Is Celery Good for Type 2 Diabetics? 6 Benefits

Last Updated on January 25, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Among the many prevailing kinds of chronic health problems that affect the modern-day population, the most popular must be diabetes. Even in this chronic disease, the most common is Type 2 diabetes.

There are several effective tips and tricks to solve and handle this health issue. Food and food habits are the first things to keep in mind. One can administer several foods in the diabetic schedule to keep Type 2 Diabetes under check.

Well, today, let us have a look at the vegetable – celery. It is very common in a variety of cuisines and often an enjoyed one. But is it good for patients with Type 2 diabetes?

You might be wondering about …

Veggie causing Diabetes
  • Is celery good for type 2 diabetics?
  • What are its nutritional facts and information?
  • What is the Glycemic Index of celery?
  • What are the benefits of eating celery?

Well, we will clear these doubts for you. We will tell you about information, facts, and figures that you need to know.

So let us get started.

We will begin with the most basic questions of all time.

What is Celery?

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Celery is a stem vegetable that belongs to the family of Apiaceae. Other veggies from this family are – carrots, parsley, parsnips, etc.


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The vegetable is light-greenish in color with arts of white and a darker shade of green. It has branch-like stalks in the bottom that extend into leaves.

The texture of celery is crunchy and juicy. It has a mildly sweet and bitter taste. It is a great complement in salads, burgers, sandwiches, wraps, stir-fries, etc.

They can be included in different ways when it comes to meals. They can be eaten raw or even cooked as per the requirements of the preparation.

Celery is popular for its low-calorie property. It is very low when it comes to calories, and thus, it is best for anyone.

It can be beneficial to anyone with a strict diet schedule, a weight-loss specific meal plan, and so on. It does not add any extra kilos or pounds to your health.

Rather this vegetable is good for the body as it has a lot of minerals and vitamins. It means that this green veggie is one that takes care of your health by supplying nourishment without adding any calories or other harmful elements.

Celery is most loved as a healthy vegetable because it is very high in fiber. The presence of fiber in the food is very beneficial to the overall body in numerous ways.

It is, therefore, good for the digestive functioning of the body and the cardiovascular system.

Celery is also found in many types. There are many varieties of celery found that can add different flavors and nutrients to your cuisines.

But is this safe for anyone who has diabetes? Can you include it in your diet without affecting your blood sugar levels?

Well, we will find out about this in detail in the coming section. So what are we waiting for? Let us jump right in!

Is Celery Good for Type 2 Diabetics?

Well, you will be glad to know – this is a safe food option for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes. It can be easily administered to the meal plans of anyone diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes is a complicated condition of the metabolism affected by the improper production and supply of insulin in the body. Due to insufficient insulin or resisted insulin formation, the blood sugar levels may go up.

High blood sugar levels in the body can affect overall body functions. It can lead to several complications in other body systems.

Thus, it is essential to keep the blood sugar levels within normal ranges and include food and food habits that keep the body safe and protected. The celery is one such vegetable that you can consist of without worrying about your Type 2 diabetes diet routine.

Not only is celery safe, but also recommended for Type 2 Diabetics. It is an advisable snaking option. It can keep the stomach filled and also keep the snacking choice free from excess calories.

One serving of celery, one cup of celery, has only around – 16 calories. This is a very minimal number and causes no harm to the diabetic levels.

The fiber, as we discussed earlier, is found in very high amounts in celery. This nutrient is a must add to any diabetic meal plan. It prevents the blood sugar levels from rising immediately.

The fiber in the body carries out the digestive processes at a slower pace. This allows better absorption and eventual release of sugars in the body, resulting in maintained blood sugar levels.

Another good enough reason to include celery in your diet is that it has a safe glycemic level. Let us have a look at the glycemic status of celery is.

What is the glycemic index of celery?

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The glycemic index is a value ranging from 0-100 that determines food safety for anybody diagnosed with diabetes. If you have Type-2 diabetes knowing the glycemic index of your food can help you maintain normal blood sugar levels.

The glycemic index of all food is measured by observing the number of carbohydrates found in it. This helps to determine the effect that will be experienced by the body.

The Glycemic Index is divided into three categories. They are as follows:

Sl. No. Glycemic Index categoriesGlycemic Index ranges
1.Low Glycemic Index (safe for diabetics) 0 to 55
2.Medium Glycemic Index (safe if taken in controlled quantities)55  to 69
3.High Glycemic Index (unsafe for diabetics)From 70 and above

With the above table’s help, we are now aware of which foods to include in our diabetic diets.

Wondering about the glycemic index of celery? Well, it is one that you can include without any worry.

The glycemic index of celery is 32. This value falls under a very low margin, which makes it safe for diabetic patients.

Now that you know the glycemic index of celery and its safety, you might be curious about other reasons as to why it is an excellent food option for anyone who has Type-2 diabetes.

Let us now move forward to find out the facts and figures about celery.

What is the nutritional composition of celery?

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We had a look at various factors as to why including the green veggie – celery can be advantageous to one’s health and body. Now, let us get to the base of this vegetable.

The nutrients found in food are what make it what it is. It is the nutritional facts that determine how the food will affect or benefit the body.

Let us get to know what the different kinds of nutrients that are found in celery are.

The tabular representation of a list of nutrients shows the nutritional composition of 100 grams of celery.

Sl. No. Nutrients available in 100 g celeryAmount available

–         Dietary fiber

–         Sugar

3 g

–         2 g

–         1 g

3.Proteins0.69 g
4.Fats0.17 g
5.Water95.43 g
6.Cholesterol0 mg
7.Calcium40 mg
8.Potassium260 mg
9.Sodium80 mg
10.Manganese0.103 mg
11.Magnesium11 mg
12.Copper0.035 mg
13.Phosphorus24 mg
14.Zinc0.13 mg
15.Iron0.2 mg
16.Choline6.1 mg
17.Selenium0.4 mg
18.Vitamin A449 µg
19.Vitamin C3.1 µg
20.Folate36 µg
21.Vitamin K29.3 µg
22.Vitamin E0.27 µg
23.Vitamin B60.074 µg
24.Vitamin B50.246 µg
25.Vitamin B20.057 µg
26.Vitamin B30.32 µg
27.Vitamin B10.021 µg

Hence, these are the several important nutrients that are available in celery.

Want to know what the various benefits of these multiple nutrients are? Next is a list of services that the body can get from including celery in their diets.

What are the benefits of eating Celery?

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Well, until now, we have talked about everything. We discussed celery safety for diabetic individuals, its glycemic index, the nutritional composition of celery, etc.

Now it is time to know what the various advantages of eating celery are. Here we go!

  1. The best quality of celery is that it is great for digestion. It has a lot of fiber and thus, improves digestion in the body. It keeps away digestive issues such as indigestion, constipation, etc.
  1. Moreover, celery is a rich source of antioxidants. It safeguards the body from the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. This is more beneficial to diabetics as they can be affected by these increasingly internal issues.
  1. Celery has also proven to be good for reducing inflammation in the body. It is also helpful in keeping the body away from issues such as osteoporosis, arthritis, etc.
  1. Besides all this, celery also has an alkalizing effect on the body. It assists in maintaining a normal pH in the body.
  1. The oxidative stress buster quality of celery good in the case of cancer prevention as well. It reduces the risk of the growth of cancer-causing cells in the body.
  1. Eating celery can also increase the proper functioning of the arteries leading to better and healthier blood flow. This ultimately keeps the blood pressure under controlled levels without affecting heart health.


Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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