Can We Eat Maggi or Other Instant Noodles in Diabetes?

Last Updated on September 17, 2020 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Maggi seems to be the best and easiest answer for these snacking choices, be it a long tiring day, a lazy morning, late-night cravings, or just any hungry hour. Often, this easy recipe even becomes a dinner option, rather than just breakfast or snack.

Maggi, or any other instant noodles, all have many carbs, sugars, added preservatives, high sodium, etc. All these together form a not-so-healthy snack. It is best to consume these as little as possible.

Being someone who has diabetes, pre-diabetes, instant noodles like Maggi should be best avoided, as they have a high chance of increasing glucose levels rapidly, in the blood. This quickest hunger fix is not the best choice for your low sugar diet.

There are so many alternatives to satisfy your snacking needs, without harming your immune system.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Let us look into further details of how and why instant noodles and Maggi are such unhealthy food options.

Are Maggie and Instant noodles safe for Diabetics?

Are Maggie and Instant noodles safe for Diabetics

Instant noodles like Maggie are very regular foods in a child and teenager’s diet routine. But to be entirely honest, it is not so great for the health, be it anyone, children, adults, and especially not for the ones who have diabetes.

Maggie and other instant noodles have high amounts of carbohydrates and instant energy supplements that are responsible for raising blood glucose levels in a quick matter of time.

Many additives, artificial flavors, and added preservatives make these noodles even more harmful for the body.


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Noodles are already foods that are not to be consumed very often because of their ingredients that are high in sugars, starch, and carbohydrates, such as – all-purpose flour.

Adding veggies and cooking in regulated ways at home can add nutrition and make it less harmful for the body, but these benefits get compromised when it comes to instant noodles.

Usually, noodles made out of whole grains are more naturally healthy, and preparations containing nutrient-dense veggies help make the noodles better in terms of physical benefits. It is also a way to have fewer risks to blood sugar levels.

Instant noodles have a lot of disadvantages when added as a frequent food item to the diet. They are responsible for chronic diseases, diabetic fluctuations, weight gain, etc.

The empty calories present in Maggi and other kinds of instant noodles tend to cause weight gain. Adding on weight is a significant matter for diabetic and must always be controlled.

As a diabetic patient, makes sure you are not leaving long gaps between your eating or snacking schedules. This is unhealthy for anyone, and especially for ones with ranging blood sugar levels. Make sure that you do not fill these meal gaps with something as quickly fixing and satisfying to Maggi’s tongue.

It has a lot of components, which, when combined, can have extreme effects on the body.

What are some of the unhealthy ingredients that make Maggi and other Instant Noodles so harmful for the body?


There are various items used in the preparation of instant noodles that make it all the riskier for anyone, especially diabetic and pre-diabetic patients.

The way of processing these noodles to make the end product also contributes to the harmful effects. It has the following ingredients that can have harmful impacts on the body:

–         High in Sodium: The recommended dietary allowance of sodium is specified for diabetic essentially to maintain a balance. The amount of sodium present in a pack of instant noodles is almost double the specified amount.

–         Refined flour: Refined flour or Maida is the one commonly used in all kinds of instant noodles. It already has a high starch index, and the content of carbohydrate is also comparatively higher than many other healthy flour varieties. Whole grain variety flours are healthier than refined varieties. They can be harmful to the kidney, blood sugar, and weight gain as well.

–         Deep frying the noodles: The instant noodles are usually deep-fried to make it more pleasing and add preservative values. Preservatives present in these items, and the profound frying results in an end product that is difficult to digest. This difficulty is higher in people who have chronic ailments such as – heart diseases, gut, and digestive problems, etc. Food items that cause difficulty in digestion are best avoided or consumed once in a while.

With all these ingredients and more to add flavor and taste, the overall recipe proves to be an unhealthy one.

The Maggi or other instant noodles are all generally on the higher end of the Glycemic Index and have higher Glycemic Load. These qualities make it non-recommended by doctors for the diets of diabetic patients.

Food NameGIycemic IndexServe (g)Carb per Serve (g)Glycemic Load
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi® (Nestlé, Australia) (1995)461802311
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi® (Nestlé, Auckland, New Zealand)481802612
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi®, all flavors (Nestlé Australia) (2005)521802513

A comparative overview of Instant Noodles:

A comparative overview of Instant Noodles

By now, we know that the amount of high starch and carbohydrate in instant noodles can be harmful to the body as it can raise the levels of blood sugar and be harsh on the digestive system.

There is also a lot about serving size and noodles that need to be known before its consumption.

Many studies have found out that a single serving of instant noodles has almost triple the number of carbs and sugars allowed per meal. It can be a very high amount for consumption by any diabetic patient.

The Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of instant noodles and Maggi are too high, resulting in varying degrees of blood sugar related troubles.

It also depends on how you boil your noodles, the longer the noodles are boiled, and their GI tends to rise. Thus, it is vital to keep it at a safe level and boil it accordingly.

Egg noodles, whole grain varieties in instant noodles, etc. are a better choice if you are looking for that once in a while. But to make it even healthier, it is best to add veggies like carrots, sprouts, green peas, or eggs and chicken in it.

