How to Control Diabetes With Indian Food

How to Control Diabetes With Indian Food

The first thing that comes to mind after being diagnosed with diabetes is about what diets to follow. What to eat and what not to eat to ensure that the diabetic blood sugar levels are under control. With the numerous food items that fall under our daily elaborate Indian diets, one must find it more … Read more

Can Diabetics Drink Milk at Night? Nutrition and Daily Limits

Can Diabetics Drink Milk at Night? Nutrition and Daily Limits

Being a diabetic can often be hectic. One has to continuously consider numerous restrictions and pay attention to all foods’ health effects to take care of one’s overall well-being. Milk is considered as the universal food and is proved as beneficial for consumption, even if you have diabetes. Today we will tell you: Can diabetics … Read more

Is Soy Milk Good for Diabetes? 10 Health Benefits & Nutrition

Is Soy Milk Good for Diabetes

Milk is a definite addition to one’s diet since the very beginning of life. It is said to be a crucial part of the diet and can have many advantages for health. But are these conditions the same for someone with diabetes? As a diabetic individual, it is necessary to know and be sure about … Read more

Can I drink Milk with Gestational Diabetes?

Drinking Milk in Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, affecting approximately 2 to 10 percent of pregnant women. This condition can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby, including preterm labor, high blood pressure, and cesarean delivery. [efn_note][/efn_note] As such, it is crucial for women with gestational … Read more