Is Wood Apple Good for Diabetes? (15 Benefits)

Is Wood Apple Good for Diabetes 15 Bael Fruit Benefits

There have been several experiments and research on the ability of wood apple to cure diabetes and its extreme effectiveness in lowering blood sugar in all diabetic patients. However, it is best to stick to moderate amounts of wood apple (bael fruit) consumption in Diabetes, as there is still no clear-cut scientific evidence to show … Read more

Is Bitter Gourd Good for Type 2 Diabetes? 8 Benefits

Is Bitter Gourd Good for Type 2 Diabetes 8 Benefits

Diabetes is more of a lifestyle change than just a metabolic disorder. It asks for the individual’s perfect attention and cares over his/her metabolism, diets, exercise schedules, rest, and sleep routines. Diabetes is a disorder where the body’s blood sugar levels are imbalanced due to improper functioning of the insulin hormone that regulates metabolism. Diabetes … Read more

Is Sorghum Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits


With the diagnosis of blood sugar issues in the body, all types of food become a questionable deal to the individual. Pulses, every day cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc., all stand as confusing food items. As a diabetic, you may often wonder whether a particular food is healthy or not for the body. Today, we will … Read more

Is Raw Jackfruit Good for Diabetics?


As a diabetic patient, you might have to think twice before moving towards anything related to food. Sometimes, this confusion can go on for fruits and vegetables as well. Fruits and vegetables are considered healthy. But there are certain points to keep in mind and reconsider even with these healthy food options. But it is … Read more

Almonds Glycemic Index: A Guide For Healthy Snacking [2023]

Almonds Glycemic Index A Guide For Healthy Snacking 2023

Hello, I am Dr. Sharon, and I am excited to share with you the amazing benefits of incorporating almonds into your diet as a healthy snacking option. Almonds are not only a delicious and versatile nut, but they also have a low glycemic index, which makes them an ideal snack for people with diabetes or … Read more

What is the Sugar Content in Wheat? Is it Safe for Diabetes?


Wheat is among the most basic and commonest grains that are a staple in most diets. But when it comes to diabetes, is this a safe choice to go for wheat? As diabetics, one has to be extra attentive about what to eat and how much. Today we are here to answer some of your … Read more

Can a Diabetics Eat Dalia (Bulgur)? 4 Delicious Recipes


There are plenty of foods that diabetics should and should not eat in their daily diabetic lifestyle. Knowing which diets and foods suit your health and which don’t is very important. Among the several food items which are recommendable for diabetics, are you wondering: Is Dalia one among them? Can a diabetic patient eat Dalia? … Read more

Are Prickly Pears Good for Diabetes? 8 Health Benefits

Are Prickly Pears Good for Diabetics

Prickly pears are unique-looking fruits and are known for their taste. Surprisingly, prickly pears are safe and beneficial for consumption by diabetic patients, due to their health benefits. This cacti fruit is known for its properties in lowering blood sugar levels. It is especially said to be great for ones with Type 2 Diabetes. The … Read more

Is Pomegranate Safe for Diabetes? 12 Health Benefits

Pomegranate Glycemic Index- Is it safe for Diabetes

Pomegranate is a well-known fruit all over the world. According to different areas of India, it has got different names such as ‘Anar’ in Hindi and Punjabi, ‘Danimma’ in Telugu,’ Maathalan Rakam’ in Malayalam, ‘Dalimba’ in Marathi, ‘Dalim’ in Bengali, etc. What is the Glycemic Index of Pomegranate? A glass of chilled pomegranate juice will … Read more

Is Custard Apple Safe for Diabetics? (6 Dangers to Consider)

Custard apple in Diabetes 

As a doctor, I understand the importance of managing diabetes while still enjoying life. Custard apples, with their sweet, creamy flavor and easy availability, may seem like an ideal snack for diabetics. But is custard apple safe for diabetics? In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the 6 potential dangers of custard apples for those … Read more