Food NameGlycemic IndexServe (g)Carb per Serve (g)Glycemic Load
Buckwheat noodles591804225
Buckwheat noodles, instant531804222
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi® (Nestlé, Australia) (1995)461802311
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi® (Nestlé, Auckland, New Zealand)481802612
Instant ‘two-minute’ noodles, Maggi®, all flavors (Nestlé Australia) (2005)521802513
Instant noodles, all flavors (Woolworths Limited, Australia)521802211
Mung bean noodles (Longkou beanthread), dried, boiled (Yantai cereals, China)391804518
Rice noodles, dried, boiled (Thai World, Bangkok, Thailand)611803923
Rice noodles, freshly made, boiled (Sydney, NSW, Australia)401803915
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min411804318
Udon noodles, plain, reheated 5 min (Fantastic, Windsor Gardens, SA, Australia)621804830
Wheat noodle, dried461804219
Wheat noodle, fresh821804234
Mung bean noodles, dried, boiled391804518
Rice noodles, dried, boiled (Thai World, Bangkok, Thailand)611803923
Rice noodles, fresh, boiled (Sydney, NSW, Australia)401803915
Soba noodles, instant, reheated in hot water, served with soup461804922
Udon noodles, fresh, reheated (Fantastic brand, Windsor Gardens, SA, Australia)621804830
Udon noodles, instant, with sauce and fried bean curd (Nishin Shokuhin, Japan)481804723
Kugel (Polish dish containing egg noodles, sugar, cheese and raisins)651504831
Instant noodles (Mr Noodle, Vancouver, Canada)471804019
Lungkow beanthread noodles (National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs, Qingdao & Guangdong, China)261804512
Mung bean noodles, boiled451804520
Imitation mung bean noodles, boiled51000
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min45000
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min46000
Wheat (egg) noodles, boiled57000
Noodle soup (traditional Turkish soup with stock and noodles)125090
Turkish noodle soup125090
Lungkow beanthread noodles (National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs, Qingdao & Guangdong, China)261804512
Fried rice noodles with sliced beef6660512180
Lean Cuisine Steam Japanese Gyoza with Udon Noodles533506032
70%+ Black Highland Barley Noodles46704219

Are Atta Noodles safer and healthier for consumption?

Are Atta Noodles safer and healthier for consumption

Many Atta noodle varieties are available in markets to reduce the harm caused by only refined flour.

Atta is part of whole wheat flour with parts of refined flour and less in starch and carbohydrate content than regular refined flour used to make Maggi or other noodles.

Maggi also has an Atta version of instant noodles. Health-conscious individuals prefer these over refined flour variants. The Atta noodles are also richer in fiber than regular Maida noodles.

The truth is, although Atta noodles are a better choice over refined flour noodles, they certainly are not the healthiest either. They have pretty much the same ingredients and manufacturing procedures that add to unhealthy elements.

The amount of sodium present in the tastemaker sachets is the same and is harmful to the body. Also, artificial flavors and other added preservatives have the same effect and can be risky for your gut system.

The overall GI of Atta noodles might be slighter lower than that of regular refined flour noodles, but they are not the most recommended snack items for a healthy diet and the right balance of your blood sugar levels.

These Atta versions of instant noodles can be your go-to option, as they are better than the Maida ones, with mostly the same taste, but make sure this is not becoming a regular snacking item you opt for.

Making noodles at home without using the preservative and flavor added instant noodles are a healthier option. Although it might take up a more significant amount of time, the health quality would not be compromised.

What to look for in when buying such instant noodle varieties?

What to look for in when buying such instant noodle varieties

To add a safer noodle snack to your grocery list, be sure to check off the components that can cause harm to your diabetic health.

Compare different varieties and brands available by searching through their labels for nutrient contents. Here are some useful tips to look out for if you want a healthier choice:

  • Look for the percent of sugars, as carbohydrates are present not just in the refined flour, but also in the sugar component. Try to get ones with zero carbs from the sugar, and if not, go for low sugared ones.
  • It is best to consider only around 5 percent of fat content, which is around 10 grams. Higher than that are usually on the unhealthier side.
  • If there are options with no added preservatives, choose them to stay away from the extra disadvantage.
  • Pick instant noodles that are of a whole grain variety, egg noodles, etc.
  • Low sodium is the way to go. Compare the sodium content of different brands and opt accordingly.

All these pointers might not be easy to cross off while shopping for an instant noodle that is healthy but make sure you get as many as you can from the list.

Whether to eat Instant Noodles and Maggi or give them up entirely?

A once in a while, craving for your favorite instant noodles is undeniable. The real quick-fix – Maggi and its taste is something we all love. As people with diabetes, trying to follow a strict healthy dietary plan is not comfortable, and a craving here and there is usually expected.

But the question is – Should one give in to this craving or completely stay away from any instant noodles?

Well, as it is not unfamiliar to anyone, balance is the key. It is necessary to have a greater focus on your diet, serving your blood sugar levels efficiently as a diabetes patient.

Regularly planned food, exercise, walks, meditation and yoga, etc. are crucial elements that help keep your health in check. Following all these can let you have a cheat snack.

Coming to Maggi or instant noodles, it is best to have only two servings each month. Make sure you add a good portion of vegetables to cut off on harms and add nutrition.

Do not add fattening and high carb products like cheese, ketchup, and other sauces.

Look for varieties that have zero preservatives added. There are a lot of such ones available.

If you have more time on your hands, you can also look up a healthy noodle recipe and cook it all at home with the best possible, enriching ingredients to suit your health and diabetic lifestyle.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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