts of insulin in the body can hamper the digestion and break down of food, leading to a hindered blood sugar level in the body.
  1. Genetic reasons – if diabetes is an ailment that runs in the family, then one is most likely to get it as well. Hereditary reasons must not be neglected as genes play an important role in determining the body’s state. Hence, if you have diabetes in the family, it is best to be on a safer side and resort to regular check-ups and tests alongside a controlled and active diet and overall lifestyle. 

How to know you are pre-diabetic?

Well, there are not a lot of particular symptoms that one experiences as a pre-diabetic. It is only upon a doctor’s or medical appointment, blood test, etc., that you can determine the true condition of your body and health.

It is best to stick to medical reports and doctor’s consultations to ensure your condition and its effective treatment.

A common symptom that a pre-diabetic individual can experience is the darkening of the skin in certain areas of the body.

This is generally observed in parts like the neck, armpits, elbows, knuckles, knees, etc.

As a pre-diabetic individual, your fasting blood sugar levels will usually range from 100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl. At the same time, a regular fasting blood sugar level is usually around 100 mg/dl.

All of these reasons and effects can lead to major discomforts and health issues in the coming days. Thus, it is essential to start watching out for signs to control diabetes from its pre-diabetic stage.

Wondering how to do it? Well, we can resolve this issue for you. Given below is an effective and efficient prediabetes plan for Indians in 2021.

The best Indian Prediabetes diet for 2021 by doctors

A good and perfect diet plan starts not with a list of food items but rather reasons and margins to determine which foods will be great for the body and why.

Let us look at some pointers that one must keep in mind to ensure a good and safe pre-diabetic and diabetic-safe diet.

  • Include items that are low in fat

We have already mentioned the effects of excess and higher than normal amounts of fats in the body. It is a big no for anyone with blood sugar issues to include fatty items in the diet.

  • Keep a look at the glycemic index of foods.

The glycemic index’s purpose is to tell which foods are safe and which are not as per the carbohydrate count of foods. It is measured on a specially devised scale of 0 to 100. The rankings are used to derive the level of safety of each food.

The following table shows the glycemic classifications:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

With the given information from this table, you can now easily figure out what foods will fall under the low and medium glycemic categories and include them in your meals to retain safety.

  • Calories and carbohydrates

Always check the calories and carbohydrates in the foods to ensure that the food you are eating will not have any harmful effects on your body.

Keeping the calories low in each item is crucial to have an overall low-calorie meal per day.

Moreover, it is important to have fewer carbs so that your sugar levels do not spike up beyond the normal ranges.

  • Limit your alcohol consumption

As diabetics or pre-diabetics, it is advised not to have alcohol. Controlled portions once a week is an acceptable deal. But regular drinking has to be checked and prevented.

  • Reduce junk and fast-foods

These are foods that lead to the most health harms. They add too much fat, sugar, unwanted carbs, oils, etc. it can lead to weight gain.

  • Have more of:
  • Proteins
  • Fibers
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Anti-oxidants

Pre diabetes diet plan for Indians:

Pre diabetes diet plan for Indians

The following table shows the list of important food groups that you must be consuming:

Sl. No.Food groups to be consumed Amounts recommended
1.Cereals30 g
2.Pulses/ lentils/ Dals30 g
3.Milk and milk products100 g
4.Non-starchy vegetables100 g
5.Fruits50 g
6.Nuts and seeds15 g
7.Oils5 g

Now let us see what is a recommended diet chart to follow as per meal times and items:

Sl. No. Meal-time Food options
1.Early morning–         Natural fruit juices like tomato, carrot, bottle gourd, pomegranate, berries, etc.
2.Breakfast–         Oats

–         Two egg white omelets

–         Millet flakes

3.Mid-morning–         Whole fruits

–         Skimmed milk

–         Green tea

4.LunchSprouts, Vegetable salad, 1 cup dal, 2 chapatis/1cup brown rice, 1 cup vegetable curry, 1 cup curd
5.Evening snack–         Whole fruits

–         Poha

–         Nuts

–         Chickpea salad

–         Fruit/veggie salad

6.Dinner–         Oats/Dalia khichdi

–         1 cup dal, 1 cup vegetable, 2 wholegrain chapatis

–         Soups

7.Bedtime snack–         Skimmed milk

–         Nuts

Always remember that every meal is crucial in fighting against diabetes. Thus, do not skip meals and follow a time and portion-based schedule.

What are some best Indian Prediabetes diet options?

What are some best Indian Prediabetes diet options

Here is a list of some safe and recommended items you can have in different food categories as a pre-diabetic:

Sl. No. Food groups Recommended choices
1.CerealsBrown rice, whole wheat, multigrain, rye, oats, barley, etc.
2.PulsesGreen Moong, chickpeas, peas, beans, etc.
3.NutsAlmonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, etc.
4.VegetablesGreen leafy veggies, pumpkin, corns, sweet potatoes, etc.
5.FruitsCucumbers, berries, apples, oranges, plums, apricots, etc.
6.OilsFlaxseed, almond, coconut, extra virgin olive, etc.

Along with these options and tips, it is always crucial to take care of your food portions.

Makes sure you pair these effective dietary tips with regular exercising and proper rest for the best results.



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