Is Sugar Dangerous In Pregnancy ?

Is Sugar Dangerous In Pregnancy ?

If you ask for a one-word answer, then it has to be “yes”, a high intake of sugar can prove to be harmful in pregnancy. But wait, there’s a lot more to know about the consumption of sugar during pregnancy. Pregnancy triggers certain substantial changes in the body of a woman. Apart from nausea and vomiting, there are … Read more

10 Remarkable Anti Diabetic Plants You Should Know About

10 Remarkable Anti Diabetic Plants You Should Know About

Diet can play an important role in the management of diabetes and there are many plants that have been shown to be beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels. In this article, we will discuss 10 remarkable anti-diabetic plants that are worth knowing about. The bioactive components in these plants provide various therapeutic benefits through their … Read more

Can Diabetes be Cured by Ayurveda?

Can Diabetes be Cured by Ayurveda medicines

Introduction Diabetes mellitus, commonly called Diabetes, in Ayurveda, (the science of life) explains Diabetes as Madhumeha”. The prediabetic stage is termed Prameha. In simple words, Ayurveda insists on lifestyle modifications along with herbal medicines & exercises for a diabetic person. The topic is a common dilemma. Let us see, Diabetes is a condition that manifests … Read more

Is Jaggery Good For Diabetes? 9 Health Benefits

jaggery diabetes

Jaggery, commonly called ‘gur’ in the Hindi language is a traditional sweetener and food supplement in Asian countries. There is a common misconception that jaggery can be safely replaced with table sugar in Diabetes.  However, this is completely wrong.  Jaggery is also a food with a high glycemic index of 86, having the same amount of … Read more

Can I drink Milk with Gestational Diabetes?

Drinking Milk in Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, affecting approximately 2 to 10 percent of pregnant women. This condition can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby, including preterm labor, high blood pressure, and cesarean delivery. [efn_note][/efn_note] As such, it is crucial for women with gestational … Read more

9 Best Ayurveda Medicine For Diabetes

Can Diabetes be Cured by Ayurveda medicines

Ayurveda stresses a systematic way of tackling diabetes. With due consideration of the nature of the disease, chronicity of the disease, age of the patient & the seasonal variation. The medicines are also selected based on the above factors in accordance with the strength of the patient, the constitution of the patient’s body, the digestive … Read more

Is Cucumber Good for Diabetes? 9 Health Benefits

Is cucumber good for diabetes?

Cucumber is a nonstarchy vegetable and thus, the consumption of it in any quantity does not spike up the blood sugar level in the body. This makes cucumber an ideal food for individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 9 Health Benefits of Cucumber in Diabetes 1. Boosts Immunity Cucumber Seeds are known to … Read more

Glycemic Index Of Jowar, Ragi and Other Common Indian Flours

Glycemic Index Of Jowar, Ragi and Other Common Indian Flours

Introduction Diseases are the bi-product of our lifestyle changes. There is an alarming sign that we see a lot of Diabetic patients around us, likewise other disease conditions also. Talking about diabetes, we cannot exclude the term, Glycemic Index. In simple words, the Glycemic index can be explained as the measurement of glucose release after … Read more

Best Indian Foods That Help Manage Diabetes (2023 Update)

Best Indian Foods That Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide, with India having one of the highest numbers of cases. 1 Proper management of this condition requires lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and healthy eating habits. In particular, diet plays a crucial role in managing blood sugar levels for those living with diabetes. … Read more

Does Drinking Water Help In Gestational Diabetes ?

Does Drinking Water Help In Gestational Diabetes

Water is a magnificent thing when it comes to health and fitness. As of diabetes, it is no less than an elixir. Never underestimate it’s potential to curb certain health hazards. I repeat, NEVER! The frequently searched question across various search engines is, “does drinking water help in diabetes?”. Yes, it definitely can. It helps you much … Read more