Is Chawanprash Good for Diabetes? 6 Sugar Free Options

Last Updated on April 26, 2021 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Are you a diabetes patient? If so, then chances are that you are always in search of healthy food and other supplements to add to your diet. Eating healthy and keeping the blood sugar levels under check is one of the major necessities of the diabetic body.

Diabetes is a major affective disorder and influences all parts of the body. The immunity can be seriously taxed leading to vulnerability of the body. Chawanprash is a medicinal supplement that is known to benefit the body’s overall immunity. It helps with several functions and keeps one healthy and enriched with a variety of nutrients.

But is it also effective in diabetes? Can diabetics have Chawanprash? Let us find out what can be its effects on diabetic health.

We will discuss …

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • Is chawanprash good for diabetes?
  • How to use chawanprash on type 2 diabetes?
  • Which are the best sugar free chawanprash in India?
  • How many times chawanprash should be taken?
  • Can we take chawanprash at night?
  • Does eating chawanprash increase weight?

And much more.

So make sure you stay with us to learn all about the uses and effects of chawanprash. Let us get started with today’s topic.

Is chawanprash good for diabetes?

Is chawanprash good for diabetes

Chawanprash is an immunity-boosting supplement that is commonly used. It is also safe for diabetics when taken in the right way. What does that mean? Let us have a deeper look.

Chawanprash is mainly a very effective energy supplement. Thus, it means that chawanprash is higher in carbohydrates that encourage the production of sugar. As an energy supplement, it can lead to rising sugar in the body that can affect blood sugar levels.


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Therefore, if not taken in limited recommended quantities, it can lead to high spikes in blood sugar levels. There is low sugar, diabetic sugar, or even sugar free chawanprash available that can be better for diabetics.

Chawanprash is a medicinal mix of several herbal ingredients. It is rich in many vitamins and minerals that can be helpful in strengthening the diabetic body. But it has to be used in a smart way to ensure no risks on the blood sugar levels of the body or other bodily functions.

The antioxidants found in chawanprash can soothe the body and keep it away from the risks and damages caused by free radicals internally. Diabetics can be more vulnerable to developing several complications as their immune systems may weaken making them more prone to catching ailments.

Thus, chawanprash can be a healthy take at keeping the bodily conditions stable and overall properly functional. But as thoughtful helpers, we are telling this to you, again and again. to use it with precaution.

Chawanprash usually has added sugars and preservatives. These can be harmful to the diabetic body. Thus, you should look for chawanprash options that are safer.

What are these safe options? Which ones to choose among the plenty of varieties available? We will help you to figure this out. But before that, let us learn other diabetic recommendations.

How to use chawanprash on Type 2 Diabetes?

How to use chawanprash on Type 2 Diabetes

We already mentioned quite a few times that there is a right way to take chawanprash for diabetics. Only when you follow the recommended restrictions and limits can you be totally benefitted from this product.

So what are the different rules unique to diabetics when it comes to taking chawanprash? Let us have a look:

  1. First and foremost, it is important that you resort to using sugar free or diabetic sugar varieties of chawanprash only. It is best for your health as these types are specially curated to suit diabetic bodies. They do not lead to any harmful rises in the blood sugar levels and at the same time provide enough necessary nourishment to the body and the overall immune system.
  1. Dosage also matters a lot. A usual adult is supposed to take two tablespoons of chawanprash for best benefits. But when it comes to diabetics, it is best to oblige to one tablespoon in a day. It is harmless as well as effective on health.
  1. Always consider asking for medical or professional advice from your personal doctors. They understand your body and diabetic conditions the best and can suggest accurate ways to use chawanprash. It is recommended to consult them to get suitable advice.

We will talk more about the right time and uses of chawanprash further in this article. But before that, let us find out what are some chawanprash varieties that are safe for diabetic patients.

Which are the best sugar free chawanprash in India?

As diabetics, you can use chawanprash that is made specifically to suit diabetic needs. We have listed down some efficient brands of chawanprash that you can take without risking your health.

