Is Barley Good for Diabetics? (6 Health Benefits)

Is Barley Good for Diabetics (6 Heaalth Benefits)

Hordeum vulgare, commonly called Barley by the world and ‘jau’ in India. Barley is a member of the grass family and is one of the first grass to be cultivated. Nutty flavor, chewy, and punch of nutrition are the key attributes of Barley. It is available in several forms. You can buy Barley as grits, … Read more

Is Dumpling Good for Diabetes? Health Benefits & Nutrition


The trouble that many of the young and old face today are related to what they eat and how it eventually affects their routine and ultimately their health. Diabetes is one such chronic ailment that is brought on due to health issues regarding food intake and daily routines. But a balance is what everyone needs … Read more

Is Corn Flour Good for Diabetics? Benefits &Daily Limits

Is Corn Flour Good for Diabetics? Benefits &Daily Limits

Diabetes is generally a life-long ailment that can occur in any age group. It is characterized by the disorder of the body’s metabolism. It is very crucial to take responsibility to control this chronic condition to ensure a healthy life. Eating healthy and choosing safe food that matches your diabetic condition is the key way … Read more

Ragi Calories: Glycemic Index & Nutrition of Finger Millets


Healthy eating habits are the key to a maintained and healthy lifestyle. It is the least one can do to ensure that the body is properly functional and does not hamper other everyday work and life issues. Switching to healthy food and sticking to nutritionally rich diet plans is the way to make sure that … Read more

Can We Eat Maggi or Other Instant Noodles in Diabetes?

Can We Eat Maggi or Other Instant Noodles in Diabetes

Maggi seems to be the best and easiest answer for these snacking choices, be it a long tiring day, a lazy morning, late-night cravings, or just any hungry hour. Often, this easy recipe even becomes a dinner option, rather than just breakfast or snack. Maggi, or any other instant noodles, all have many carbs, sugars, … Read more