15 Foods That Can Prevent Diabetes


Figuring out the best food choices for your diabetic meals may often be a tedious everyday task. You always have to take care of how foods would affect your diabetic health. But did you know there are certain foolproof food items that you can resort to for diabetes management? They are not harmful and instead … Read more

Is Lettuce Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits

Is Lettuce Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits

Diabetes is a chronic health ailment concerning the body’s metabolism. It affects an individual’s blood sugar levels, which may lead to several symptoms and discomforts. If diabetes is not maintained well, the body can lead to deterioration over time, and thus, it is crucial to include good habits. We will tell you about one such … Read more

10 Low GI Indian Vegetarian Foods For Diabetes

Low GI India vegetarian Foods

Do you know that over 70 million people in India suffer from diabetes? This chronic metabolic disorder is caused by the body’s inability to produce or use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. The good news is that a healthy diet can help control diabetes and its complications. As a doctor, it is … Read more