Can Diabetics Eat Sapota (Chikoo)? 9 Benefits, Glycemic Index

Can Diabetics Eat Sapota (Chikoo)? 9 Benefits, Glycemic Index

Do you enjoy a sweet or dessert when it comes to food? Well, then, what is a better and healthier option than fruits? One of the commonly known and loved sweet fruits is the Sapota. They are small, sweet, and the favorites of many. Well, are you a diabetic? Are you confused about the fruits … Read more

What is the Sugar Content in Wheat? Is it Safe for Diabetes?


Wheat is among the most basic and commonest grains that are a staple in most diets. But when it comes to diabetes, is this a safe choice to go for wheat? As diabetics, one has to be extra attentive about what to eat and how much. Today we are here to answer some of your … Read more

Is Pomegranate Safe for Diabetes? 12 Health Benefits

Pomegranate Glycemic Index- Is it safe for Diabetes

Pomegranate is a well-known fruit all over the world. According to different areas of India, it has got different names such as ‘Anar’ in Hindi and Punjabi, ‘Danimma’ in Telugu,’ Maathalan Rakam’ in Malayalam, ‘Dalimba’ in Marathi, ‘Dalim’ in Bengali, etc. What is the Glycemic Index of Pomegranate? A glass of chilled pomegranate juice will … Read more