Can a Diabetics Eat Dalia (Bulgur)? 4 Delicious Recipes


There are plenty of foods that diabetics should and should not eat in their daily diabetic lifestyle. Knowing which diets and foods suit your health and which don’t is very important. Among the several food items which are recommendable for diabetics, are you wondering: Is Dalia one among them? Can a diabetic patient eat Dalia? … Read more

Is Besan Good for Diabetics? 15 Diabetes-Friendly Besan Recipes

Is Besan Good for Diabetics

Besan, also known as – gram flour, is made from grounded chickpeas. It is a popular Kitchen ingredient and very often included in dishes. But is this flour healthy for people with diabetes? Chickpeas are very low in Glycemic Index (GI); it is just 6. The flour made from these that is – Besan is … Read more

Can Diabetics Eat Pani Puri? Try this Healthy Low-Carb version

Can Diabetics Eat Pani Puri

Pani puri – the street food that rules the heart of every Indian. But can people with diabetes eat pani-puri? We will discuss this today. As always, being a diabetic means concerning every food you put your finger on to. Now, Pani puri is not a preferred food item for people with diabetes. Doctors don’t … Read more