8 Benefits & Side effects of LIV 52 Syrup

8 Benefits & Side effects of LIV 52 Syrup

LIV 52 is a product of Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. The medicine is highly effective in curing cirrhosis, alcoholism, and fatty infiltration of the liver. It is nurtured with a precise combination of various herbs that are highly potent in protecting the liver from many disorders. LIV 52 has many variants. It is available in the … Read more

Does Madhunashini Vati Affect Kidneys? (10 Uses and Dosage)

Madhunashini Vati Diabetes Kidney

Divya Madhunashini Vati, a product of Patanjali Ayurveda, is one of the most sought-after ayurvedic medicine for insulin-dependent diabetes or type2 diabetes. This article aims to find answers to two prominent questions put up by diabetic patients. First, does Madhunashini Vati Affect Kidneys? Secondly, how effective is it in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Does … Read more

Why Can’t Lancet be Used Twice? (Expert Tips to Choose the Best)

Why Cant Lancet be Used Twice

Lancets are part of every test for diabetes patients, even if they perform the test at home or hospital. This sharper needle helps take the blood required by pricking the site from where the sample is acquired. Why can’t Lancet be Used Twice? When the lancet is used repeatedly, the sharpness tends to diminish with … Read more

10 Incredible Health Benefits of Kokum, the Indian Superfruit

A close-up image showing the vibrant red color of fresh Kokum fruits in a basket, highlighting the superfruit known for its health benefits

Native to the lush, tropical regions of southern India, kokum may seem like any ordinary fruit. But hidden within its purple-black skin lies a powerhouse of nutrients with incredible implications for health. Traditionally used for centuries in Indian medicine, modern research confirms what indigenous populations have long known – kokum is far more than just a … Read more

10 Best Whole-Grain Crackers for Diabetics

10 Best Whole Grain Crackers for Diabetics 2

Crackers are a common go-to snack option. They are tasty, light, and crunchy, and come in various flavors that can satisfy our cravings very well. There are a lot of healthy and nutrient-rich crackers out there that you can choose from as well. They can be especially beneficial to your diabetic condition. Keeping the body’s … Read more

Will removing Rice and Wheat from Diet Reverse Diabetes?

Rice and Wheat

Today, we will cover a very interesting topic. Rice and wheat are often the major grains had as staples in various diets. But is it still ok for diabetic patients to have rice and wheat? As we already mentioned, rice and wheat flour are easily digestible carbohydrates. They can affect health and lead to several … Read more

What Can I Eat Instead of Carbs in Diabetes? (6 options)

What Can I Eat Instead of Carbs in Diabetes

We will discuss some major and minor nutrients that a diabetic patient can have as alternatives, instead of focusing on carbohydrates aka carbs. 6 healthy alternatives for carbs in Diabetes Sl. No. Nutrients Food options 1. Proteins Pulses, lean meat, skinless chicken, seeds, dry fruits, nuts, beans, etc. 2. Fats Skimmed dairy products, flaxseeds, sunflower … Read more