Can Diabetic Patients Eat Jackfruit? 10 Benefits & Side Effects

Can Diabetic Patients Eat Jackfruit 10 Benefits Side Effects 1

Fruits are a crucial component of a healthy and balanced meal. It is good for a lot of bodily functions. The variety of fruits and their variety of nutrients keep us enriched with what we need for a healthy living. But what about when you have diabetes? Are fruits to be treated in the same … Read more

Can Passion Fruit Juice Control Hyperglycemia in Diabetes?

Can Passion Fruit Juice Control Hyperglycemia in Diabetes

Do you frequently think about what are foods that can benefit or hamper your blood sugar levels? Do you struggle with hyperglycemia as a diabetic patient and need better ways to control your blood sugar levels? Diabetes can often be a challenging ailment to beat. It is more difficult to control your diabetic conditions because … Read more

7 Star Apple Health Benefits (+2 Dangerous Side Effects)

Star apple diabetes glycemic index

Star Apple is a fruit that has been used by ancient cultures for centuries. The other names of star apple are milk fruit, cainito, golden leaf tree, caimito, aguay and abiaba. The scientific name of the star apple is Chrysophyllum Cainito. This article will discuss 7 star apple health benefits and 2 dangerous side effects … Read more

Is Jamun Good for Diabetics? 7 Health Benefits

Is Jamun Good for Diabetics? 7 Health Benefits

Choices are always required a little more thought and browsing before being made. This situation is even more prevalent and highly observed among individuals with diabetes. Diabetes is an affective condition of the metabolism where the body suffers extreme blood sugar levels and its eventual complications. Thus, when it comes to diabetes, choices have to … Read more

Is Ber Fruit (Jujube) Good for Diabetics?


Living with blood sugar issues is a challenging task sometimes. One has to be very cautious about the lifestyle and diet changes that are recommended for diabetic patients. It can sometimes get turn out to be a little confusing about what to eat and what not to.  But there are diverse options of fruits and … Read more