25 Best Low Carb Foods List [Expert Picks for 2023]

Best Low Carb Foods List

As a doctor, I have seen firsthand the detrimental effects that a diet high in carbohydrates can have on a person’s health. Carbs are a quick source of energy, but consuming too many can lead to weight gain, inflammation, and a host of other health issues. That’s why I’m excited to share with you my … Read more

15 Foods That Can Prevent Diabetes


Figuring out the best food choices for your diabetic meals may often be a tedious everyday task. You always have to take care of how foods would affect your diabetic health. But did you know there are certain foolproof food items that you can resort to for diabetes management? They are not harmful and instead … Read more

Is Brown Sugar Healthy? Is It Safe in Diabetes?

Is Brown Sugar Healthy

Managing your diabetes and maintain healthy blood sugar levels is the way to alter into a proper lifestyle. There are tons of restrictions that come along. Cutting off on sweets, sugars, desserts, etc. is the most essential part of living with diabetes. But some questions arise in the minds of many regarding the alternative sweet … Read more

Can a Diabetics Eat Dalia (Bulgur)? 4 Delicious Recipes


There are plenty of foods that diabetics should and should not eat in their daily diabetic lifestyle. Knowing which diets and foods suit your health and which don’t is very important. Among the several food items which are recommendable for diabetics, are you wondering: Is Dalia one among them? Can a diabetic patient eat Dalia? … Read more

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes? 7 Safer Alternatives

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes

As a diabetic patient, you must avoid tomato sauce because it contains a large amount of hidden salts and sugars. People mostly use too much of it or put it on everything, so it is recommended that you avoid this. There are many options in food items to add to your diet, which are nutritious … Read more

15 Common Foods with Low Glycemic Index

15 Common Foods with Low Glycemic Index

Diabetes is the disease that is deepening its roots in today’s world at the fastest pace. The prime reasons are lack of awareness about the right habits. Be it the right choice of food or the right set of exercises, people fail to implement both in their day to day life. As a result, a … Read more