Carrot Juice and Diabetes (7 Benefits & 6 Alternatives)

Carrot Juice and Diabetes 7 Benefits and 6 Alternatives

Juices are generally considered unhealthy for diabetics. However, consuming homemade juices squeezed out of fruits having low GI is a good practice, but to a limited extent. Have you ever tried or wanted to try carrot juice for diabetes? Carrot juice comes with many health perks. But again, like every time, you are stuck over … Read more

What to do when Blood Sugar is High?

What to do when blood sugar is high

Increased blood sugar, particularly referred to as “Hyperglycemia” in scientific terms is a condition that arrives when blood sugar levels of the body increase beyond the normal range. ‘What to do when blood sugar is high’ is a common issue faced by most of the individuals with Diabetes. What actually happens is that to keep … Read more