18 Best Home Remedies For Lowering Blood Sugar In Diabetes

18 Best Home Remedies For Lowering Blood Sugar In Diabetes

Diabetes is a health issue that more and more people are facing with every passing day. The proper management of health is essential among patients who are diagnosed with diabetes. There are different types of diabetes, but the issues come down to the same being increased glucose levels in the blood. This can give rise … Read more

What Can I Eat Instead of Carbs in Diabetes? (6 options)

What Can I Eat Instead of Carbs in Diabetes

We will discuss some major and minor nutrients that a diabetic patient can have as alternatives, instead of focusing on carbohydrates aka carbs. 6 healthy alternatives for carbs in Diabetes Sl. No. Nutrients Food options 1. Proteins Pulses, lean meat, skinless chicken, seeds, dry fruits, nuts, beans, etc. 2. Fats Skimmed dairy products, flaxseeds, sunflower … Read more

Is Corn Bad for Diabetes? Is It High in Carbs?

Is Corn Bad for Diabetes

As a doctor, I can tell you that corn is a moderately safe food for diabetics. It’s important to consume it at controlled limits to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Corn is a great source of energy-supplying nutrients and an immediate source of carbohydrates for the body. It also contains many vital nutrients that keep … Read more

Is Cauliflower Good for Diabetics? (7 Health Benefits)

Is Cauliflower Good for Diabetics 7 Health Benefits

Cauliflower is a very useful vegetable when it comes to managing your diabetic levels. Being low glycemic, Cauliflower is good for diabetic patients and is very safe to be included in your meals. Cauliflowers can have plenty of benefits on the body and hardly has any risks for someone diagnosed with diabetes. So, next time … Read more

Can Diabetics Eat Beetroot? Are Beets High in Sugar?

Can Diabetics Eat Beetroot

Well, beetroots are amazing vegetables with plenty of helpful nutrients and fiber. Beetroot is indeed very good for individuals with diabetes as it has a low glycemic load, despite a higher glycemic index of 64. Beets are vegetables that are on the recommended list of foods for diabetic patients. They are enriched with several vital … Read more

What are the Disadvantages of Eating Raw Mango in Diabetes?

What are the Disadvantages of Eating Raw Mango in Diabetes

Raw mangoes comes in the moderate glycemic index category, and so diabetic patients can take them only in moderate amounts. They are safe for diabetic patients if the blood sugar levels are under control. Thus, raw mangoes must be consumed with care and prior knowledge about their potential effects on the diabetic body. Raw mangoes … Read more

Is Pomelo Good for Diabetes? 7 Health Benefits

Is Pomelo Good for Diabetes? 7 Health Benefits

Living healthy is a dream and often a goal for everyone. This end may seem like an unachievable one when it is interrupted with hindrances such as – Diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects an individual’s metabolism and, thus, all related functions. Diabetic patients are advised to put special attention to key food … Read more

Can Diabetic Patients Eat Banana? 7 Benefits


Diabetes is often said to be a very risky condition. As a diabetic patient, you might have to always think about what you can or cannot eat. It can get tiring to constantly pick healthy choices and judge every food item before deciding to include it in your diet routine. How about fruits? Are fruits … Read more

Is Okra Water Good for Diabetics? 10 Health Benefits

Is Okra Water Good for Diabetics 10 Health Benefits

Diabetes is a chronic health problem that is increasing more and more over time. It is a health condition that is caused by an imbalance in the metabolic system of the body. Moreover, it affects the blood sugars of the body and creates several discomforts as well. Keeping the body healthy is the topmost necessity … Read more

Can We Eat Chicken If We Have Diabetes Mellitus?

Can We Eat Chicken If We Have Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disorder in which blood glucose levels increase abnormally because the body of a person is unable to produce sufficient insulin hormone to complete the body. The urges of urination and the body get thirsty increases during diabetes, and people reduce some weight though they are not trying to reduce weight. Diabetes destructs … Read more