The following are among the best sugar free chawanprash in India:

  1. Dabur Chawanprash sugar free – Click to View Price in Amazon

Dabur Chawanprash sugar free

Dabur is said to be one of the very popular and trusted brands of India. The sugar free Dabur chawanprash focuses on serving the diabetic population.

A 20g dosage of this chawanprash has 0.12g sugar. This is among the lowest quantities and hence, a great choice for blood sugar patients.

You can take this chawanprash normally without worrying about affecting your blood sugar levels.

  1. Dabur chawanprash Awaleha – Click to View Price in Amazon

Dabur chawanprash Awaleha

This is yet another Dabur product that is safe for use as a diabetic. It has all the traditional benefits and goodness of the regular Dabur chawanprash, added with more antioxidants.

It has around 11.92 grams of sugar in a 20g serving. You can also use this as a diabetic substitute.

Speaking of Dabur, you can also try out their mixed fruit flavor chawanprash as it has similar sugar content as the Awaleha version.

  1. Baidyanath chawanprash – Click to View Price in Amazon

Baidyanath chawanprash

Baidyanath is a chawanprash brand trusted all over the country to promote better immunity and also increase metabolic functions.

The sugar free version of the Baidyanath chawanprash is good for the body and safe as a diabetic addition as well. It helps in overall body protection and improvement by adding to the nutrition content as well as antioxidants.

It is an Ayurvedic product with guaranteed beneficial ingredients.

This has a lot of other varieties as well, but for you, it is advised to stick to the sugar free versions.

  1. Organic India chawanprash – Click to View Price in Amazon

Organic India chawanprash

This is among the less common but equally good brands that you can easily get your hands on. This brand ensures to bring to its customers a good herbal mix of products in the most organic and safe way possible.

Organic India chawanprash can be a good choice when it comes to sugar free or low sugar diabetic chawanprash options.

  1. Zandu Chawanprash – Click to View Price in Amazon

Zandu Chawanprash

You might be familiar with the ‘Zandu’ brand when it comes to medicinal purposes. It also offers a wide range of chawanprash options to choose from.

The sugar free Zandu chawanprash can fit right into your diabetic diet plans without any side effects or harms. There are a few options here as well. They have around 12g of sugar in every 20g serving of chawanprash.

You can gain a good amount of healthy enrichment from this supplement without worrying about harming your blood sugar levels.

  1. Cureveda herbal pureprash – Click to View Price in Amazon

Cureveda herbal pureprash

This is a rather uncommon brand but also one that you can consider for your sugar free chawanprash needs. This chawanprash option uses the best ingredients to make a low-calorie diet supplement.

One spoon of this chawanprash can be helpful to energize and supply the body with primary nutrients. It can have several advantages to one’s diabetic health as it does not harm or spike the body’s blood glucose levels.

You can choose an option among the above-given ones according to your needs and preferences.

How many times Chawanprash should be taken?

It is usually advised that chawanprash be taken twice a day. 1 tablespoon of chawanprash at once or divided between two times is a general recommendation for an adult.

But it is not the same when it comes to diabetics. For diabetics, it is specified as safe to resort to one tablespoon in a day only. You can have this once daily.

It is a safe amount that provides immunity, nourishment, serves memory functions, adds antioxidants, and other benefits of chawanprash as well.

Can we take chawanprash at night?

A direct answer to this is – yes you can take chawanprash at night as well. It is usually advised to have chawanprash early in the morning before you eat anything.

But it is also flexible. You can have chawanprash around 30 minutes before you have your dinner or after around two hours of having dinner at night.

If there are any harmful effects to these times, then make sure you take safety measures accordingly.

Does eating chawanprash increase weight?

Chawanprash is a good supplement if you are working towards weight management. Chawanprash has a lot of important nutrients that can guide the body towards healthy body weight management.

Chawanprash can also induce weight as well as lead to weight loss. Chawanprash, especially the ones that are sugar free and diabetes-specific are low in sugar and thus do not lead to weight gain.

Chawanprash is also usually low in calories, and thus a good way to implement health management and weight control. As a diabetic patient, keeping the weight steady and out of risk is crucial in controlling the blood sugar levels.

It is important that you choose the right chawanprash according to your health conditions and needs and also follow the stated restrictions to assure safety and prevent any harm.




Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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