Top 10 Vegetables for Diabetics to Avoid (2023 Guide)


Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects millions of people. If you are living with diabetes, it’s important to make sure your diet is tailored specifically to the needs of your body and medical condition. While there are many vegetables that can be beneficial for those with diabetes, some should be avoided in order … Read more

Will removing Rice and Wheat from Diet Reverse Diabetes?

Rice and Wheat

Today, we will cover a very interesting topic. Rice and wheat are often the major grains had as staples in various diets. But is it still ok for diabetic patients to have rice and wheat? As we already mentioned, rice and wheat flour are easily digestible carbohydrates. They can affect health and lead to several … Read more

Is Corn Bad for Diabetes? Is It High in Carbs?

Is Corn Bad for Diabetes

As a doctor, I can tell you that corn is a moderately safe food for diabetics. It’s important to consume it at controlled limits to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Corn is a great source of energy-supplying nutrients and an immediate source of carbohydrates for the body. It also contains many vital nutrients that keep … Read more

What is Tapioca (Cassava) Flour’s Glycemic Index? Is it Safe for Diabetes?

What is Tapioca (Cassava) Flour’s Glycemic Index? Is it Safe for Diabetes

Compared to other flours, tapioca flour does have a higher GI value. The glycemic index of Tapioca flour (Cassava) is 67, that is, in the intermediate GI range. The GI score of tapioca varies between 65-90 depending on whether it is raw, boiled or steamed. Let’s discuss the difference in these scores and see the … Read more

10 Low GI Indian Vegetarian Foods For Diabetes

Low GI India vegetarian Foods

Do you know that over 70 million people in India suffer from diabetes? This chronic metabolic disorder is caused by the body’s inability to produce or use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. The good news is that a healthy diet can help control diabetes and its complications. As a doctor, it is … Read more