Does Tapioca Starch Spike Insulin?

Does tapioca starch spike insulin 1

Tapioca starch is a type of carbohydrate derived from the cassava root. It is widely used in many culinary applications as an alternative to other forms of starches such as cornstarch, potato starch, and wheat flour. While tapioca starch has gained popularity in recent years for its gluten-free benefits, it’s important to understand how this … Read more

Is Makki Roti Good for Diabetes?

Makki Roti

Makki roti is considered healthy for people with diabetes as it is a carbohydrate-rich food item and an energy-rich food item. It helps in reducing the risk of heart disease as well as weight loss. However, it should be taken in moderation, as it comes under the medium glycemic index foods. Food items made with … Read more

Are Nuts Bad For Diabetics? (5 Best Nuts)

Are Nuts Bad For Diabetics

Diabetes management requires careful attention to diet and lifestyle choices, as certain foods can significantly impact glucose regulation. Nuts are commonly touted as a healthy snack option due to their high nutrient content, but for diabetics, choosing the right type of nuts is crucial. While some nuts may have beneficial effects on glucose control, others … Read more

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes? 7 Safer Alternatives

Is Ketchup or Tomato Sauce OK for Diabetes

As a diabetic patient, you must avoid tomato sauce because it contains a large amount of hidden salts and sugars. People mostly use too much of it or put it on everything, so it is recommended that you avoid this. There are many options in food items to add to your diet, which are nutritious … Read more

What Can Diabetics Eat Instead of Bread? (15 Alternatives)

15 Healthier Alternatives That Diabetics Can Eat Instead Of Bread

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the most important aspects of managing diabetes is maintaining stable blood sugar levels through diet and lifestyle modifications. For many diabetics, bread can be a problematic food due to its high carbohydrate content, which can cause spikes in blood glucose levels. Fortunately, … Read more

Is Cabbage Good for Diabetes? (15 Benefits)

Is Cabbage Good for Diabetes

As a doctor, I’m often asked about the benefits of eating cabbage and how it relates to diabetes. Are you wondering if this is just another ‘superfood’ myth? Well, I’m here to tell you that there are indeed some pretty convincing health benefits associated with consuming cabbage and managing diabetes! Is Cabbage Good for Diabetes? … Read more

Best Diabetic Meats for a Nutritious Diet (Top 9)

Best Diabetic Meats

As a doctor, I often stress the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for managing diabetes. For many patients, incorporating lean protein sources like meat into their meals is a crucial part of achieving this balance. However, not all meats are created equal, and it’s essential to choose options that are low in fat and … Read more

BGR-34 Scientific Review by Doctors

BGR-34 Scientific Review by Doctors

Time and again, medical experts have left no stone unturned to develop the best promising solution for millions of individuals fighting diabetes. one such promising drug is BGR-34 aka GBR-34 that aims to ease the life of diabetic patients by leveraging the ayurvedic potential to treat the disease. If you are willing to turn on … Read more